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WA State Sponsorship Website is being updated! 8 July 2010

Guest dragsterwish

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Guest GemandJay
Hi Rachel,


Thank god you wrote the above statement, I thought that myself and dragsterwish were the only two people who remembered what they said. I thought that we were going round the twist.

I think something special will happen this week with regards to WA SS existing applications.







Ask, Believe, Receive.


Hi John


I so so so hope you're right, I'm off to France on holiday 23rd July to see my step-dad as I recently lost my mum and I would love to have some good news for him and my step-sister who has flown over from WA too. Just soooo knot wrenching, exciting, worrying and oh golly gosh just to hear good news would be great xx


Speak soon



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Guest carlj3108

I know....we're all just praying the good news is released this week so we can all start to plan for the future.

We have a viewing on our house this weekend as well, so it could be a great week if all goes well.

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Guest antipope
Hi Rachel,


Thank god you wrote the above statement, I thought that myself and dragsterwish were the only two people who remembered what they said. I thought that we were going round the twist.

I think something special will happen this week with regards to WA SS existing applications.







Ask, Believe, Receive.


I hope you're right john, fingers crossed eh?

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Guest rpkbuviki

Hi All

Have a good News to Share. I Spoke to WA Skiled migraton today Reg state sponsorship query and they said "SMP should be out in a couple of weeks may be by the end of this month" :yes:.



OZ Day Dreamer

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Guest bcfrug

Fingers crossed but the million dollar questions that still exists whether the new list is published or not is "will axisting SS applications be made re apply for SMP".

Regardless of the list i feel this is a burning question that needs to be answered alongside the publication of the SMP.



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Fingers crossed but the million dollar questions that still exists whether the new list is published or not is "will axisting SS applications be made re apply for SMP".

Regardless of the list i feel this is a burning question that needs to be answered alongside the publication of the SMP.




Hi bcfrug,


I asked my agents advice on this matter and she reckoned that if we had to re-apply, it would give WA a massive workload and headache. So I would say in answer to your question, There will be an easy transition for existing SS to the SMP. I think that the fact that some occupations are now industry critical, it would be in everyones interest to move everything along smoothly, but we shall just have to wait for the release of the SMP and its conditions.





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Guest JBandVicki
Fingers crossed but the million dollar questions that still exists whether the new list is published or not is "will axisting SS applications be made re apply for SMP".

Regardless of the list i feel this is a burning question that needs to be answered alongside the publication of the SMP.





I spoke to WA migration this morning, they said the occupation that i received state sponsorship for last year but never applied for a 176 is on the new SMP i could apply for a 176 with DIAC and the SS nomination would still stand. They also said that the SMP would be released in a couple of weeks so hopefully not much longer to wait and fingers crossed for good news for all.

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Fingers crossed but the million dollar questions that still exists whether the new list is published or not is "will axisting SS applications be made re apply for SMP".

Regardless of the list i feel this is a burning question that needs to be answered alongside the publication of the SMP.




Hopefully the answer is Yes. IMO, if they do not move the pre 1st July, 2010 applicants, this will be unacceptable to the states because they are their sponsored skilled workers regardless of whether they applied pre 1st July or post 1st July. There is a shortage in the state and therefore the urgency of skilled workers is important. Obviously your skill has to be on their SMP but otherwise (unless of course Government behave like a 'spoilt child') I see this happening.

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Hi bcfrug,


I asked my agents advice on this matter and she reckoned that if we had to re-apply, it would give WA a massive workload and headache. So I would say in answer to your question, There will be an easy transition for existing SS to the SMP. I think that the fact that some occupations are now industry critical, it would be in everyones interest to move everything along smoothly, but we shall just have to wait for the release of the SMP and its conditions.








What you're saying about creating a massive (and unneccessary) amount of paperwork if all existing SS applicants have to re-apply, makes complete sense!! It would seem totally MAD to have to re-do all of this documentation, when surely if it was all legit the first time, it should all STILL be legit??


Thanks for speaking sense and keeping positive - let's hope your common sense is used in the neccessary places! :smile: Fingers crossed for a smooth transition...



From Catherine

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What you're saying about creating a massive (and unneccessary) amount of paperwork if all existing SS applicants have to re-apply, makes complete sense!! It would seem totally MAD to have to re-do all of this documentation, when surely if it was all legit the first time, it should all STILL be legit??


Thanks for speaking sense and keeping positive - let's hope your common sense is used in the neccessary places! :smile: Fingers crossed for a smooth transition...



From Catherine



Hi Catherine,


I couldn't agree more. I have recently spoken to several people from various backgrounds in WA, such as Public sector workers, recruitment consultants and prospective employers, who all agree that to hold this up any longer by having to re-apply would be a complete administration disaster. Not to mention the effect it would have on businesses who are desperately waiting for Skilled migrants to arrive. The cost alone for WA to get everyone who has SS to re-apply again would be massive. It makes clear sense to do it the way I have previously stated and just hope that IMMI see it this way also.






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Guest dragsterwish

I saw a post by Woodwood24 who have contacted WA & it seems to bring more good news, especially for existing SS holders!





"Been in touch with WA today to tell them of change in circumstances with my agent going into liquidation at the beginning of the month but because I already have SS (dec.09) they said there is no need to have anymore contact with me.But what about SMP? I asked. They still said we do not need to have contact with you.So when I get my visa will you not want to contact me,I said .When you move to WA ,yonu need to contact us, they said. She was a little rude but straight to the point,I think she felt I was a drain of her time. But she did say I should speak only to DIAC from now on about SMP or any other visa isues.So I phoned DIAC at first to see if they have received my change in circumstances forms. And then I asked about processing times , they said in the next 2-3 weeks the update on processing will be on DIAC site. I then asked all about SMP and all he could say was that DIAC already are finalising WA SMP. I then asked what are my chances on being on them and he said with me already having SS its buts me in good stead. "



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Guest dragsterwish

Below is another good news though pertaining Tasmanian SMP posted by Crispysince70.


It seems that DIAC, WA & Tasmanian & some other states that i can't remember are "revealing" that existing SS holders would not need to apply for the SMP. It seems like what John said about the SS being in the SMP is right! I do think all the existing SS would be in the SMP though the processing would be done according to the State's priority list. Its like the State taking on the role of DIAC in establishing the "CSL" & Cat 5. (i.e. choosing which occupation to be granted priority to meet their State's need).


Thus, my own conclusion is, all existing SS holders would be in the SMP but those in the higher priority would be processed faster. Ultimately, all the SMP applicants would be processed within 12 months as promised.


Everything is looking more promising as August draws near. Good luck everyone!:jiggy:



I have another question I hope you might be able to answer. If my trade happens to be on Tasmania's list of SMP's ( and is it?) would it be automatically transfered across or would I have to re-apply to join this list? Any info regarding this would be very much appreciated and thankyou in advance for taking the time to reply.



The Tasmanian State Migration Plan has not yet been finalised so we are unable to speculate on this. The State Migration Plan does not affect you, as you have already lodged your visa application with DIAC. You have been sponsored by the Tasmanian State Government and this sponsorship will remain in place, you do not need to re-apply. I hope this information helps you.

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Guest triumph01

I too called SMC (WA) yesterday, the lady said two things regarding SMP, one it will be out in 2-3 weeks, 2nd you need not to worry you already have SS,


But when i talked about priority she said talk with DIAC on this issue.




Beside that the Worst thing i felt was her denial to keep me inform when they will forward form 1100 to DIAC. She said, "We 'll again forward your form 1100 today but you need to follow up with DIAC, we will not inform you".:arghh:


Strange they don't bother to inform (via email) that your form 1100 has been moved to DIAC bla bla, they don't even acknowledge receipt of any email.

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Below is another good news though pertaining Tasmanian SMP posted by Crispysince70.


It seems that DIAC, WA & Tasmanian & some other states that i can't remember are "revealing" that existing SS holders would not need to apply for the SMP. It seems like what John said about the SS being in the SMP is right! I do think all the existing SS would be in the SMP though the processing would be done according to the State's priority list. Its like the State taking on the role of DIAC in establishing the "CSL" & Cat 5. (i.e. choosing which occupation to be granted priority to meet their State's need).


Thus, my own conclusion is, all existing SS holders would be in the SMP but those in the higher priority would be processed faster. Ultimately, all the SMP applicants would be processed within 12 months as promised.


Everything is looking more promising as August draws near. Good luck everyone!:jiggy:



I have another question I hope you might be able to answer. If my trade happens to be on Tasmania's list of SMP's ( and is it?) would it be automatically transfered across or would I have to re-apply to join this list? Any info regarding this would be very much appreciated and thankyou in advance for taking the time to reply.



The Tasmanian State Migration Plan has not yet been finalised so we are unable to speculate on this. The State Migration Plan does not affect you, as you have already lodged your visa application with DIAC. You have been sponsored by the Tasmanian State Government and this sponsorship will remain in place, you do not need to re-apply. I hope this information helps you.




Hi dragsterwish,


Here is the latest response from WA, which should help the applications in the pipeline for SS:



The Government of Western Australia would like to advise the following;

All pending applications for State Sponsorship from Western Australia will be processed. All new applications can be lodged on-line when the system on the State website is re-opened. If you have not lodged your visa application, please contact Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC).

The Off-list nominations for the 2009/2010 program year have been allocated. Allocations for the 2010/2011 off-list have not yet been finalised.

The signed agreement with the form 1100 can be scanned and emailed to migration@dtwd.wa.gov.au clearly marked “Signed Agreement and 1100 – Applicant Name and SMT/R reference number “ in the subject line of the email. If you have already done this please do not send it again.

The six-monthly survey process required as part of state sponsorship approval is currently suspended. You will be contacted when the surveys resume in late August 2010. Change of address details can be emailed to migration@dtwd.wa.gov.au clearly marked with “Applicant Name, SMT/R reference number and DoB.” If you have already done this please do not send it again.

The State Migration Plan is still being finalised and we are unable to offer information regarding any possible criteria or the occupations that may be listed.

You may wish to keep yourself up to date with the changes by reading the information available on our website www.migration.wa.gov.au regularly. It will be updated as and when information is available.

The Government of Western Australia is not responsible for visa applications but for state sponsorship only.

Please accept this as a response to your questions. Skilled Migration WA is currently unable to respond to individual emails.

Your cooperation is highly appreciated.






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Guest JK2510
Hi dragsterwish,


Here is the latest response from WA, which should help the applications in the pipeline for SS:



The Government of Western Australia would like to advise the following;

All pending applications for State Sponsorship from Western Australia will be processed. All new applications can be lodged on-line when the system on the State website is re-opened. If you have not lodged your visa application, please contact Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC).

The Off-list nominations for the 2009/2010 program year have been allocated. Allocations for the 2010/2011 off-list have not yet been finalised.

The signed agreement with the form 1100 can be scanned and emailed to migration@dtwd.wa.gov.au clearly marked “Signed Agreement and 1100 – Applicant Name and SMT/R reference number “ in the subject line of the email. If you have already done this please do not send it again.

The six-monthly survey process required as part of state sponsorship approval is currently suspended. You will be contacted when the surveys resume in late August 2010. Change of address details can be emailed to migration@dtwd.wa.gov.au clearly marked with “Applicant Name, SMT/R reference number and DoB.” If you have already done this please do not send it again.

The State Migration Plan is still being finalised and we are unable to offer information regarding any possible criteria or the occupations that may be listed.

You may wish to keep yourself up to date with the changes by reading the information available on our website www.migration.wa.gov.au regularly. It will be updated as and when information is available.

The Government of Western Australia is not responsible for visa applications but for state sponsorship only.

Please accept this as a response to your questions. Skilled Migration WA is currently unable to respond to individual emails.

Your cooperation is highly appreciated.








The area that does cause me concern is that exsisting WA SS would not have to reapply! The million pound question is how long would we have to wait?!

I hope that im wrong but i do wonder whether


A: We would only be processed if we are on SMP and of a Top priority(Please excuse me if this isnt correct,it may be high)


B: We would go after ENS,SMP(new applicants) then old SS applications!


If it is scenario B i would be very upset and so would many others!

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The area that does cause me concern is that exsisting WA SS would not have to reapply! The million pound question is how long would we have to wait?!

I hope that im wrong but i do wonder whether


A: We would only be processed if we are on SMP and of a Top priority(Please excuse me if this isnt correct,it may be high)


B: We would go after ENS,SMP(new applicants) then old SS applications!


If it is scenario B i would be very upset and so would many others!



Hi Jodie,


I think if you have SS or are in the process of obtaining SS you will be fine. With reference to the processing, the neww SMP applications will take up to 12 months from the time of lodgement which I think will leave enough time to process the existing SS. Therefore I reckon that we will be allocated a slot in between ENS and the NEW SMP applicants. ( Lets wait and see )



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Guest dragsterwish
Hi dragsterwish,


Here is the latest response from WA, which should help the applications in the pipeline for SS:



The Government of Western Australia would like to advise the following;

All pending applications for State Sponsorship from Western Australia will be processed. All new applications can be lodged on-line when the system on the State website is re-opened. If you have not lodged your visa application, please contact Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC).

The Off-list nominations for the 2009/2010 program year have been allocated. Allocations for the 2010/2011 off-list have not yet been finalised.

The signed agreement with the form 1100 can be scanned and emailed to migration@dtwd.wa.gov.au clearly marked “Signed Agreement and 1100 – Applicant Name and SMT/R reference number “ in the subject line of the email. If you have already done this please do not send it again.

The six-monthly survey process required as part of state sponsorship approval is currently suspended. You will be contacted when the surveys resume in late August 2010. Change of address details can be emailed to migration@dtwd.wa.gov.au clearly marked with “Applicant Name, SMT/R reference number and DoB.” If you have already done this please do not send it again.

The State Migration Plan is still being finalised and we are unable to offer information regarding any possible criteria or the occupations that may be listed.

You may wish to keep yourself up to date with the changes by reading the information available on our website www.migration.wa.gov.au regularly. It will be updated as and when information is available.

The Government of Western Australia is not responsible for visa applications but for state sponsorship only.

Please accept this as a response to your questions. Skilled Migration WA is currently unable to respond to individual emails.

Your cooperation is highly appreciated.







Hi John, thanks for sharing. Incidentally, i received that same email from WA this afternoon too as i've emailed them a couple of days ago. They could be very busy rushing out the last batches of SS applications. The fact that they are ready with this standard email reply could mean that they are well prepared for the launch of the SMP.


Let's keep positive.... :wink:

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Hi John, thanks for sharing. Incidentally, i received that same email from WA this afternoon too as i've emailed them a couple of days ago. They could be very busy rushing out the last batches of SS applications. The fact that they are ready with this standard email reply could mean that they are well prepared for the launch of the SMP.


Let's keep positive.... :wink:

Hi mate,


I totally agree. It looks as if the dream is starting to become a reality. Lets keep this thread as up beat as possible.

Good things come to those who wait.





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Guest Bootco




Hi Richard,


Just to let you know that the department of immigration have not updated us on the processing times, they are currently working through their backlog of applications, so hopefully we will hear something soon.


Thank you,



Had the above e-mail from my agent, which again suggests pending positive news for a change!

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Please share your views, i got the SS from WA before a month ago, the below reply got from WA lady when i enquired about visa lodgment.... I am so confused and my agent asked me to wait till the release of SMP... Please guide me…or shall I proceed with visa lodgement… But my OH had been found in Schedule 3 as psychotherapist = (counsellor nec) if I am not wrong…

Here is my timeline

OH – Counsellor (nec)

WA SS applied: 9th Dec’ 09

Approved: 15th June ‘10

Now prepared the documents to apply for 475 subclass visa…. But got this mail from agent….

Dear XXXX,

as your clients occupation is not on Schedule 3 list you will need to wait until the State

Migration Plan and new WA list has been announced (approx in the next 4-6 weeks).

If the occupation is on the list you can go ahead with the lodgement, otherwise it may

be considered as the off-list.

Kind regards,


Please share your opinion Thanks to all

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest kittymeow

hi rebejes3,

My agent paid a visit to WA office last month. They are moving office now, probably it may take time to sort thing out, esp SS approval & SMP, since their office is in mess. You can review this list released by Western Australia Department of Training and Workforce Development to give you snap-shot of what may appear on the soon to be released WA State Migration Plan sponsorship list

WA state government releases state priority occupation list. | Registered Migration Agent


However, I submitted my 176 application to DIAC without waiting for SMP. My job is in SOL, finger cross that it will be in SMP too..:wideeyed:

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hi rebejes3,

My agent paid a visit to WA office last month. They are moving office now, probably it may take time to sort thing out, esp SS approval & SMP, since their office is in mess. You can review this list released by Western Australia Department of Training and Workforce Development to give you snap-shot of what may appear on the soon to be released WA State Migration Plan sponsorship list

WA state government releases state priority occupation list. | Registered Migration Agent


However, I submitted my 176 application to DIAC without waiting for SMP. My job is in SOL, finger cross that it will be in SMP too..:wideeyed:

Hi kittymeow,


Thanks for your reply, that was my agent's mistake but by God's grace i found my OH on schedule 3 as Psychotherapist (as per new ANZSCO code) which is equal to Counsellor (nec) as per old asco code (if i am not wrong and need your clarification) :yes:

So i just applied on 23rd of July, with out waiting for WA SMP and fingers and everything else crossed... :notworthy:



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Guest carlj3108
hi rebejes3,

My agent paid a visit to WA office last month. They are moving office now, probably it may take time to sort thing out, esp SS approval & SMP, since their office is in mess. You can review this list released by Western Australia Department of Training and Workforce Development to give you snap-shot of what may appear on the soon to be released WA State Migration Plan sponsorship list

WA state government releases state priority occupation list. | Registered Migration Agent


However, I submitted my 176 application to DIAC without waiting for SMP. My job is in SOL, finger cross that it will be in SMP too..:wideeyed:


Hi kittymeow,


you say you've submitted your 176 app to DIAC - when did you do this?

Was your job on list 3 then?



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