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Angolo-Pacific/Qantas deal


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We are moving our stuff out to Melbourne with Anglo-Pacific. They state they have a deal with Qantas that can give us cheaper flights and 40kg of luggage allownabce (instead of 23kg).


Only problem is I cannot access this deal on the website with my codes I have been given. I am having trouble sorting this out as neither A.P or Qantas, so far, have taken on the issue as their problem (ie they blame each other)


My question is: Has anyone else managed to get a deal with Qantas through A.P?


And how have you found the service from A.P?


Finally would anyone recommend an alternative airline/shipping company if we cannot sort this out?


Thanks, as ever, for all your help :huh:

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Guest MozwillbinOz


We were offered the same thing (been here 5 weeks) and again couldn't get the flights with Qantas and were sent back to AP, they said speak with Qantas etc etc. In the end we gave up and went with White and Co to ship our stuff and flew with Emirates.

White and co have been fantasic, our stuff has arrived in Melbourne just waiting for Quarantine/Customs. So far no complaints, wait to see what condition our stuff will be in.

If you fly Emirates you get 30kg as standard, that was more than enough for us, even with two kids!!


I hope you resolve this issue and get the flights and baggage sorted.

Good luck


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Thanks, how did the White and Co quote compare with A.P? And did you get your deposit back from A.P.?


Thanks, we wont use AP if they dont resolve this as we think its pretty awful service, but we will give them a chance to sort it first, just worried bout deposit of 500 quid.


Thanks for advice and good luck

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Guest MozwillbinOz

That was one of the reasons for using White and Co, they didnt want a deposit. Price wise I managed to negotiate a better price with White and Co!! But I would also like to say the service we had to date has been really good.

\We didnt actually get to bookig with AP, but if they have promised something they can't deliver then surely you must be entitled to the deposit back!!!!


Good luck.


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Guest Diane T


We did not have the best experience with Angelo Pacific. We where promised a 'team' of people would come and pack everything for us! Two guys turned up who worked hard, but didn't seem to know much about packing. Basically everything was packed in boxes where as we where told some items would be specially packed, such as clothes would be packed in wardrobed type boxes...they wern't.


When our stuff arrived into storage, we took the itinery so we could get specific boxes...we didn't have our own place yet and I was due to start college and so needed books, clothes etc...there was nothing in the boxes which should have been!


We had damages, which we did expect a couple, but they had put the electrical flex of the chest freezer, inside the freezer, which damaged the seal by putting a 'kink' in it! There where also alot of items missing, but that may have been customs! Anyhow, when we tried to claim off the insurance for the freezer, and many broken items, we would have had to pay excess which was $500..which just about covered what we where claiming for and so didn't bother!


From our experience, I would never use Angelo Pacific again, but then again, I have heard other people have used them and they have had no problems.

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