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Another Melbourne drinks nite :)

Guest Liane

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Hi all, so going by the success of the Melb meets & also for those who haven't made it to one yet, im organising another one on Saturday the 27th feb. Venue is to be decided...after people suggest somehwere hehe but it will be in the city as its central for everyone. So suggest a place, add your name to the list...and off we go again :)

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Guest Kathryn7
Hi all, so going by the success of the Melb meets & also for those who haven't made it to one yet, im organising another one on Saturday the 27th feb. Venue is to be decided...after people suggest somehwere hehe but it will be in the city as its central for everyone. So suggest a place, add your name to the list...and off we go again :)


I'm in!

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hi guys


we will be up for this one, I think young and jacksons is a good place to meet easy for everyone to get to. there is also charles dickens on collins st, the drunken poet near vic markets, the elephant and wheelbarrow on burke street.


brian & katie

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Guest Shazwiz

Hi, we are new to Melbourne and so haven't met with your guys before. Is it OK for myself and hubby to join you all? Stoopid qu but how will we know who u all are?!

Sharon & Graeme.

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Guest Laura100

look forward to meeting you both.....I was worried about knowing who people were on last meet, but it turns out you can't miss a big group of poms!



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Guest Kathryn7
put me down as a maybe...got to work till 730 so i'll see how busy i've been and if i can stay awake enough to drink......


Hope you both can make it!

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great, the list seems to be slowly but surely gaining more people. Roll on the 27th :) looking forward to meeting everyone, and having a nite out with ppl who know how to have a good time (unlike most aussies lol)

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Guest tom and laura in oz

i think that the weekend my partner is coming back from doing his rural work to extend his holiday visa - if so ill see if he's keen - if you mind his aussie girlfriend (ie ME!) coming along?!?!

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oh i dunno about letting an aussie crash the party...hahaha only kidding you're more than welcome, the more the merrier :) hope to see u both there

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Guest golden grahams


we have missed the last few get togethers, and are very keen to come along, we will have to bring the kids though, girl (10) & boy (9), any objections?

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no objections at all, not sure if the kids are allowed in the main bar of young & jacksons tho, maybe someone else can answer that one :) look forward to seeing you there

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Guest M Hancock

Myself and my partner Tina moved to Melbourne back in September and are looking for a night out so count us in.


Mike & Tina


PS How will we know who you are at Young's and Jackson's.

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If it's okay my wife and I would love to attend to. We've been in Melbourne since November and could do with a good night out too. I'm assuming you just turn up and keep a eye out for a bunch ex-pats:)


Neil and Michelle

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