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457 Visa and arrival in Australia


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Our 457 visa has arrived which is wonderful news!:biggrin:


However, we do not want to fly to Australia until November 1st (which we have stated to our emmigation agent clearly since the start) and I want to start work on 15th November.


My question is this......


Is there anything on the visa that states you must arrive in Australia and commence work within a certain timeframe after visa is granted? Our emmigration agent is keen for us to go within 2 months, we want it to be 3 months (and we have a sensible reason, if we go before novemeber we have to repay £5000 in maternity pay to the NHS!):huh:


Thanks for your help, I have looked all over the internet to find out but have not managed to do so!



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Congratulations on getting your 457 visa. I'm still trying to pass the IELTS.

I can't answer your question I am afraid, but interested to know how long it took you to get your visa ?

Also would like to know your original question myself.

Are you a nurse?

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Our 457 visa has arrived which is wonderful news!:biggrin:


However, we do not want to fly to Australia until November 1st (which we have stated to our emmigation agent clearly since the start) and I want to start work on 15th November.


My question is this......


Is there anything on the visa that states you must arrive in Australia and commence work within a certain timeframe after visa is granted? Our emmigration agent is keen for us to go within 2 months, we want it to be 3 months (and we have a sensible reason, if we go before novemeber we have to repay £5000 in maternity pay to the NHS!):huh:


Thanks for your help, I have looked all over the internet to find out but have not managed to do so!




I always though that you only had a month to start work after getting the visa, but if your agent is saying two months then that can't be right. Perhaps you should ask the agent why he has a preference for you starting work in 2 rather than 3 months.


I assume your employer is happpy with this arrangement, to be honest, I would have thought they more than anyone else would determine this. Most 457 visa applicants that I have seen make the move over quite quickly.


You are right that it is hard to find any answers to this on line, I have just had a look on the government website but found zilch.

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we did the same thing (waited 3 month ) after getting our 457 before comming out. I was on a 3 month notice period and we wanted to see our daughter finish the school year. we supplied a letter from Cath's employer stating the start date to the diac who accepted it no problem. The only real thing to note is that your 4 years (or however long they have given you) starts running from the issue of the visa, not the date of entry into the country.

weve now been in Sydney 2 weeks and are finalising the local paperwork side of things, (Medicare, TFN's ect.) PM me if you would like any more advice.


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Guest guest36187

The 457 long stay business visa runs for 4 years and start date depends on your employer.


For me (2005) I landed on the wednesday adn was at work on the Thursday! There was NO flexibility!!!

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Yeah I am struggling to get a 7 for the reading part of the IELTS.

I am an RGN.

How long did it take to get your registration from APHRA?

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