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Employment Offer, HELP!


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Hi, this may seem like a simple question to some, but unfortunately searching the internet I can't seem to find out one way or another.

We are applying for a 176 visa through my hubby's skills as motor mechanic, however, with all the delays etc we have been looking for an employer sponsor.

The thing is I have been offered a job with my employer in Australia when I told them what I was planning on doing. They are a global company and have just lost a key member of staff in Australia and cannot fill the position out there. With my experience within the business it suits everyone.

I am not on the skills list, and do not get enough points to apply for a visa in my own right. Is there a visa that I can apply on purely for the job offer I have received on a temporary basis whilst we wait for my hubby's 176 to come through?

Any help would be very much appreciated.


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Hello There,

In order to qualify for an Employer Sponsored visa (either 457 or ENS/RSMS) there are minimum requirements to meet. Your occupation needs to be on the appropriate skills list, you need to have the appropriate qualifications and work experience. There are ofcourse other criteria you need to meet as well.



As these visa's can be quite complicated it may be worth getting in touch with a Migration Agent to assess your options.




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