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Driving licence query


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Hope someone can help!


We fly out for a reccie on the 22nd to Perth to validate our visas. We will obviously be wanting to hire a car and my OH will be doing the driving:wink:. We will also be flying to Brisbane.


He only has his photocard driving licence, the green paper part seems to have gone astray. Have done some googling and can't work out if this is going to be a problem? Will the photocard part be enough? I think it takes 3 wks to get a replacement.......


Many thanks,


Jo(28), Mark(37), William(2)

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Hope someone can help!


We fly out for a reccie on the 22nd to Perth to validate our visas. We will obviously be wanting to hire a car and my OH will be doing the driving:wink:. We will also be flying to Brisbane.


He only has his photocard driving licence, the green paper part seems to have gone astray. Have done some googling and can't work out if this is going to be a problem? Will the photocard part be enough? I think it takes 3 wks to get a replacement.......


Many thanks,


Jo(28), Mark(37), William(2)


Hi there,

When we arrived in Feb 09, we hired a car from Hertz - I was all ready with my UK drivers licence together with green paper, but they weren't interested in the paper at all.


I don't know if this is the norm, - maybe try and call the hire company and check with them?




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Thanks for the reply. Have just spoken to my OH as have been getting in a blind panic about this and other things and he told me that actually he had it a few wks ago and is sure he knows where it is!! So hopefully won't be a problem after all..............


If not will like you have to say call the companies and check. The DVLA say it takes approx 3wks to reissue it and we go in 2.5wks eeek!!!


Just want to be there now trying out the oz life:biggrin:!


Jo(28), Mark(37), William(2)

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Guest natski

You don't need your green part just a photocard license is fine, in fact I have been here for over a year and as long as you carry the photo card license around with you at all times it will be fine!


Enjoy your reccie!


Nat x

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Guest Calliope

It's probably different for the police (!) but as far as regular Australians go that paper bit is a bit of a mystery. My mother used to have a paper licence but I've never had anything except the photo card. (What is the paper bit for, by the way?)


I'd be surprised if car hire people wanted to see more but I'd try to take it, just in case. Particularly when you go to get your Aus licence which I think is meant to be within 3 months of arriving.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest wantthedream



HI all,


I was wondering if anyone had ever hired a car on the counterpart of their Uk driving licence.


I lost the photo card here in the UK years ago never been a problem but am worried now spoke to the DVLA and they said that they can not confirm it will be here on time for my departure next week but applied anyway. I looked at several car hire websites they dont seem to mention anything at all just driving licence, but this silly country has 2 parts to it ahhhhh


Please help on this matter POMS IN OZ TO THE RESCUE


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