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Pommy Friends Wanted in Sydney! :)

Guest wenders411

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Guest wenders411

Hi There!!

I am moving back over to Sydney in the next couple of weeks. I've already lived there for 2 years, and I'm returning while applying for a defacto visa with my boyfriend (who has ozzy citizenship) We will probably be living around the inner-west area, although we have not found a place yet.

We would love to make some great new friends over there, so would love to hear from anyone interested in meeting up!

It will be great to have a network of "Pommy mates" :)


I am originally from the North West of England and my boyfriend is from Dublin. We are 29 and 34.

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There's a bunch of us who meet up... Mixture of boy/girls couples and singles... Give us a shout when you land and we'll arrange a meet up.....


Keep me in the loop as I'm up for meeting up as well - I'm 35 and my boyfriend is 27, been here for just over a month and are living in Manly so easy enough to hop on the ferry for drinks! Would be great to meet some new friends over this side of the world.......

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Guest Kayleighduncan

Hi, My name is Kayleigh and I moved to Sydney on my own 2 weeks ago. I live in Frenchs Forest which is close to Manly. Would be great to go into Manly for a social and make friends. :) Let me know guys.



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Guest DAVE007

Hey guys, just reading the posts here. Myself(33) from Glasgow and my Girfriend (30) from Norway just moved to manly and are trying to set ourselves up here. Lovely place so why not. If the offer is open to a few maybe we can join you for drinks at the wharf on the 26th?


would be great to make some new friends. :)

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Hi, My wife (Lucy 30) and I (later 30's!) would love to meet some new friends out here. I'm also from the North West of England, Lucy is from Oxford. Manly Wharf bar sounds like a great place to meet up.


Pls keep us posted on time and how we find you guys there.

Looking forward to meeting you all


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Guest bl0ndie



If the invite is open, would love to join you guys for drinks at the wharf bar, let me know if its on and me and my boyfriend can meet you there, we live right across the road.

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Guest DAVE007

hi guys.... are people still on for a drink in manly either tomorrow (26th) or this weekend at some point? PM me and we can arrange.. we live just up the road from the wharf so its fairly easy / convenient location for those in the area....

let me know...



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It's happening tonight at the Bavarian beer cafe 7.30 Manly Wharf! See you there!!


More info ..the long table outside the bar next to the fibreglass bear!

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  • 1 month later...
Guest AntNStephie

Hello all..

How nice is when you think your on your own ... but actually there is a world of people in the same boat as you! :) Coming across this forum has made my day!


My boyfriend and i (Ant -Sparky, 31yr Stephie - Sales Cons, Big 30 approaching on NY Day) have been in Sydney since mid Aug, we've come over on a 457 4yr visa. Loving what Sydney has to offer although really missing our social life back home. We're living in Coogee and have both been busy settling into our new jobs, really would love to start making friends and socialising ... so please get in touch if any of you fancy meeting up for a beer or lunch sometime.


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Guest Northerngirl

Hi Stephie!


I'm on the FB group, getting organised as due out to Sydney on a 457 visa end of Jan 2011, on my tod! Excited and scared and will need a social life and people to share bottles on wine with in the sunshine! I'll try and find you on facebook and great to hear you're settling into your jobs. : )

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Luke Brown

My girlfriend (31) and I (30) have recently arrived in Sydney. Currently living in a holiday let in Bondi but moving to an apartment in Mosman soon.


At the moment we don't know anybody in Sydney, especially as we're not working yet. Would be very keen to meet up for some drinks, especially lower north shore / Manly area.


Catch you soon, Luke + Liz

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Hi guys, Im also coming over to Sydney in Jan 2011 with my wife, both 30.


Will be living around the shires areas, can someone send me the fb link



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Guest gazandruth

Hi were new to the site and new to Sydney. Have just posted up an introduction in the intros section. we would love to meet up for drinks and make some new friends. We are both 28 from Liverpool in the UK.

Look forward chattin with you all.



Gaz & Ruth

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Guest NorthernSoulDancer

Hi, Im in the UK and hope to go over to Sydney when there is a Northern Soul nite/weekender on, be great to meet any ex pats to hang around with to show me the sites, etc., went to Sydney back in 2001 and loved it and so would love to live there one day. Im also a Zumba Fitness Instructor so be good to go to a class over there too.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest AquarianLady


I would love to meet up with you all and make some new friends. Just came across this site today and it looks great. Am not strictly speaking a Pom but definatly at heart - lived there for 10 years and dads English so close enough in my book - Am cheering on the Poms in the Ashes much to my sons dislike.... Hope to meet you all soon.....

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Guest AquarianLady

Im in the Inner West near Burwood - but to travel around a little is no obstacle - I like to get out and about. I see you are on the Central Coast - I used to live up there also and just loved it, am considering going back......We were only there a couple of weeks ago.... Hope to hear from you soon...

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