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Rayman1 back in the UK

Guest rayman1

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Guest rayman1

All back in sunny UK. Kids back in school, got a lovely rental, cars, job interviews and everyone so glad to see us. Will remember our 5 months in Brisbane and do not regret going to Australia. At least we now know it was not for us. Will keep you posted about our future adventures and thanks for everyone who wrote.

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If going by my experience is anything to go by, life will only get better now your back! and soon you will tell people and laugh about your experience and see it as a once in a life time adventure you had!...good luck luck with everything.

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Guest chris955

Glad to hear it is working out for you, lets be honest if you couldn't settle in Queensland then you couldn't settle anywhere.

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Guest Mr Happy

We wouldn't settle in Queensland, does that mean we also can't settle anywhere as your statement implies?:confused:

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Guest siamsusie
My wife and I wouldn't live in Brisbane for a million dollars. We understand your comments.

For the uninitiated Mr Happy can you explain why please, I am genuinely interested !

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Guest olive

Good luck with move if it feel right do it, I have been here 8 yrs and still move home you are doing the right thing

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Guest roma 1
Best of luck with your return, you will always have the memories of Oz


Tania X


Tania has said it all,

You tried it and it wasn't for you!!

Good Luck , Gail xx

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All back in sunny UK. Kids back in school, got a lovely rental, cars, job interviews and everyone so glad to see us. Will remember our 5 months in Brisbane and do not regret going to Australia. At least we now know it was not for us. Will keep you posted about our future adventures and thanks for everyone who wrote.



I am so pleased for you and your family, best of luck for the future, and have a great summer.

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Guest SophieKin

Really pleased you have settled back into the UK. Have read a few of your posts and I know how much you wanted to go back.


It is encouraging to know you have a nice rental and job interviews set up.


The best of luck to you and your family.

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Guest rayman1

Hi all. Rayman1 here. All good at moment. Moved into lovely 3 bed rental today. Wife has more job interviews lined up (shes a lawyer) and I have got some in the pipeline. Kids over the moon to be back. Son was at a party at weekend (he's 16) and daughter has been with her mates since coming home. They said they will not miss Australia one bit!!

Wife alittle cheesed off with the upheaval again and the moving around but hopefully will come round.

I absolutely love it back here but have changed alot of my outlooks of life. No more getting wrapped up in what muslims are doing, how rubbish the weather is, teenage pregnancies etc. They do not affect our life. We live in a nice area of England and am happy with our lot. We can afford things and do lots. We do not hibernate 8 months of the year, are not bothered about familiarity (I have been with my wife 25 years, not going to get rid of her because she is familiar LOL) and have come to the conclusion that England is a lovely country and moving to the other side of the world is not the answer to everything. We will be far happier here than anywhere on the planet.

Best wishes to all of you out there, be it Oz or UK and be happy.

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Guest Koala123

Best of luck to you all - I hope you and your family will be very happy back in the UK.

It must'be been so hard for you - I'm sure your kids will be fine and your wife too


Fi x

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Guest valleylass

Hi Rayman1


Glad the return has thus far been successful, best of luck for the future to you and yours



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Guest BirdB

Hi agian, we spoke on another thread, you mentioned how similar our situations were. I am so glad you are happy, would do anything to be in your shoes right now. Maybe one day? Enjoy your new life x

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