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any alternative folk in Sydney??

Guest berkandmath

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Guest berkandmath

We are a married couple (28 and 31) We are relocating to Sydney in 2 weeks time. Its all very scary! But we cant wait to start building our life. We dont know many people over there so are hoping to make friends with similar interests. We are both into metal (heavy underground stuff) but like a lot of rock and punk etc. My husband is a tattooist, so its something we both are really into, although dont think we look supremely scary! We're hoping to rent somewhere in Newtown, get to know the more alternative area.. go to gigs etc. So if you have similar interests, and live in the area, give us a shout! \m/

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Guest Locksley

Hey guy and gal


I'm not into alternative lifestyle, but I've been a motorcyclist all my life and a lot of citizens seem to think that's odd.

You'll be fine in Newtown. It's a happening place, lots of different types there. Goth. Punk. Emo etc.

You going to start or be a tatt artist in Sydney?

I only ask because I used to know two of the most famous female tatt artists, Fran and Kiwi Kim.

That was a long time ago when they worked in the City.

Haven't seen them for years, although I know Kim works out at Penrith in a fancy tatt salon these days.

You need some info about stuff don't be shy.

Later this month there's a big expo at Homebush in Sydney.

The Supernova. Don't know if it interests you, it's very geeky and commercial, but lots of 'different' stuff to check out. If you're into Sci-fi or Sci-fant it's not to be missed I hear.


Supanova Pop Culture Expo


We considered going, but don't like to be around big crowds.

It will be like a giant Forbidden Planet shop I expect.


Cheers: Kevin.

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Guest berkandmath

haha.. yeah we're not really into world of warcraft or too much geeky stuff! My husbands already a tattooer, he's landed a pretty sweet job at a good shop in Bondi, so thats kinda a social path. Im a hairdresser so I also have quite a social job.. I reckon we'll be just fine! thankyou x

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Guest guest30085

My lass is looking at me and wondering why im rolling around laughing Pablo!! :biglaugh::biglaugh:


Sorry to the OP for hijacking your thread

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Guest berkandmath

wow just my type(!) you know me so well from the slight slither of information I divulged about our lives. Of course being a beer swilling, football loving, boring average Joe is how people should generally live their lives.. anything beyond that and people are just downright weird. Well, even as a highly stupid (as Im sure you're presuming) hairdresser, at least I have the brain capacity to deal with different cultures, and actually deal with interests that require some level of intelligence, instead of the mundane lowest common denominator that the media stuffs down peoples throats. Maybe branching out in life might actually give you an insight into other, more exciting aspects of life. But probably not.. Im sure you will just follow the crowds not really finding anything better.

Maybe trying some sexually exciting activities might make your probably dull being more bearable.. I mean how many posts have you put on this website? 4-5000?? That really is quite revealing on how much of an internet dullard you really are.

rant over..


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I think pabs was just kidding around and your post can be read in other ways for example alternative lifestyle - can mean threesomes, wife swapping etc, not that i am into that meself.


personally not in oz yet but love watching miami ink ( i have no tatts but don't mind the look) love some heavy metal rock music.


take care and enjoy yourselves when you get there

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Guest berkandmath
I think pabs was just kidding around and your post can be read in other ways for example alternative lifestyle - can mean threesomes, wife swapping etc, not that i am into that meself.


personally not in oz yet but love watching miami ink ( i have no tatts but don't mind the look) love some heavy metal rock music.


take care and enjoy yourselves when you get there


yeah i know.. its all pretty scary for us, so where most people would get support on here, being mocked by some idiot wasnt what I was wanting! Oh well.. the whole idea of asking in the first place was to weedle out any narrow minded folk. Nevermind!

.. haha! wow, after clicking on the photos of pablo.. its amazing how that one post by him was so revealing! pretty bob on with my prediction methinks

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Guest Locksley

My wife and are into Steampunk, maybe I should have mentioned that?

Alternative lifestyle doesn't make me think of threesomes and mixed couples etc...that's kind of an 'older' persons way of thinking I reckon.

I only linked to the expo 'cause I know a lot of people from all different lifestyles attend. I think it looks kinda geeky myself.

We're going to attend Ironfest in Lithgow in April 2011. I've been assured it's got a steampunk theme next year.

Missed it this year, we were back in the UK.

Bondi's a fine place to live and work. People from all over the world visit/live around Bondi and Bondi Beach.

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wow just my type(!) you know me so well from the slight slither of information I divulged about our lives. Of course being a beer swilling, football loving, boring average Joe is how people should generally live their lives.. anything beyond that and people are just downright weird. Well, even as a highly stupid (as Im sure you're presuming) hairdresser, at least I have the brain capacity to deal with different cultures, and actually deal with interests that require some level of intelligence, instead of the mundane lowest common denominator that the media stuffs down peoples throats. Maybe branching out in life might actually give you an insight into other, more exciting aspects of life. But probably not.. Im sure you will just follow the crowds not really finding anything better.

Maybe trying some sexually exciting activities might make your probably dull being more bearable.. I mean how many posts have you put on this website? 4-5000?? That really is quite revealing on how much of an internet dullard you really are.

rant over..


MMmmm well nowhere in my post did i insult you/your lifestyle,it was just a play/joke on "alt lifestyle",thats all,but you get all snide?

Anyway you know me so well! yes im an average joe! feel no need to stand out from the crowd at all.

Theres an old saying up here,"if yer have'nt got a personality,get a big hat"(adapt to suit?)

Maybe i'l get a "prince Edward" or chop a big hole out of me ear,or put a bone thru me nose=that makes me interesting/not a dullard? instant transformation?anyone into the "alt lifestyle" MUST be interesting eh? my personality "alone" gets me along fine:biggrin:

Quite happy as i am thx:biggrin:,yes its a lot of posts,the majority of which have been this last 18 months because ive hardly had any work tbh,so sat on here being a dullard!

And NO i would never label anyone thick because of their job,OR interests(take a leaf!.)

I was just ar7ing round thats all,no harm meant,maybe best if you lighten up or the aussies will love baiting you love,i wont respond to your insults,i try not to argue with women,anyway,tara,and good luck:wink:

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oh dear.. lolz

That it then,lolz?

I know yer think your some kind of pioneer with your alt lifestyle kiddo but your not,its gone on from generation to generation,mods,rockers,teddy boys etc,all looked on as alternative!

Same with me when i was a kid into sabbath etc,truth is we all conform in the end.

See yer in 20 years when yer going the shops,pulling a tartan shopping trolley with squeeky wobbly wheels,a nice pair of fur lined booties on yer,and a pair of american dark tan tights,+a white(now grey) bra that yer threw in the wash on a 90% with some darks by mistake.:biggrin:

Comes to us all,and no im not narrow minded,to be narrow minded re your lifestyle i'd have to have a strong opinion on it,i have'nt,i really dont care about it either way.

For all i care yer can put your oh in a bridle,put a saddle on him,shove a red rose up his hoop and drive him round your living room,as long as yer dont drive him past me when im eating me fish fingers and put me off them i dont care,tara morticia:wink:

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Guest Locksley

Aussies are a bit unforgiving with anyone they see as not being part of the general tribe.

Bloke on the Steampunk forum said people gave him odd looks and mouthed off at him because he walks around with a bowler hat on.

I did suggest he not wear the bowler hat unless he was going to a Steampunk 'do'.

He didn't think that was right...and really he's correct, but what can you do?


The white sheep are always goings to look askance at the black ones. One just has to shrug and put up with it and carry on regardless.

Be a boring old planet if everyone was exactly the same, though many people and the Governments of the world and many religions would obviously prefer it that way.

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We are definitely alternative not Sydney tho, with your OH's job I'm sure you won't have a hard time finding similar people to be friends with. A bit harder in Perth, though in Freo most people are open minded and we are happy to have friends without tattoos so long as they are happy to have friends who do :) We were surprised how few people are seriously tattooed here, we work in IT and get away with being 'eccentric poms' :)


Don't mind Paolo, he's a good sort and I'm pretty certain meant no harm.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Livvy
wow just my type(!) you know me so well from the slight slither of information I divulged about our lives. Of course being a beer swilling, football loving, boring average Joe is how people should generally live their lives.. anything beyond that and people are just downright weird. Well, even as a highly stupid (as Im sure you're presuming) hairdresser, at least I have the brain capacity to deal with different cultures, and actually deal with interests that require some level of intelligence, instead of the mundane lowest common denominator that the media stuffs down peoples throats. Maybe branching out in life might actually give you an insight into other, more exciting aspects of life. But probably not.. Im sure you will just follow the crowds not really finding anything better.

Maybe trying some sexually exciting activities might make your probably dull being more bearable.. I mean how many posts have you put on this website? 4-5000?? That really is quite revealing on how much of an internet dullard you really are.

rant over..



MAJOR over-reaction!!! Grow a sense of humour!

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Hi Berk & Math. Welcome to PIO


There's a couple of big posters on PIO whose sense of humour you might learn to appreciate over time.


Pablo's one of them. Never seen him post anything malicious yet. Plenty of silliness but nothing nasty.


Just go with the flow and filter out what you don't like. There's a fair few people here too who will go out of their way to bait people coz they know it gets a reaction.


Live and let live, and good luck with everything when you get here.

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