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I'm hoping someone can help me out. I'm not on any skills list although I am very high positioned with my job I don't have any qualifications either. The company I work for is global and require someone to fill a position in Australia. They know that I have applied for a visa through my hubby 176 and we are still waiting for wa to reopen and then we can get ss. I have told them that this could take 12 months or more but they are kern to get me out there asap.

I've read through all the diac notes and I don't think there is a visa that I could apply for!

Can anyone let me know if there is one out there that I am mis-interpreting?

I'm sure there must be loads of people that are asked to relocate within an existing business, so I'm hoping it's easier than I think.

Thanks in advance for any help.


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Hi Dawn


We are here in WA on a 457 visa and Im wondering if this is the visa you are looking for.


I am by no means an expert so my advice comes with a big big caveat but it seems to me that if you are already working for the company and they want to transfer you to a position in Australia then a 457 is the route, have you talked to them about this option?


If its a viable one then you could realistically be here quite quickly, for us the employer engaged an agent to handle both theirs and our applications and the whole process was very very quick with the job offer being made in March and our visa being granted in April!


I also believe that you can continue with your 176 application whilst on a 457 but there are also options for your employer to eventually sponsor you for PR also.


Not sure if this is the advice you were looking for but anyway, I wish you all the best...



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Hi Dawn Jessie is right! There is no reason why you could not come out to Aus on a 457 - juct check if its an accpeted occupation under that visa - whilst continuing with your 176 application. I came over here in Jan under a 457 - lodged my 176 application in May before the suspensions - had it granted in August. Prior to it being granted they send you a pre-grant letter - I had 6 months so you can still continue on the temp 457 visa. Then you and your hubby just arrange some time off - I chose NZ as it was closest - attend an Australian embassy get a stamp and thats it. Happy days.

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Thanks so much for your post. Were you on the skills list? And do you have qualifications, if so I think that's why you can get a 457. We are trying for a 457 through my hubby and hopefully we can get an employer that way but I think it might be different for me because I don't have any quals and not on the skills list. :o(

My company has never done this before so I'm trying to get enough information together to help them out.

I think I will contact an agent but I'm not sure if you have to pay for this information.

Thanks again it's much appreciated.

Dawn :o)

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Hi Dawn


I don't particularly think his job was on the skills list as such, its a senior director level post and he was head hunted for it, he does have a degree in his specialism but I think his work experience was just as important as his qualification in terms of the visa application.


You say that you are in a high position but without qualifications. You clearly have developed great skills and qualities to achieve the level you have and these should, in my view, count for a great deal. Your company wants to transfer you here so they certainly believe you have skills that are needed here and that should also be a good endorsement of your talents.


As I said before, I am not an expert but I do think you should explore the 457 option, again best of luck..



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Thanks again, sounds promising. I think I will get in touch with an agent, will they give out advise without charge just to know if I have a chance?

I have all the experience just no quals, in director level and have run my own business as well successfully, so fingers crossed they will see the experience as you say.

Thanks again


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I'm hoping someone can help me out. I'm not on any skills list although I am very high positioned with my job I don't have any qualifications either. The company I work for is global and require someone to fill a position in Australia. They know that I have applied for a visa through my hubby 176 and we are still waiting for wa to reopen and then we can get ss. I have told them that this could take 12 months or more but they are kern to get me out there asap.

I've read through all the diac notes and I don't think there is a visa that I could apply for!

Can anyone let me know if there is one out there that I am mis-interpreting?

I'm sure there must be loads of people that are asked to relocate within an existing business, so I'm hoping it's easier than I think.

Thanks in advance for any help.



Depending on your occupation you may be able to apply for a subclass 457 Temporary Working Visa.



The 457 list of occupations is quite extensive.



For many occupations on the 457 list you can substitute employment experience if you do not have formal qualifications.

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Thanks for all your posts, I think that I might be able to apply under the Corporate General Manager 111211. I'm in the process of looking at the assessment through AIM. Has anyone done this assessment and have any advice?

Thanks all again for your help on PIO, the amount of information, frendliness and help that everyone is willing to give to others is quite overwhelming! :jiggy:

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Guest Gollywobbler
Thanks for all your posts, I think that I might be able to apply under the Corporate General Manager 111211. I'm in the process of looking at the assessment through AIM. Has anyone done this assessment and have any advice?

Thanks all again for your help on PIO, the amount of information, frendliness and help that everyone is willing to give to others is quite overwhelming! :jiggy:


Hi redrobbersdog


When did you check the assessment criteria fo the occupation? Also, have you seen George Lombard's very recent post on the subject?




In the past, before the latest tightening up of the criteria, there were 2 or 3 PiO members who said that they were General Managers. They all consulted migration agents, all of whom said that a successful skills assessment would be unlikely. The three ladies applied by themselves and all 3 succeeded in getting positive skills assessments.


So I suspect that the decision about whether someone will get thruugh the AIM's requirements or not is probably pretty subjective. I suspect that I myself have an image in my mind's eye about what I imagine that the General Manager of a large company does, even though I've never worked for a large company that has had somebody called "the General Manager," so my own guesswork is really only my own, subjective, imagination.


With the new tightening up of AIM's rules - which I strongly suspect are intended for the sole purpose of weeding out prospective immigrants - the RMAs who were pessimistic about the earlier ladies could be spot-on accurate today.


My feeling is that you should think about the whole thing very carefully and cautiously before you decide how best to proceed.





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Thanks Gill

Having poured over the details this afternoon, I think I will get in touch with an agent to see if they think I have a chance this way. I suppose it just seems unreal that a professional within a global company cannot move to help out fellow offices within Australia and to give much needed training and management. However, it's because of their rules that we want to get out there as soon as we can.

Having looked at the selection criteria it's pretty clear in what they are saying and I have printed off all of the company organisation charts etc to show my status within the company. I think the problem may be that because the company is Amercian and so large, although I am senior within the UK operation, I am still several posts away from the CEO which seems to be a determining factor. I'm hoping that the agent (who I've emailed this afternoon but in Melbourne I don't expect a reply until Monday) may be able to help me out on this one.

Thanks again


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Guest Gollywobbler
Gill, do you have the links to the 2 or 3 PiO members as you have stated in your post please so that I may read their experiences? I have had a search through but can't seem to find anyone quoting on the General Manager.



Hi there


The one whose name I remember was Catherine. I thought she was a General Manager but apparently she is/was an HR Manager, still assessed by AIM though and she did it by herself in the end.




There were a couple of other ladies as well but I can't remember their names.


All 3 of them got the same sort of scepticism from RMAs that Catherine received but they all got successful assessments from AIM in the end.


However if AIM's own criteria have been tigtened up then an agent's secpticism might not be misplaced nowadays, which is why I am urging you to consider your options carefully.





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Thanks for all your posts, I think that I might be able to apply under the Corporate General Manager 111211. I'm in the process of looking at the assessment through AIM. Has anyone done this assessment and have any advice?

Thanks all again for your help on PIO, the amount of information, frendliness and help that everyone is willing to give to others is quite overwhelming!


If you are looking at applying for a 457 you will not require a skills assessment for the occupation of General Manager if you have relevant qualifications or experience.

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