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Aussie equivalent to the Open University?

Happy Lass

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I would love to resume my studies with the Open University, however, I was wondering whether a degree with them will be worthwhile over here now that I live here and not the UK and whether there was an Australian equivalent?


I'd gladly study at our local bricks and mortar Uni but as a new resident, I just can't justify the cost of those fees for internationals and don't want my brain to go to seed.


Thanks in advance :GEEK:

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If you are international fees are a bit lower.... but actually not a whole lot cheaper :( they are all businesses now desperate for funds......


Other long established regional off campus/online providers, in addition to above Open consortium of bricks and mortar types, are:


University of Southern Queensland.


Central Queensland University.


University of New England.


Charles Sturt University.


Deakin University.


Yes the RPL, experience or credits can be applied for in each case under the AQF Australian Qualifications Framework.

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Thank you very much indeed, Andrew. :smile: I'm actually seeking to study geology/geophysics although it looks like I might be better off with astronomy because I am already living where I want to spend the rest of my life and geo jobs seem scarce in this part of Tas.


UTAS here in Hobart offers an on-campus science degree that looks like a good match, however, the cost is just too high for me as a new resident at present. Hopefully one of the universities you have linked can offer a similar course else it's back to comparing the costs of resuming with the OU versus paying over the odds and studying at UTAS.

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