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Just Moved to Eltham

Guest Glimmo

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Guest Glimmo

Hi everyone,


My family and i finally made it to Australia, Eltham Victoria and just wondered if there were any poms in a similar position in a similar area that may meet up as part of a group etc.


We are loving being here so far but miss a social scene and it would be good to meet others in a similar boat - in our early 30's with a little boy of 2.


Any advice on integrating further would be hugely appreciated!


kind regards



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Hello and welcome to oz!! We are just up the road from you in watsonia/greensbro'.

Eltham is a great place to start with a young family. everything you need is there.


me and OH are early 30's. We have a son of 4yrs and feel the same with regards to the social scene. often feel abandoned by the couples without kids! lol!

We're always up for a get together at the weekend. weve got plenty of great parks with bbqs around us and i can always rustle up some more people if you want a bigger group get together.


Hope you settle in quickly.



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Guest Glimmo

Hi Kelly,


Thanks for coming back to me and good to hear from you.


We actually move in to our new house at the weekend which we are looking forward to, so maybe we could arrange something for the following Saturday - 1st of may?


I am hoping the social scene will materialize like everyone says it will - i guess its mostly about feeling a bit more settled and getting to know people so it will feel more like home.


You haven't been here to long either have you?


where about have you moved from and what do you do here?

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Hi Guys,


We are in Croydon South so not too far from you & are always up for a trip to the park / bbq / social thing..... We have a daughter who will be 3 next month.


We have been here since Jan 09 & our social life didn't just happen as everyone said it would. I think it's a bit harder when you have very small kids as nights out are a bit harder if you haven't found a good baby sitter etc.


Good luck with the house move.



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Guest Glimmo

Thanks Jaq - that would be great, it is harder i guess with little ones and out boy is 2 1/2.


We move house this weekend but i will send you an email sometime soon to meet up if thats ok?

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Hi, have been living in Melbourne for along time (over 20 years) and the social scene is just differant, i notice you mentioned "Baby Sitter" that is not done here you actually take your kids with you. I must admit even though i have been here so long i still beleive that night time is adults time. I know some will disagree, but the on thing i miss is nights out in the UK!. By the way living in Croydon Hills so not too far from you.

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Hi, have been living in Melbourne for along time (over 20 years) and the social scene is just differant, i notice you mentioned "Baby Sitter" that is not done here you actually take your kids with you. I must admit even though i have been here so long i still beleive that night time is adults time. I know some will disagree, but the on thing i miss is nights out in the UK!. By the way living in Croydon Hills so not too far from you.


Hi Scousers,


It's always good to see that people have been here for a long time. I know what you mean about taking the kids out with you & luckily Scarlett is very happy to go out in the evening & play with all the other kids. Sadly she has grown out of the day time sleep now & sometimes can't cope with too much chaos in the evening. However, she will grow out of this. It's not so bad when we are just out at friends house as she is happy to sleep anywhere. :-)


Do you know what I miss, is just going to the cinema with my husband. Obviously not a good idea with a 3 year old. Our neighbours daughter has just started babysitting & has offered her services so cinema trips may be back on soon. Also my parents are coming for 4 weeks in June so they will be more than happy to send Chop & I out so they can have Scarlett to themselves.


If you are just in Croydon Hills if you fancy meeting up for a coffee just let me know.


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hi, sorry i havent replied sooner, the internet keeps playing up when i try and reply to topics. Its driving me mad, so gave up for a few days! So far so good today


Good luck with the move, hope it goes ok. Have you shipped your belongings out or have you started again?


My weekends are few and far between. i work every other one. This weekend im off. Weekend of the 1st im working and the 8th is Adam's 5th birthday party at the ten pin in bundoora - your more than welcome to come along, im hoping to book a lane for the adults.


We came over last september and moved to Watsonia in October. We do need to move a bit further south though when the lease is up and my OH works in Breaside. Its a trek to and from work everyday. I work in Richmond at a healthscope hosp. Im a drug and alcohol nurse at the mo. In the UK we were living in Lincoln.


Will PM you my mobile.


take care







Hi Kelly,


Thanks for coming back to me and good to hear from you.


We actually move in to our new house at the weekend which we are looking forward to, so maybe we could arrange something for the following Saturday - 1st of may?


I am hoping the social scene will materialize like everyone says it will - i guess its mostly about feeling a bit more settled and getting to know people so it will feel more like home.


You haven't been here to long either have you?


where about have you moved from and what do you do here?

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  • 1 month later...
Guest TheTaggstas


I've just been browsing through the forums and noticed your post. We have also just moved to Eltham and have a little boy of 2 1/2.

We're loving it here and would like to meet more people in the area.

Get in touch if you would like to meet up

Sean, Lorraine & Henry

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Guest Glimmo

hi sean - hope your well and glad your enjoying it.


it would be good to catch up anytime.


Saturday morning i always takes the little boyt to swimming at the leisure centre or to the parks on sunday (the one with the steam engine on a sunday)


where abouts are you from - let us know what works for you.


Ben - 0449 586695

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