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Any new mums in Melbourne?

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Just wondering if there are any new mums out there?


We've been here 6 weeks now and our son Charlie is 4 months old. We've been meeting loads of australian people at mothers groups etc and it's great to have oz friends and everyone's been really really lovely.


However, if there are enough of us I thought it might be nice to start a UK mums "mothers group" to meet every so often to share what we have learnt about oz, places to go with kids, things to do etc.


we're based in caulfield (sort of inner south east) but have a car so can travel.


Any mums welcome even if your kids are a bit older. Any dads welcome too of course.


Looking forward to meeting up soon.


Sheryl (and Charlie)

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Hi Sheryl

My little boy is one so I'm not sure if I'm still considered a new mum but it's all still new to me :-)

I'm from Melbourne but I've been in the UK for the last 5 years where I met my husband, he's welsh. We're near Doncaster which is not too far from Caulfield. If you're interested in meeting up, PM me.

Cheers, Stef

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Vicky66

I have 2 kids (1&4) and I would love to try another mothers group. They're just not the same here so an English one would be great. I'm on the wrong side of the city but I would try to make it. I've been here 3 months.


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I have 2 kids (1&4) and I would love to try another mothers group. They're just not the same here so an English one would be great. I'm on the wrong side of the city but I would try to make it. I've been here 3 months.




Hi Vicky,

I missed out loads of mother's group in London as I didn't have a car and was too far from them. I have a car here though and would be happy for my little one to meet more friends :-) and me too! PM me if you are interested in meeting up.


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Guest SunDreamer



We've been in Oz for nearly 18 months, and my Little One is now three months old. I would love to get together with other English mums. I'm in the Eastern Suburbs, but can travel.



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Guest The Pom Queen


We've been in Oz for nearly 18 months, and my Little One is now three months old. I would love to get together with other English mums. I'm in the Eastern Suburbs, but can travel.




Hi Angela

Welcome to PIO, there are lots of mums around, if you don't hear anything give me a shout and I can put you in touch with some. How are you enjoying Melbourne?


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Guest SunDreamer



Thanks for your offer, hopefully some of us mums can get together through this post.

I am Loving the weather here! I love the reduced traffic too, compared to where I used to live in England (driving standards here are a bit dodgey though to say the least :wacko:)


What can I say....sun sun and more sun, it's great. :jiggy:



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hi all


so it does seem that there are a few of us dotted around....


not sure of a logical place for a meet up - maybe royal botanical gardens whilst the weather's nice? but open to suggestions


we've all got kids so i guess the mornings are ok.....


is monday morning (1st march) too soon for a few of us to get together?

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Guest Vicky66

A meet up sounds good but I'm new to forums and I don't know how to Pm People! You all seem to be on the east. Can anyone suggest a soft play centre or somewhere east/north we can go? I'm coming in from Melton but I can come round to the east of the city if you're all round there. What day is best? I prefer afternoons.


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Guest SunDreamer

Ha ha, I don't know how to PM people either, what a novice I am!


I'm good for Mon and Fri next week, after that any day is good. I can do the Botanical Gardens, although I'm sure they are pretty big, so can anyone suggest a meeting place, and time? - am ok with an alternative suggestion too.



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Shall we try for Friday morning (5th march) - Gate E - Royal Botanical Gardens at 10.30am??


There's a cafe and /or trees to sit under and it's near the children's garden for those with kids of garden appreciating age (charlie at 4 months is just a bit too young!!)

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Hi Mums,


Gutted as cannot make this Friday for the meet up as got tickets to The Baby Show (anything for freebies and handy tips!) but would love to have met up. Hope you all have a fab catch up and if somebody could let me know when the next one is, will see you there! Thanks Lisa

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bad news from me also....something's come up and i can't do this friday now either, not giving up though, i'm sure we can find a time to suit all...


how is next wednesday afternoon (10th) at 2ish???


lets see who's about and then we can work out the best place to meet based on locations



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Guest redross76



We have been here a year and we would love to meet other families from the U.K. We have an 8yr old boy 4yr old girl & 4mth boy. We are currently living in Mulgrave and I am happy to travel to meet up. Hubby works full time so although I am busy I am also lonely.


Hope to meet some great people



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