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Anyone off to the open afternoon by Diac and WA governments tomorrow afternoon?

Que Sera Sera

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Guest Justin JIANG
Its in Bristol,


I am going, Diac will be there and also WA, SA and Victoria, not sure I will get any information or whether I will get anything out of it, but just got to go even if its for the moan.


I will let you know if I can get any "quotes":biggrin:


Dear Que,


Hope you could help us ask the DIAC and WA government that what's the outcome for the meeting between the states and DIAC in Tasmania Nov 2009? When is the possible time that SS, NON-CSL applicants would be prioritised again?


Many thanks!

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Guest Gollywobbler



I agree with Justin. Please pump the State Govt people for as much information as you possibly can and then please let us know what you are able to discover from them?


DIAC don't deserve anything better than a severe growling imho. :realmad::mad:


Have you read the platitudinous patter that they posted to me earlier in the week?







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I will do my best, I wonder how senior the person who is doing the presentation will be though? shall I take a bag of rotten tomatoes do you think???:tongue:


Seriously I will try to get as much info as I can, I am not too sure how busy it will be. I know my OH is going to have a few chioce questions! especially as he has seen a huge amount of job vacancies in his particular field!

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we are off to bristol tomorrow to see if we can get any answers or just to hear what they have to say.from the horses mouth


It'll be interesting to hear what they have to say - I visited this show in Newcastle about 4-5 weeks ago, although we where SS/CSL they told us we'd wait 12-18 months, and that we shouldn't have done our meds (in case they expire) our 176 was approved about 10 days after that :rolleyes:


Guess what I'm trying to say is the DIAC people we spoke to at the show didn't know (or let on) any more than a good migration agent or than has been posted here.

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Well we went and as you may have predicted no new news. I spoke to a lovely lady from WA who was so sympathetic I wondered if she actually worked for the Samaritans!

She said that WA and other State will carry on lobbying Government to change the situation.

We then went to a presentation from Diac and a very young chap ( or am I just old!!) who spent a good 20 minutes persuading us to apply for a visa.

Question time came and....well lets just say the poor man was a fetching shade of tomato, poor chap.

Some new perspective applicant innocently asked if they were on the CSL when they applied would their application be honoured and if not would they get a refund, I resisted the temptation to " herumph!"

I then asked, would there be a change in policy that refunded the catagory 5 applicants that at no fault of their own had spent money on police checks and medicals at their Case Officers requests merely to be told they will now be out of date.

Um no change as far as he was aware and he appreciated that there were a lot of people in the same situation, yes I said many many thousands of people, ooooh said the room and the poor bloke when bright red, then after a dig in the arm by my OH OI thought now was the time to drop it. Anyway I feel better for it, didnt find out anything but it would seem from their reactions that they are well aware of the general feeling!:mad:

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Guest Gollywobbler

Hi Cath


Thanks very much for your feedback. A poke in the ribs never does any harm.


DIAC's boss, Andrew Metcalfe, permitted his Minister to drop a monumental clanger on 23rd September. Everyone involved with immigration to Oz has reacted with fury, understandably in my view.


DIAC knew in December 2008 that the number of GSM visa applications in the pipeline would kibosh the Minister's Plans A & B. Why did it take them 9 months to admit it? I am reliably informed that DIAC's record keeping is not as hopelessly inept and inaccurate as they would like me and others to believe.


DIAC are trying to be disingenuous and it is getting them nowhere. Apparently the chap we are meeting in London on 30th November is the senior DIAC officer for the whole of Europe. He has been trying the raw prawn routine too but he will stop that over the course of the next 5 working days.






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Well we went and as you may have predicted no new news. I spoke to a lovely lady from WA who was so sympathetic I wondered if she actually worked for the Samaritans!

She said that WA and other State will carry on lobbying Government to change the situation.

We then went to a presentation from Diac and a very young chap ( or am I just old!!) who spent a good 20 minutes persuading us to apply for a visa.

Question time came and....well lets just say the poor man was a fetching shade of tomato, poor chap.

Some new perspective applicant innocently asked if they were on the CSL when they applied would their application be honoured and if not would they get a refund, I resisted the temptation to " herumph!"

I then asked, would there be a change in policy that refunded the catagory 5 applicants that at no fault of their own had spent money on police checks and medicals at their Case Officers requests merely to be told they will now be out of date.

Um no change as far as he was aware and he appreciated that there were a lot of people in the same situation, yes I said many many thousands of people, ooooh said the room and the poor bloke when bright red, then after a dig in the arm by my OH OI thought now was the time to drop it. Anyway I feel better for it, didnt find out anything but it would seem from their reactions that they are well aware of the general feeling!:mad:


BRILLIANT, Good for you !! Bet you feel better for giving them a little piece of your mind..... you should have thrown the tomato too :twitcy:

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