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Anyone in Mornington?

Guest rae848

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Guest rae848



Just wondered if there were any meet ups in Mornington. I'm on my own & in my 40s & starting to go a bit stir crazy & could do with a chance to get out & meet some new people once in a blue moon. I came over on a last remaining relly visa mid March but am getting nowhere finding a job & miss having work colleagues & friends & cannot properly settle at the moment due to the lack of a job so am going a bit barmy. I'm living with my parents in Mornington for the time being & see my brother & his family from time to time which is great but have not been able to get out & make new friends yet. My mum has just had a knee replacement op & is doing very well but thats adding to the stress so I could do with a change of scene once in a while.





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There are a lot of members who live in and around Mornington Mount Martha, if you visit the Britvics site Britvics they have book club there which you may care to pop along to.


I am sure others will come along soon. If you look at the meet up section here you will see that they also have meetups in the city which you may find helpful.

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Guest tjmckay

Some ladies are meeting up on sat the 1st of May, at republica bar in St Kilda 7-7.30pm , not sure if thats to far for you to travel too, your more welcome to join us; :chatterbox:





Just wondered if there were any meet ups in Mornington. I'm on my own & in my 40s & starting to go a bit stir crazy & could do with a chance to get out & meet some new people once in a blue moon. I came over on a last remaining relly visa mid March but am getting nowhere finding a job & miss having work colleagues & friends & cannot properly settle at the moment due to the lack of a job so am going a bit barmy. I'm living with my parents in Mornington for the time being & see my brother & his family from time to time which is great but have not been able to get out & make new friends yet. My mum has just had a knee replacement op & is doing very well but thats adding to the stress so I could do with a change of scene once in a while.





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Guest juliemtaylor

Hi Rachael, I live in Mornington, been here about 8 weeks now. Just moving into a long term rental so bit chaotic at the mo..


Where are you living in Mornington? we are moving to the estate near the civic reserve off Dunns Rd..


We'll have to meet up soon for coffee or something..


Julie x

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Guest rae848
Hi Rachael, I live in Mornington, been here about 8 weeks now. Just moving into a long term rental so bit chaotic at the mo..


Where are you living in Mornington? we are moving to the estate near the civic reserve off Dunns Rd..


We'll have to meet up soon for coffee or something..


Julie x


Hi Julie


I can imagine moving into a rental place would be chaotic. I'm living at my parents place which is the highway end of Beleura Hill Road.


Meeting for a coffee sometime would be good.


Thank you





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Just wondered if there were any meet ups in Mornington. I'm on my own & in my 40s & starting to go a bit stir crazy & could do with a chance to get out & meet some new people once in a blue moon. I came over on a last remaining relly visa mid March but am getting nowhere finding a job & miss having work colleagues & friends & cannot properly settle at the moment due to the lack of a job so am going a bit barmy. I'm living with my parents in Mornington for the time being & see my brother & his family from time to time which is great but have not been able to get out & make new friends yet. My mum has just had a knee replacement op & is doing very well but thats adding to the stress so I could do with a change of scene once in a while.





Hi Rachel, there are quite a few of us living in Mornington and surrounds so don't give up!! I live the other side of the highway to Julie just off Strachans road. I work full time but am changing jobs in a few weeks and will be working out of home more often then so I would love to meet up. Perhaps we could arrange to pop out into Mornington for a drink or Pizza one evening. I'm also in my 40's, ok late 40's but whose counting!! Don't give up on the job front, it does take a while but it will happen. A support network will definitly help keep you sane.

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Guest rae848
Hi Rachel, there are quite a few of us living in Mornington and surrounds so don't give up!! I live the other side of the highway to Julie just off Strachans road. I work full time but am changing jobs in a few weeks and will be working out of home more often then so I would love to meet up. Perhaps we could arrange to pop out into Mornington for a drink or Pizza one evening. I'm also in my 40's, ok late 40's but whose counting!! Don't give up on the job front, it does take a while but it will happen. A support network will definitly help keep you sane.



Hi Cazi


Thanks for your reply, much appreciated.


Good to know there are others around in Mornington & look forward to meeting you & others soon, I'm definitely getting to the stage where I could do with meeting some new people to keep me sane (no disrespect to my parents who are great letting me live with them until I get settled but I do need to get out & meet people in my age group.)


Fingers crossed I do get somewhere on the job front eventually as I'm certainly getting nowhere fast at the moment but I know it takes time.





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Guest mjbanks

Hi all - I'm a Pom in Mornington. I moved here in February from Surrey and I'm missing the UK - but loving Mornington. I emigrated here with husband and three children and have just had the big 4-0 (terrifying!). I'm currently job hunting and have just settled in a rented house near Benton's Square. Please let me know if you all plan to meet up - I'd love to share a glass of wine on Main Street.

Ceri :)

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Guest rae848
Hi all - I'm a Pom in Mornington. I moved here in February from Surrey and I'm missing the UK - but loving Mornington. I emigrated here with husband and three children and have just had the big 4-0 (terrifying!). I'm currently job hunting and have just settled in a rented house near Benton's Square. Please let me know if you all plan to meet up - I'd love to share a glass of wine on Main Street.

Ceri :)


Hi Ceri


Glad you're loving Mornington & belated best wishes for the big birthday, scary but not that bad really. I keep losing track of when mine was as I just carry on the same as normal & refuse to behave any dfferently! Good luck with the job hunting, I'm doing the same. I'll let you know or I'm sure one of the others will when we've got a plan going for meeting up.


Look forward to meeting people.





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Guest rae848
Thanks Julie for inviting me over this morning. Lovely to meet all you ladies. Lets make a date for a girlie night out and chat over a glass of wine or two! Next week anyone? Sally x

PS good luck for Friday, Caroline!


Thanks also from me Julie, nice to meet some new people.


I'm around next week but as I don't drive & it gets dark fairly early now evenings aren't so good for me as getting home then proves difficult.


Hope to meet up with anyone whos around sometime soon though. Ceri - hope your interview this afternoon went well. Fingers crossed some if not all of us looking for jobs get lucky soon.





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Guest juliemtaylor

Thanks guys, was good to meet new faces. Yes a date out would be good too, have to think about when and where as there are a few on here in Mornington that may be up for it and work in the day..


Julie x

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest astons

i m another in mornington too and count me in, i think the wine sounds good unless 3 year olds are welcome , vicky

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Guest rae848
i m another in mornington too and count me in, i think the wine sounds good unless 3 year olds are welcome , vicky



There are certainly a few of us in Mornington. I don't know if there are any other meet ups coming up but I'm sure others will reply shortly & I'm sure there will be a get together again soon. I'm currently working in the city so am not around in mornington much now. (its a long commute into the city & back every day!)





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Guest astons

Hi Rachel


thats great ill keep an eye on this thread . your a bit like me then i commute to the city its a pain!!

we must be mad, but im glad im not the only crazy lady . vicky

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Guest juliemtaylor

well done on a job Rachel,


we are trying to get a meet organised in Melbourne when we can find a suitable venue.


Julie x

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Guest rae848
well done on a job Rachel,


we are trying to get a meet organised in Melbourne when we can find a suitable venue.


Julie x


Thanks Julie,


Its a temp 3 month job but its a start & hopefully will help in eventually getting a permanent job.


I'll keep an eye on the threads - I had noticed Carole has posted re getting a meet up organised in Melbourne. let me know whats what though as I'm interested & will come if I can.





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Guest Les & Woz


I am living on the Peninsula in Crib Point (in my 40's). With my husband and we would love to meet up with anyone interested in socialising, etc.

Lesley & Warren

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest deedarbikes

Hi All,

Me and my wife Rachel are at Mt Martha and looking to meet up with people for a chat and get to know a few people. Been here 8 mths and missing friends and famiiy.

Both in our 40s with no kids here but outgoing and good fun.

Give me a call on 0419 413604 if you are up for meeting new people.


Steve and Rach

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Guest Les & Woz

Hi Steve and Rachel


We are living in Crib Point about 23km from you. We come to Mornington quite a bit and know a couple of people there. We have been here since 25 Feb and like you missing friends and family. We are in our 40s have 2 grown up kids who are not here and would be good to meet up.

Our landline is 5983 6180. We do have mobiles but only pay as you go!


Lesley & Warren

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Hi Rachel

SOooooooooooooooo sorry not been in contact....you know how it is....I have been working and also went back to the UK for a while. We MUST meet up soon. Will get your number from my PM's and will text you to hook up. Perhaps a meal out...girls and hubbies...maybe Lesley and Warren too??? Always good to meet new people. PS...how is the job going?


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