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Immunisations for UK kids?


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Hi Tracy T, mine have had to have Heb B which is 3 jabs and are suposed to have chicken pox jabs but have already had chicken pox so the doctor now wants a letter from my G.P in england to say they have had it. If you don't have to pay for hep B in england I would get it done cause depending on where you go over here your'll have to pay. Also if imunisations aren't up to date you can't claim childcare benifit. i'm in nsw so that's how it is here might be different in other states. hope this helps.

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No we didn't with our children but since we have been here my five year old has had about 6 extra ones and still needs another one with using childcare out here, my 3 year old has had a couple to


Tania x





if you don't mind me asking when have your children had? Mine are 6 and 3 and we have had their immunisations approved by our GP here, I am a bit concerned we are missing some as they haven't mentioned the need for any others, with the school year about to start I need to make sure they are up to date.


many thanks


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Australian immunisation requirements are different to the UK.

In the UK Hep B and Chicken pox isnt compulsary but if your children are to go to child care here or start Prep they will be asked to go and get them done.


My 5 yr old had to have them before she started prep yet my now 11yr old wont need to have them until moving to high school next year???????????????????????????????????????


Cal x

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Thanks Cal, I will check with the doctor again, they transferred all our vaccination details to the relevant forms here and didn't say a word.



Are they single vaccines? I am not happy about them having lots in one go.



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The Hep B was 3 injections each given a few weeks apart, they were the worst (from a tear count,bless her) and she has been petrified of the Dr ever since.

I did question her having them when myself, Dad and brother hadn't had them, but was told if we wanted them(mum and dad) we would have to pay and Zak would have to get them before starting high school.


I know if you are wanting to claim child care allowance they will not pay until the injections have all been given.


edited to add - It wasn't Medicare who reffered her , they just copied her Red Book, it was a letterr off Centrelink when i enrolled her into Kindy before she started school.

Cal x

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Guest guildfordgirl

Same answer as pdr222. I have a 16, 7 and 6 year old. They have all had to catch up on their course of 3 Hep B vaccines. The GP here bulk billed the two younger ones as part of the catch up programme but I have had to pay for them all for the 16 year old. Def need them up to date to claim child benefit here. Our GP here was happy that all three had had chicken pox in the past.

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Not necessarily true that you can't claim benefits if no immunizations. I have friends here who have chosen not to immunize their kids & they just had to sign a form stating why

and it was stamped etc etc.. They still got all the centrelink payments..

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if you don't mind me asking when have your children had? Mine are 6 and 3 and we have had their immunisations approved by our GP here, I am a bit concerned we are missing some as they haven't mentioned the need for any others, with the school year about to start I need to make sure they are up to date.


many thanks



Hi Michelle i can't quite remember what arwen and chad has now without looking in their red books, i just went along to the communtiy hubs and they told me what they required. We did have our centrelink payment stopped at one point cause they weren't done. I took the red books to my doctor in oz and he transferred them over to the australian one, and wrote a letter saying the kids had chicken pox in england. My daughter screamed the place down last time we took her, i don't think it was a good idea to give 4 in one go, she is very nervous about having injections now.


Tania x

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thanks everyone, I think looking through the red book I may only need HepB for the kids.


I have found this information

Is my Child Care Benefit affected by immunisation?


Yes, to be eligible for Child Care Benefit, your children must meet the immunisation requirements set out below. If they are under 7 years of age they must:


  • be fully immunised, or
  • current according to the Australian Standard Vaccination Schedule; or
  • on a catch up vaccination schedule, or
  • You must have an approved immunisation exemption for your child.

This does not apply to our Huggies mums in New Zealand.

What is an “Approved Exemption”?


An Approved Exemption is given when:


  • An immunisation provider completes a form stating that you have been properly informed about the benefits and risks associated with immunising your child and yet you still have a conscientious objection.
  • Providing a vaccine to your child would be harmful (this is very rare).
  • A vaccine is temporarily unavailable or a natural immunity exists.
  • You are a practising member of the Church of Christ Scientist and can provide some documentation to support this


It seems that providing you sign a form stating you know the risks they won't stop your benefit. I felt sure they couldn't withhold child benefit as this would force people into doing things they might not agree with.

I immunise my kids but not everyone does.




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Hi Michelle

The exemption form i have seen was only for 'religous beliefs' . I had a family stay who were from Kazhakstan and they had a hell of time because they don't immunise due to their religion. In the end they were given this form but all up it took quite a few weeks to sort it all out and Centrelink would not back date their cc allowance. This might be worth bearing in mind if you are on a tight budget to start.


Cal x

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Thanks so much to everyone, you have given me peace of mind. My kids are 16 & 13, so I will need to get them Hep B jabs done before we go. They have both had chicken pox, so I will get the doc to get a letter about that.

Cheers again,


Tracey xx

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  • 4 months later...
Guest futuretaipan

Can anyone tell me if adults need these immunisations too?

I have just been appointed (out of the blue!) to a teaching position in Victoria starting in two weeks, the rest of the family will follow a few weeks later. Not sure if we can get everything done in time!

All advice gratefully received!



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Guest dawnpepper

Hi, just read your chat and have been caught off guard. My daughter has not had Hep B and neither centrelink, her kindy or day care centre have asked me to have them done and our family allowance has been in full flow since we arrived last november. Didn't even know she should have had them.

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Guest Janeloz

My 11 yr old has not had the 2nd dose of MMR, I hope this won't affect his enrolement at high school. Also when both my boys had chicken pox, I didn't take them to the doctor as I knew what it was and dealt with it myself, so don't know how to prove that they have had it.



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Hi, just read your chat and have been caught off guard. My daughter has not had Hep B and neither centrelink, her kindy or day care centre have asked me to have them done and our family allowance has been in full flow since we arrived last november. Didn't even know she should have had them.


You may find its picked up on when she is ready to start school,, saying that it took 4 months for anyone to ask me to get my daughters Red Book converted ,it is Centrelink after all,lol

They did say my son would be called when he applies for high school, he didn't require it at the time my daughter had it as he was already in YR4???????????????????????????????


Cal x

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my daughter was in child care here in perth for a couple of months and i had a letter saying she was not immunized , i was WHAT???? she is , then realized after the phone calls it was chicken pox and hep b , so all done the doctors e mailed all the proof to medicare etc . and it was all transferred into her uk red book . we had to go about 3 seperate times to complete the course .

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