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P.I.Q. - Parents inQueensland

Guest guest36187

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Guest guest36187

Here you go.............


All you parents in Queensland now have a thread to meet up on! I`ll make it a sticky thread so it will stay near the top.


(Gill - if this needs to go in another section...........got for it!)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest bacardi167

ok..so illl kick off, me and the misus have boys aged 6 and 9 and live in central brissie....we work a lot of the week so thats hard but would also be nice to meet a few people on weekends for drinks, picnis, what-ever.

we are 5 mins from south bank (at the moment) so anyone ho fancies a meet up for luch or just to let the kids off the lease let us know !!

hoping to hear soon

Steve & Katie

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Guest annemarie and brian

well me hubby a have girls 12 and 7(nearly8) we live in thornlands and able to meet up at weekends if anyone fancys it only been here 8wks so dont know much of where woud be good so anywhere for us.


annemarie x

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Guest MikeandAmy

Hi Parents!


If anyone has daughters hanging around the house, send them off to Guides (www.guidesqld.org). I am a Guide Leader in St Lucia/Indooroopilly district in Brisbane and I'm looking for some new recruits. We do lots of fun things, crafts, games and we go on camp twice a year!


I am English and have been in Australia since the new year, so if your girls are perhaps having problems settling into Brisbane life and/or making friends then this would be the ideal opportunity.


Please PM for any details,


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Guest aussiegemandpauluk

Hi, Hubby and I are on Gold coast, have a 3yr old and a 6mth old, anyone for meetups, bbq's etc? Gemma xx

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Guest clazzaclan

Hi we have been on the Sunshine Coast 2 months and looking for playmates for us and our 3 children, we have a girl 13 another 3 and a boy 1 !!! Anyone new, old, kids, no kids, looking for barbies, fun in the sun, inbox me! Nice to share experiences and know people in the same boat.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest covchef
Hi, Hubby and I are on Gold coast, have a 3yr old and a 6mth old, anyone for meetups, bbq's etc? Gemma xx


hi gemma myself and partner have just moved to the goldcoast 3 weeks ago and could do with meeting some folks we have a 13 year old 5 year old and a 2 year old girl,we are currently living in pac pines so if you know of any meetings going on would appreciate it and how ur dealing with things

regards sean

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