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Outlaw problem!

Que Sera Sera

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My MIL and FIL are being a right royal pain in the posterior at the moment. We leave in 2 weeks and we have to see them a fair few times in those two weeks. I wont bore you with the details as it would just take too long, but how do you manage to bite your tongue when they play up?:shocked:


Has anyone else had this problem?:wideeyed:

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So sorry Cath, i just had to laugh, What a pain for you hun,

Do what i did, smile sweetly whilst holding your hands behind your back wringing them together, and mentally do a count down till your on that big metal bird in the sky, It worked for me, (did do a lot of cursing under my breath) whilst smiling, Then you get the "we will miss you so much" speech, Mmmm very one sided lol, at least with skype i can pretend the server keeps dropping, or at least keep the web cam switched off, im so bad!!! Been here 5 weeks now and spoken to mine about 3 times, I just leave o/h to it.....Chin up hun, won't be long now, ((hugs)) to you xxx

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