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51 minutes ago, JeremyNg266 said:

Full time student 

I believe you’re exempt from the new age of 23 because your application was put in before it changed but I always thought the upper limit prior to the change was 25. Could be wrong though. 

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5 hours ago, LindaH27 said:

The written word is and always has always  susceptible to  misinterpretation , I’ve misunderstood some posts myself In the past. I was actually concerned that some may try to avoid it and was worried about how it could be enforced to stop people doing that 

For the record  -  as I’m now unable to edit the original post - I am not condoning that people should try and avoid self isolation 

Your post was perfectly clear to me. I find it difficult to understand why anyone would want to turn it into something else. This is a stressful time for many of us here and the last thing we need right now is another forum misunderstanding and more dented egos.

I still think it was pointless splitting this parent thread into two. It was so much better when there was just one place to check for parent visa news. What do you think?

We too have flights booked in the next three weeks and I feel it is unlikely that we will now be allowed to travel. We are also taking our dogs this time, which is going to cause innumerable problems because of the timing for their medical tests and quarantine in Australia.

To make matters worse, we sold our house last month and have been saying in a holiday cottage, which we now have to vacate in ten days time. So I’ve been carful not to buy too many groceries, but now have only one pack of loo roles left… STRESSED!!!

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2 minutes ago, SusieRoo said:

Your post was perfectly clear to me. I find it difficult to understand why anyone would want to turn it into something else. This is a stressful time for many of us here and the last thing we need right now is another forum misunderstanding and more dented egos.

I still think it was pointless splitting this parent thread into two. It was so much better when there was just one place to check for parent visa news. What do you think?

We too have flights booked in the next three weeks and I feel it is unlikely that we will now be allowed to travel. We are also taking our dogs this time, which is going to cause innumerable problems because of the timing for their medical tests and quarantine in Australia.

To make matters worse, we sold our house last month and have been saying in a holiday cottage, which we now have to vacate in ten days time. So I’ve been carful not to buy too many groceries, but now have only one pack of loo roles left… STRESSED!!!

It’s even worse as poms In Oz has so many other forums as well like “chewing the fat” which has posts from other people from this forum too. I don’t know what to suggest -  I guess it was thought better not to snarl up the parents visa forum with other issues ? 

 I thought I was stressing with my 7 day isolation as I have no family nearby and live alone but I think your situation is worse!  It’s such a shame that certain members of society are panic buying without thought for other older or more vulnerable members of society. The shops assure us there’s enough to go round. 

Anyway back on topic - I guess you’ve sold up because surely  you must really be close now for your visa - have you heard anything yet, been asked for further docs??  I don’t seem to hear of 173s being contacted? Are you going for a holiday or did you get a 600 to wait it out in Oz? 

Oh lord I do feel sorry for you with the extra worry of your dogs- that must be so expensive too ☹️

I wouldn’t like to guesstimate whether Australia will ban flights from the UK - but if the crisis keeps progressing then they might. My daughter tell me me their supermarket has so many empty shelves of so many different products -  even sanitary products. 

I’ve got till mid June to find out about my flights - I’m so sorry you find yourself in this predicament particularly when it must look like the end is nearly in sight  for your visa. I hope everything clears up for you - and soon 🤞🤞

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23 minutes ago, JeremyNg266 said:

I have no idea tbh 😞 pretty worried 

Well hopefully I’m wrong. Like I said, I’m honestly not sure.  I reckon not as I think you’d remember if that was the case. If you were 22 when you applied then I think you’d remember thinking I’ve got less than three years, it’s tight. If you have no memory of such thoughts then I think that cut off didn’t exist. I’m sure the child 101 visa has a cut off age of 25, that’s what I may be thinking of but the 143 may well have different rules. 

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@SusieRoo I agree another page was ridiculous just because some were having strop about dates etc. After all it was relevant to this thread! Now some may miss out on advice, tips as may not have seen this page. I have blocked a few sarcastic quick tempered members. So if members are reading this post then I think you’re ok Haha.

Really hope you here something soon. Can’t understand it. 👍🤞🤞

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@JeremyNg266 Honestly, they did not ask me for further documentation yet.

However, I am still studying full-time student, living with my sister, work under 20 hours per week in school days, and receiving roughly every 3-month money from my parents account and I am using their bank card here in Australia if needed.

What about you, I am wondering how you would answer the dependent questionnaire?


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2 hours ago, Bishoy95 said:

@JeremyNg266 Honestly, they did not ask me for further documentation yet.

However, I am still studying full-time student, living with my sister, work under 20 hours per week in school days, and receiving roughly every 3-month money from my parents account and I am using their bank card here in Australia if needed.

What about you, I am wondering how you would answer the dependent questionnaire?


They have asked me to provide everything else and this dependant evidence is the last thing they ask I think. I will provide them with all the receipts showing my mom sends me money monthly, pay slip shows that I work very minimal hours every week, academic transcript, CoEs and schools fees receipts. That’s all I can think of at the moment. Gonna fill the questionnaire as a full time student basically, only concentrate on studying nothing else, just study and study and study for every questions they ask, no intention to get married or find any job. Not really sure tbh. 

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Also slightly confused - surely it is your parents that have to provide evidence for the Parent Visa 143, and not the child (in your case dependent adult) I did not realise that immigration/centerlink contacted all dependent adults directly.  Maybe Others on this forum with dependent adults could assist/provide some useful information for you / or your parents

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15 hours ago, JeremyNg266 said:

I have no idea tbh 😞 pretty worried 

I would be slightly worried if you say you work a few hours, does this mean to them  you are not totally independent? Might be worth spending a small amount of money for advice from a registered migration agent as none of us truly know. Otherwise you will just have to wait for Immi to approach you/your parents for relevant documentation etc.,




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Have changed all my money today ready for 2nd vac  - $2 to gbp. After this CV crisis ceases 🤞 the “Brexit effect” will come into the news again and probably lower the £. Happy with what I’ve got as this is the rate it was when I first applied in Mar 16!! 

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1 hour ago, Kathss56 said:

Have changed all my money today ready for 2nd vac  - $2 to gbp. After this CV crisis ceases 🤞 the “Brexit effect” will come into the news again and probably lower the £. Happy with what I’ve got as this is the rate it was when I first applied in Mar 16!! 

You’re so well prepared.  I just start transferring.

Do you know if we can pay 2VAC via BPay in 2 transactions?  My son has an account with the limit of 50,000. I understand that paying via BPay can save cost. 

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3 minutes ago, AlwaysVet said:

You’re so well prepared.  I just start transferring.

Do you know if we can pay 2VAC via BPay in 2 transactions?  My son has an account with the limit of 50,000. I understand that paying via BPay can save cost. 

Yes you can. 


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Hi All,

         Ages since I popped in but have settled after arriving on our 143 visa 20 months ago. Work was tough to find for an oldie even in jobs I was over qualified for. I eventually got sorted and am happy working part time and do a little bit of this n that and getting by. We have built our home ( North Perth) and for those wondering if it is worth the wait and hassle....it is. I have to pinch myself when strolling along the white sand letting the waves wash over my feet and look at the big blue sky and clear ocean. Yeah get to see the kids more often but the beach,sky and ocean is brilliant. Anyway, I have met a few couples who have come over on holiday visa's and applied onshore for the aged parent visa and just keep renewing their bridging visa's. They seem to just keep doing that and have the luxuries (as above) but not the $100,000 + outlay.

Are we mugs for coming over on 143 ?

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53 minutes ago, gafuk said:

I have met a few couples who have come over on holiday visa's and applied onshore for the aged parent visa and just keep renewing their bridging visa's. They seem to just keep doing that and have the luxuries (as above) but not the $100,000 + outlay.

Are we mugs for coming over on 143 ?

You can't renew a bridging visa.  They got a bridging visa ("BVA") when they applied for the aged parent visa, and it stays valid until they get the permanent visa (or, more likely, until they die - since the aged parent visa has such a long waiting time).

What they must do is apply for a separate bridging visa ("BVB") every time they want to leave Australia, e.g. to go on holiday. 

There are pros and cons to it.  Legally you're always a temporary visitor, even though you're living in Australia. That means you can't work, and have to get special permission if you want to buy a home. Brits are lucky because they are covered by Medicare for essential treatment, but they're not entitled to any benefits (which may not sound like an issue, but what about aged care?).   

The big risk is that if they are still alive when they get to the head of the queue, they'll have to pass a medical.   If they fail the medical, they have to go back to the UK - where they won't be entitled to treatment under the NHS because they've been away too long, ditto benefits.  Also, of course, they don't have a home in the UK and will have to start from scratch again, not an easy thing if you're in your 70's or 80's.  



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