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spouse v ancestory visa and schools

Guest andrewta

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Guest andrewta

This is my storey.

Going home after 23 in Australia, lived in UK between 1997 and 2000. Just have to go……

I am 47 and British/Australian my 2 children are 5 and 3 have both Australia and British passports. My wife is Australian but has had a ancestry visa before (grandparent British). We have been married 5 years.

So my question are:

Should she apply for a Ancestry or Spouse visa before we go.

How long does it take?

What is the procedure?

Also has I have not paid NI for 10 years will we have a problem enrolling in schools or getting any grants or benefits?

Do schools have to take a child if you live in a catchments area(as in Aus)?

Do you think the 5 year old would be disadvantaged moving to an English scool as they start at 4 years old not 5 years old. He is November born.

Any help would be appreciated.

Worried about the volcano……


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This is my storey.


Going home after 23 in Australia, lived in UK between 1997 and 2000. Just have to go……

I am 47 and British/Australian my 2 children are 5 and 3 have both Australia and British passports. My wife is Australian but has had a ancestry visa before (grandparent British). We have been married 5 years.

So my question are:

Should she apply for a Ancestry or Spouse visa before we go.

How long does it take?

What is the procedure?



Also has I have not paid NI for 10 years will we have a problem enrolling in schools or getting any grants or benefits?


Do schools have to take a child if you live in a catchments area(as in Aus)?


Do you think the 5 year old would be disadvantaged moving to an English scool as they start at 4 years old not 5 years old. He is November born.



Any help would be appreciated.


Worried about the volcano……



Hi I can answer a couple of your questions not all schools do not have to take your children just because you may live in the catchment area, if the school is full you would be turned down and offered alternative schools for them with places available, you do not have to pay any money for children to go to school, only if you wish them to be privately educated. With regard to NI do you still have your NI Number, you should receive benefits which is called social security because you have children.

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You should still get benefits as many are means tested and are not related to if you have paid NI. So if you are not working or only one of you is working then you should still get something. Apply for child benefit as soon as you can, that then allows you to apply for child tax credits, school grants and other benefits.

But you may know about that Habitual Residence test? If not google it, it's a nightmare imao and not really fair but you must do all you can to ensure you 'pass' it to allow you to claim some benefits (not the ones for the kids) directgov - DWP


Schools have nothing to do with benefits and are free, unless you want to send them private. Dont choose where you live based on the school you want to send your kids to because as the previous poster has said catchments although relevant are not the only thing the schools or council use when offering places. You could end up in an area you hate or paying more rent than you can afford only to not get in to the school anyway!


No idea about UK visas sorry except UK Border Agency | Home Page

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