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Regional Sponsorship Questions HELP!!!!


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Hi All


I am really confused and am getting conflicting info on Regional Sponsorship. Does anyone know the requirements of the Employer e.g. do they need to spend x amount on training per year??


Also what would happen if the business was sold, I may have a sponsor but they said they may be putting the business up for sale mid 2011.


If anyone can help that would be great.



Mandy :biggrin:

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Hi, as far as I am aware the employer must show there is an employed position for a period of 2 years to satisfy the requirements of the visa ( i am going for rsms 121 ). Once issued you have your permanant residency, if things don't work out in your new job you still have that and can look for another job.


Only prob i can forsee is that the employer is planning to sell within that 2 year period, might cause a prob with visa application.


Good luck :wink:

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Thanks for that, so in theory they could sponsor me and then if they were to sell the business and new owners dont want staff I would be ok with my visa, I would just need to find a new job. So you know if there is a time limit on getting a nw job??


They may not sell the business they had said they wanted to travel but if they dont have the money the business wont go up for sale. But I dont want to risk going via sponsorship and then they sell the business next year or sooner if I will have my visa revoked.

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i'm no expert but if i understand everything correctly once your rsms visa is issued it wouldn't be revoked if you lost your job. Once you have it that's it .... it's yours .


I think you may be confused with the 4 yr temp working visa 457 , if you were to lose your job on this visa you have 28 days to find an alternative employer or you have to leave.

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I havent come across anything about training in my application but I am applying as a trade qualified fitter.


If you are considering using an agent I can recommend Sarah Whyte at Go Matilda in Brisbane, she has been very informative and helpful with me and I'm sure she would guide you down the right path.


I see your from Glasgow, I'm just down the road in Johnstone, hoping to be in the Sunshine Coast in a few months

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What a small world I lived in Inchinnan for years and have just moved from the sunshine coast to Brisbane but am still studying and working up in the coast.


If you have any questions or anything I can help with just let me know, more than happy to help.


I will get in touch with Go matilda too and see if they can help me any further.

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Did you know you are limited to where you can live with the rsms ?


Sunshine Coast is ok but there are parts of Brisbane that are off limits, here is a link with all the eligable postcodes, hope your is in there,


Eligible postcodes for the Regional Subclass 457 programme and Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme


Which part of the Sunshine Coast were you living ? I am heading to Gympie

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Thanks for that, I do live in Brisbane, it was closer for hubby to work but the Salon I work in is on the Sunny coast in Buderim. I lived in Mountain Creek which is just across from Mooloolaba.


I havent been to Gypmie but friends of mine are from there and they loved it.

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