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For anyone who returned home

Guest SophieKin

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Guest rayman1
get back as quick as ya can, the quicker you get there the quicker you can book your flight back here......cause ya will.....:biggrin:

I have been back in the UK four weeks now. Got jobs, kids loving school again, friends and family around us, the lovely spring countryside of England. I would NEVER go back to Australia. Not anti-Oz, just love England more. Big mistake in my case of going over there. Thought it was going to offer alot more. How wrong I was.

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Guest JOHN ODonnell

so....the elections will change the economy.....always come back and visit, at least when you go back to oz you will feel happier..........we are per sq ft overrun in england.........the economy runs on consultanst and project managers as we create nothing british..........the uk is on a BURN out trip..........all the best....john

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Guest rayman1
so....the elections will change the economy.....always come back and visit, at least when you go back to oz you will feel happier..........we are per sq ft overrun in england.........the economy runs on consultanst and project managers as we create nothing british..........the uk is on a BURN out trip..........all the best....john

Please don't get hung up on silly thoughts like that John. I did, went to Australia thinking it was going to be alot better, realised it was not, and returned a lot happier with a realistic look on life not clouded by silly newspaper articles, gossip and doom and gloom merchants. Live you life and no one elses.

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Guest jackie Macdonald
Hi I'd go back for a visit, I don't think I'd have come back if I had (and I was sure I was doing the right thing), yes UK is just as nice as I remember but even after being away for only a year, we've all changed and moved on. Also my husband who loved living in Australia but was happy to come back as I wanted to, is obviously not happy here and seeing him like that makes me feel worse than I did in Australia.



Reading your post Clarebob resonates with me.. I have been back in the UK for 10 months now and although I am happy to be back in the UK amongst all the culture and everything English that I so love, my husband is in the depth of depression workwise as he hasn't managed to take up where he left off in a career he has had for the past 15 years (no re joiners at present, or for the foreseable future)..... he never wanted to leave Oz either, but did it for me. What to do hey!! xx


After 20 years of family life with OH being in a very secure job, it's certainly scary living with all the uncertainty!


I hope things improve your end!


J xxx

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Guest JOHN ODonnell

Hi Ray, having lived in Spain, South Africa and the middle east I have no illusion. I have been looking at economic indicators, crime stats, infrastructure stats and investment stats............I am taking my time just looking for the right job.

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