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leaving tomorrow


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Well here we are in the final countdown to leaving for the UK tomorrow. Feel really sad about it to be honest and exhausted - scared about how I am going to feel when I get there and worried about kids settling. I haven't had to pack up yet as my son is staying for five months in our house with our furniture - going to miss him so much. But still lots to do. Thanks to everyone on here for their support while we struggled with our decision. My husband is already back in is job and sounds like he is loving it.


Bets wishes to everyone will let you know how we go x

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Guest Caitmelbourne

Good luck!


I'd imagine having the familiarity of home & your support network around you will make this move easier than the one to Aus


Weather is lovely over there at the moment, enjoy



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Well here we are in the final countdown to leaving for the UK tomorrow. Feel really sad about it to be honest and exhausted - scared about how I am going to feel when I get there and worried about kids settling. I haven't had to pack up yet as my son is staying for five months in our house with our furniture - going to miss him so much. But still lots to do. Thanks to everyone on here for their support while we struggled with our decision. My husband is already back in is job and sounds like he is loving it.


Bets wishes to everyone will let you know how we go x


Good luck to you and your family-things will feel strange I'm sure but you will be home. Please let us all know how you get on- there are a few of us who wont be too far behind you xx:jiggy:

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Guest cazbeckham

GOOD LUCK and have a safe flight back home to UK. Hope you life there is everything you want it to be.

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Guest chris955

All the best, I'm sure it will all go well. It is normal to be feeling sad and scared, it doesn't matter how sure you are there will always be worries.

Everyone is beating me back :laugh:

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Thanks everyone for kinds words and support - think I am going to need some more please!


Just a potted summary of our first week back - more by way of therapy for me and advice for others in that it is a roller coaster of emotions.


Firstly I would say that jetlag can play tricks with your head - ideally people emigrating or returning should go into a halfway house ( ideally a spa) where they can be pampered and adjust to a new time zone in comfort without stress. Instead we launched ourselves straight into it going to my mum's small and now somewhat run down flat in the middle of London. I was delighted to be reunited with my husband and my mum - but my hypersensitivity to my surroundings put me into a little bit of shock. The family then proceeded to tell me all the problems they have kept from us for the last three years and I was almost spiralling back to heathrow to get on a plane back to oz.


However I went walking and took in the breathtaking views of the Thames and gazed at the shops and got myself back into kilter. I had a job interview 2 days after landing ( whose stupid idea was that) so shopped for a suit organised my travel and set off to do my best (which wasn't very good) 4 hours later received the dear john phone call - just as well really.


We then moved into the rental house which hubby had been getting ready for us - drove off the motorway, down a country lane, down another country lane, past a pub and into the drive of the most idyllic house. I was so relieved after the denseness of London - this looked like nirvana. Surrounded by national trust land and dog walkers everywhere I knew that I wouldn't be encountering too many chavs in this neck of the woods. The kids loved the house especially my daughter who has her own ensuite. It is spacious and comfortable and costing a fortune but worth every penny for comfort and peace of mind. I would be seriously in the hands of the medics had I succumbed to my husband's wishes to rent somewhere cheap and cheerful to tide us by.


Friends came immediately and although it was like we have never been away - it was clear that we had - we have had three years of different experiences and had missed each others support. I visited another close girlfriend and we poured our hearts out - how much we have missed in each others lives. Lots of tears and hugs and also talking lots about "in Australia..."


Then came Sainsbury's - well what can I say - it really is phenomenal. The food is exceptional compared to Oz and prices are incredible and the service wonderful. They have an aisle usher who takes you to the shortest queue at the checkout. They don't fawn over you but are really naturally warm and friendly and guess what ......they even offered to pack!!!!!


The kids have adapted well - my middle son spent three days going to pubs with his uncle in London - and just went exploring London on his own - he was enthralled by it. My daughter who has dreaded going back has been amazingly chirpy - happy to be with Mum and dad and loving the attention her Aussie accent brings. It is early days and I think we are both a little shell shocked. The weather is boiling - actually too hot in a house with a big conservatory and no fans! The English people are simply charming, really warm, friendly and decent, the English countryside is breathtaking and we're home and just a little sad. Sad that it didn't work out as we had hoped in Oz, sad to leave our lovely friends and of course our son, sad to have lost the taste of adventure. But it is early days and we have the potential for a new adventure ahead. Here's hoping.

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Guest shawgorbys
Well here we are in the final countdown to leaving for the UK tomorrow. Feel really sad about it to be honest and exhausted - scared about how I am going to feel when I get there and worried about kids settling. I haven't had to pack up yet as my son is staying for five months in our house with our furniture - going to miss him so much. But still lots to do. Thanks to everyone on here for their support while we struggled with our decision. My husband is already back in is job and sounds like he is loving it.


Bets wishes to everyone will let you know how we go x

Good luck guys we have a sad week to saying goodbye to our relys they have just gone to Adelade i dont think ive cryed so much in one week as i have this one so good luck be happy and remember why you have done this big move take care Andrea&family xx:hug:
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Good to hear that you are back safely Mrs I! It's amazing how our families keep things from us because they dont want to worry us being on the other side of the world and all - mind you, we probably do the same in reverse!


At least you have a super new home to start living again and once you have your feet firmly back on the ground and that sense of surrealism has dimmed, you will begin to plot your next adventures but from a different base - you havent lost your adventure it's just that now you can have different ones. It's good to see that the kids have oozed right back into it and they will get their accents back and be in with the crowd before you know it.


Sounds like your DH definitely gets brownie points for finding a great rental - I can imagine that if you had been faced with doing that when you got off the plane you would not be feeling quite as sanguine as you are now. I hope the sadness passes but it would be only normal to have a few regrets about the way things have turned out so expect it to linger for a while until you see that you do have bright new things to look forward to.

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Guest famousfive

The very best of luck to you all,the house and the area sound idyllic.It takes a while to get into the swing of things but having old friends and family around will make it easier I hope.Keep us all posted on how things go and the odd news now and again about how it's not all doom and gloom over there would be nice for those of us planning to return.

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Guest NicolaRoss

Good luck! We will be following you in only 3 weeks time. I feel really sad about it too! Keep us updated

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Guest shawgorbys

Abig good luck to all those going to OZ soon and keep us posted on what you getting upto bye for now and take care Andrea&familyx

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