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3 weeks since emigrating, my personal experiences!

Que Sera Sera

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Secret Harbour is nice isn't it. We live in the Northern Suburbs not far from Hillarys but have been to Secret Harbour quite a bit on Surf Carnivals. The kids always have a good time down there as the surf is better than up here.


If you are a keen cyclist you will find there are cycle paths all over the place, even through and around the city. It's worth taking the bikes into Perth as you see so much more when you aren't driving and you can stop when you feel like it. Try the bike paths down by the river and through East Perth where the new developments are. Also Kings Park has some great family rides.


If your Son is at school I would recommend him joining your local Surf Club when summer comes. It would be worth a visit one weekend to show your interest as they have a limit on membership. It's a great way to meet people and it's important for anyone living here to be, at least, competent in water and preferably a good swimmer. There are some big rips at Secret Harbour sometimes.


I was a bit surprised to hear you are finding it fairly cheap to live. Judging by just about all the other posts I have seen recently Aus isn't comparing favourably with the UK with the cost of living. Nice to get a perspective from someone who has just arrived.


The cask wine is really cheap isn't it. I find a lot of people have a bit of a snobbish thing about cask wine and say it's rubbish and then complain about paying $20 a bottle. I don't mind it and there is so much variety. We very rarely spend more than $15 for a "decent" bottle. I've had some recommended to me that cost over $20 and my wife and I thought it was one of the worst ones we've tried.


Beer in the pubs is a bit expensive though.


All the best,


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Guest markandmichelle

hi all

we have now been here almost 12 weeks on monday:)

we moved here on a 457 sponsorship visa, oh already had a job offer in sep 2009 and then we had our visa granted on feb 8 2010, after having a agent take care of most of the work 4 the visa (which helped alot and they were always on hand with any questions we had) we only came with about £10,000 but 2 be honest we still have over half of it in the bank, and thats with buying the things 4 the house we needed, we did ship most of our stuff over from the uk, which was great when it turned up....oh did buy a cheap 2nd hand car and as he says it get him 2 work and gets us out at the weekend. after reading many of the post on here, we did wonder if we was doing the right thing (u have some saying they are going back and others saying it is great,, u head ends up all over the place....but like Catherine and her family all i can say is we have found it so much more than we had ever dreamed of. (not saying it has all been easy) i donot have a job here at the moment but am now starting 2 look about, as back in the uk myself and mark would only really c each other at weekends, (due 2 him having a monday 2 friday job) and i had 2 work weekends and holidays....:( we both had 2 work hard 2 pay the rent and the up keep of the house and the cars. but the house we have here is bigger (3 beds 2 bathrooms extra loo landry room and big kitchen dinning family area, and big living room, oh started work 2 weeks after getting out here, and he is loving it, he is already on about never going back 2 the uk.....just 4 a holiday maybe....lol the thing i think i am trying 2 say is we looked in2 moving here about 3 years ago, and then we didnot go though with anything, and then he went 4 the job interview (we didnot know if he would be offer a job, but at the end of it he had the offer...:)) we went home and felt it had all beeen a dream, and then started the visa in oct 2009 (getting all paperwork 2gether and everything else) we were lucky we had some1 who would come 2 look at houses 4 us (it was part of the packet with the company he works 4) and it did take alot of stress out of things 4 us. i guess what i am trying 2 say is after he had the job offer we sat down and talked and as we said we would rather give it a go and who knows....????????? rather than sit there in 10 years and think what if?????????as we said if it didnot work out we could always go back 2 the uk... we are here on a 4 year visa but have already talked about pr. so thats something 2 look in2 in about a year time. we know have more time 2gether than we ever have, and we are not just working 2 pay bills, we are enjoying life as well, so in all i guess its has worked out 4 us and we are now looking 4ward 2 life in oz 4 good. u just have 2 think 2 uself (as with anything in life..) do u want 2 take the chance or do u want 2 think in 10 years wish we had given it a go????? all the best 2 all of u going though with a visa and hope it works out 4 u all, and hope u will be as happy as we are. michelle.

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hi all

we have now been here almost 12 weeks on monday:)

we moved here on a 457 sponsorship visa, oh already had a job offer in sep 2009 and then we had our visa granted on feb 8 2010, after having a agent take care of most of the work 4 the visa (which helped alot and they were always on hand with any questions we had) we only came with about £10,000 but 2 be honest we still have over half of it in the bank, and thats with buying the things 4 the house we needed, we did ship most of our stuff over from the uk, which was great when it turned up....oh did buy a cheap 2nd hand car and as he says it get him 2 work and gets us out at the weekend. after reading many of the post on here, we did wonder if we was doing the right thing (u have some saying they are going back and others saying it is great,, u head ends up all over the place....but like Catherine and her family all i can say is we have found it so much more than we had ever dreamed of. (not saying it has all been easy) i donot have a job here at the moment but am now starting 2 look about, as back in the uk myself and mark would only really c each other at weekends, (due 2 him having a monday 2 friday job) and i had 2 work weekends and holidays....:( we both had 2 work hard 2 pay the rent and the up keep of the house and the cars. but the house we have here is bigger (3 beds 2 bathrooms extra loo landry room and big kitchen dinning family area, and big living room, oh started work 2 weeks after getting out here, and he is loving it, he is already on about never going back 2 the uk.....just 4 a holiday maybe....lol the thing i think i am trying 2 say is we looked in2 moving here about 3 years ago, and then we didnot go though with anything, and then he went 4 the job interview (we didnot know if he would be offer a job, but at the end of it he had the offer...:)) we went home and felt it had all beeen a dream, and then started the visa in oct 2009 (getting all paperwork 2gether and everything else) we were lucky we had some1 who would come 2 look at houses 4 us (it was part of the packet with the company he works 4) and it did take alot of stress out of things 4 us. i guess what i am trying 2 say is after he had the job offer we sat down and talked and as we said we would rather give it a go and who knows....????????? rather than sit there in 10 years and think what if?????????as we said if it didnot work out we could always go back 2 the uk... we are here on a 4 year visa but have already talked about pr. so thats something 2 look in2 in about a year time. we know have more time 2gether than we ever have, and we are not just working 2 pay bills, we are enjoying life as well, so in all i guess its has worked out 4 us and we are now looking 4ward 2 life in oz 4 good. u just have 2 think 2 uself (as with anything in life..) do u want 2 take the chance or do u want 2 think in 10 years wish we had given it a go????? all the best 2 all of u going though with a visa and hope it works out 4 u all, and hope u will be as happy as we are. michelle.


If you think it's nice now wait till the weather starts getting good!

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Guest markandmichelle

lol its funny really because the winter here is like the summer in the uk:jiggy: we had a really bad winter be4 we came out here weather temp was going down 2 -5 so thats cold......... so we are looking 4ward 2 the summer time and 2 knowing that we will have a summer here instead of having 2 go away a couple of times a year 2 have the weeks of sun.......:yes:

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Guest guest36187

Good to read the positive posts, good luck with your new life. Life is (and it is cliched and i am sorry) what you make it.

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Guest markandmichelle

thanks all

its is a funny old world we live in, so many people not knowing what 2 do or how 2 do it, i guess we are some of the lucky 1s (that it has worked out 4) all i could really say is sometimes u just have 2 take a risk on life and things, and if it doesnot work out what have u losted????

its funny but since we have been here people are so friendly, (bit of a shock really...:~)) not say there are not nice people in the uk but here any1 will say hello and so on......i lived somewhere 4 16 years in uk and still felt like a outsider....

we find it just like we have been given our lifes back...:) and the fact of me not having 2 find a job asap has helped, but the way of life is different i had 2 get use 2 not being on the edge all the time with a job i didnot enjoy but paid the bills..my contact was 4 working 43 hours but could work anything up and over 50 hours (and the extra was not paid was told thats u job do it....) the other half was work 45 hours a week he was lucky if he did do extra he would get paid it, but over here he is on more money 4 less hours and his wages cover the house and bills and car....so the money in the bank is there when and if we need it.

i know we donot have children and maybe some people with children say its hard ( but its all about getting things right and sitting down and going though things. ) the new ass manager where my oh works he moved out here 18 months ago, and has now been made ass manager and he has 2 kids and another on the way (and his wife has not worked over here) so guess it just depends on each person. we have found things quite a good price over here, but u do need 2 shop about, and great fun going out at weekend doing it, :~)

u just sometimes have 2 take a chance on life and c where it takes u...........instead of always thinking what if...........?????????????????

enjoy u life and uself and live 4 each and every min in life good or bad u only have 1 life...:~))))

wishing u all all the best.


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