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Guest timlea50

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Guest timlea50

I have recently joined Poms in OZ and am in business for myself (as a commercial finance broker) and am interested in hooking up with other POMS in business.


One of the biggest issues I have found living & working in OZ is that like most of us, I have left behind not only social but business networks, and building them in a new country takes time - I have been here for 7 years and thankfully have established a good network, but when I first started it was painful.


As a result of this frustration, I am trying to co-ordinate other UK business and professional people together to try and help all of us that are originally UK based professionals speed our intros into the OZ market.


I am doing this via Linked In http://www.linkedin.com- if you are not on it already - you MUST get on it (it is the facebook of business) - and given Linked In have recently appointed a new MD in OZ you will see more and more exposure happening soon.


I have just established a LinkedIn Group "UK Professionals in Australia" • UK Professionals In Australia • group | LinkedIn, membership of which is restricted to UK professional and business people (either here in OZ or those looking towards coming out) and will be co-ordinating monthly off-line events commencing in February 2010 for members of the group (initially in Sydney but further afield as numbers (and volunteers to assist) warrant).


The beauty of joining this group (and others on Linked In) is that you can automatically see who else is within the group and it gives you the opportunity to communicate legitamately with them (the recipient does not necessarily have to accept your introduction though - so spamming is not advised) and with the offline events planned - it means that everyone would get the opportunity to meet - and hopefully business can get done (for ALL of us).


BTW it does not cost anything to join this group (or any other group on LinkedIN for that matter).




Tim Lea

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