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The OZ way or no way

Guest robertoldham

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Guest robertoldham

Hello all,


As we are new, here is a bit about me and the wife. We are a young married couple from east yorkshire (Bridlington) and as you can gather we are looking to move to OZ.


My wife is a Beauty therapist and as for me I gained my engineering apprenticeship in the army working on all sorts of kit, after getting married I left and work currently for a pump engineering company. We have our own house which each month gets me more depressed and the bank of RBS more happy, and currently split our time from home duty's to for the wife socialising and for me ether scuba diving or taking long walks up ridiculously big hills.


I wouldn't say we have blindly looked at this great step in our life's, but there is only so much information you can gain from brochures and TV before it all gets tourism bios. We are looking to visit OZ for a three week stay, hopefully be able to live as though we would normally (not hotel or B&B) possibly rented accommodation.


I have signed us up to this site as most do, to get help and information from people that have actually done this move and who live there now. We are not 100% on which area we would like to move to as yet, I believe that would come down to work availability. If along the way we can gain some pre move friends in the same situation all the better for us, we love socialising, having a laugh and best of all the famous BBQ don't go amiss with us.


Many Thanks for taking the time to read,


Rob & Abbie Oldham.

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Hi Rob & Abbie


First off, congrats on making the decison. The Oz way is a great way :biggrin: and I'm sure you won't regret it. Do you have a short list of potential locations as yet? I would definitely recommend spending some time out there to get feel for the way of life and of course understand social influences etc. You're right in that there is only so much you can gain from the brochures and ads and all the states themselves are different so it will also come down to preference even in terms of climate. Good luck with it all!



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Hi there, you will read a lot of pro's and con's (mostly pro's) about Oz mixed in with all of the advice that is available from this site. All that you need to do is read what is mostly relevant to yourselves. Hopefully once you have been to Oz yourselves you will have a fair idea of which state you want to make the move to.


Good luck for the future and the choices you make.



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Hi and welcome.


The only downside about your plan to stay in a rental rather than a hotel or whatever is that you won't get to tour around and get a feel for various areas.


In a way, I think it would be better to split your time and visit as many varied areas as you can. My advice would be to not just look at the state capitals, but take a look at the more rural regions too (but I would suggest that, I guess).


Anyway, I hope you will be able to tell if Oz is for you or not.

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Guest robertoldham

Many Thanks for responses and the warm welcome. We will definitely be taking all advise under consideration especially when it comes to getting around OZ for three weeks, but still quite daunting with so much area to cover and we got to make sure one of us will get a job at least. Many thanks, Abbie and Rob.

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Australia can be very different from coast to coast, coming over you can get a feel for the different States, the south is cooler in winter and the north can be humid in summer so depends on what you can live with. Good luck with your adventure !

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Hi guys welcome to PIO


I am biased but id say come to QLD,,Great weather (well most of the time,lol) friendly people, fab beaches and stunning hinterlands, it really does have somewhere for everyone. We have been here nearly 4 years now and havent regretted it yet,lol


Good Luck with your plans

Cal x

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Guest robertoldham

Thanks for your reply, I have had a quick look at your site and must say me and abbie are very interested.


Many Thanks.

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