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Can I prepare things ready for the smp release?


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Like everyone else we are just waiting for WA to release their smp so that we can get our application in. My hubby is a motor mechanic so fingers crossed it should be on the list. As everyone is suggesting that the 1st November may be THE date, is there anything that I can be doing in the meantime to be prepared for the release? My hubby has passed his vetassess and we have scanned all of his certificates and references. If anyone knows of anything else that we would possibly need, or should prepare this would be a great help. Thanks

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Guest Gollywobbler
Like everyone else we are just waiting for WA to release their smp so that we can get our application in. My hubby is a motor mechanic so fingers crossed it should be on the list. As everyone is suggesting that the 1st November may be THE date, is there anything that I can be doing in the meantime to be prepared for the release? My hubby has passed his vetassess and we have scanned all of his certificates and references. If anyone knows of anything else that we would possibly need, or should prepare this would be a great help. Thanks





There is nothing that you can really do at this stage except to hang on to your hats and pray, hon.


I think that Motor Mechanic will almost certainly be on WA's SMP. However that - by itself - is not a gurantee that WA would offer you SMP sponsorship at all, let alone any time soon.


What it boils down to is that WA would love to be able to offer fast-track visas to everybody whom they have already sponsored. WA have no intention of ratting on anybody. However Canberra are equally determined that WA will do as they are told to do by Canberra.


It is probable that the way it will work is that Canberra will tell WA that WA can offer SMP sponsorship to, say, [200] Motor Mechanics up to 30th June 2011. What if WA are already sponsoring [600] Motor Mechanics? How will WA decide which [200] Motor Mechanics are to be fast-tracked during the 2010-2011 Financial Year? We don't know, as yet, because WA have not said anything about what criteria they intend to apply in order to decide on the lucky [200.]


What will happen to the remaining [400] Motor Mechanics? Left to its own devices, I think that WA would at least leave them sitting in the queue, with a view to bringing them forward during 2011-12 or the year after that. However it is very likely that Canberra will prove to have other ideas and that WA will be forced to obey Canberra.


It is too soon to predict exactly what will happen but I guarantee that for most people, it will not be good. I think quite a bit will depend on whether Bowen proves to be as ruthless as Evans.


Until we know exactly how it is all going to work, I think that the only thing that anyone can do for the moment is to sit tight and pray, unfortunately.





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Thanks for that post Gill , hubby is electrician special class , waiting for smp's ( well waiting for tra to get back to us first )

Yr post answered alot for me , we are at the moment looking at ENS as well although another problem is hubby is in Royal Navy and has to give 12 months notice :arghh:

:wideeyed:think we will just sit and watch for a bit lol

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Guest Gollywobbler

Hi Bridey


Is there a realistic possibility of a transfer to the RAAN? That might be a way round the GSM mess and the RAAN wouldn't worry about the notice period required?





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Hi Gill

That was our plan 5 years ago , but we waited til hubbies time was coming to an end & they changed the list and they don't want his trade ( missed it by a month had all the paperwork all done too lol )


We did try another ave with them , that we would go and be trained in subs in the uk ( thats what they are wanting at the moment ) But no go .


We have sent info to hydrograhic survey ship companies and testing the water in oz.

I think we need to sort his cv out with a proper company first to give us any progress .

:biglaugh:Not many companies know what a weapon maintainer can do

So civvie it is at somepoint , i guess we will just sit and wait and see what happens

Thanks for replying back

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Thanks once again for your valuable information Gill. :notworthy: I suppose I was looking for some good news that I could actually influence! As I thought it's not that easy.

We are so desperately hoping that the 457 visa comes off for us in the next few weeks, but as we are beginning to realise though that everyone takes their time out in WA! I belive that's why it's nick name is Wait Awhile! doesn't help with the frustration though.

We still have the opportunity to put in for a family sponsored visa but was holding out because of the quicker route through state sponsorship. Little did we know when we made this decision that we would still be waiting for the SMP's now.

Our decision to make the move to Oz was made when we got stuck out in Perth because of the ash cloud back in April of this year. Speaking to people out there we were prepared for a 12 month wait, however, they had made the moved quite a few years ago and were unaware of the problems going on now. We got back raring to go and hubby did his VETASSES it was only then that we realised the scale of the problems and the waiting to come! :frown:

I can't complain too much especially when you read other heart breaking stories on here. Good luck to everyone, I have my fingers crossed that people's dreams come true soon.

Thanks once aagin for all the good advice that comes out of PIO.

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Guest AustrAnglian

Redrobbersdog, you might want to take a look at this earlier post by Gill.




I'm not suggesting you go out and register for the IELTS before the SMPs are released but you may want to go and check out where your nearest testing centre is and the registration procedure, so that if this turns out to be necessary you can jump on it quickly. All the best.

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Guest Taylor72
Like everyone else we are just waiting for WA to release their smp so that we can get our application in. My hubby is a motor mechanic so fingers crossed it should be on the list. As everyone is suggesting that the 1st November may be THE date, is there anything that I can be doing in the meantime to be prepared for the release? My hubby has passed his vetassess and we have scanned all of his certificates and references. If anyone knows of anything else that we would possibly need, or should prepare this would be a great help. Thanks


Hi when i got state sponsorship, we had to show evidence of sufficient funds $34,000 for family of 4 .

Good luck x

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Thanks AustrAnglian. We have read on another post about this. I think it's SA which also had the same but when you look down their interim list for Motor Mechanic they didn't require the IELTS for this particular occupation, so we thought we might get away with it. Reading Gill's post it seems that IELTS maybe for all in WA! :mad:

I see you have already done the IELTS, I've read good and bad things about how easy it is. In your opinion what did you make of it? Did you pass first time? My hubby is very literate and educated but having not sat an English exam since leaving school, I'm not sure how easy it would be with bad habits now!

Thanks again

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Guest Taylor72
Thanks Taylor72, does this have to be cash funds? or can it be assets? There are 3 of us, so would we just pro rata the figure you have provided of $34k? How long ago was this, it maybe that it's more now. Sorry for all the questions!!!! :dull:


Hi my state sponsorship was April and for Queensland, so im not sure if you will need to provide funds for SA just need to check their website. If you do, they wont take assets like money tied up in property. It has to be like cash ie savings or credit cards (then get rid of them ).

If you do have to have funds for SA it will prob be about 28,000 ish .

But dont worry about it until you find out for sure if SA need it as every state is different

Good luck Annette

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Guest AustrAnglian
Thanks AustrAnglian. We have read on another post about this. I think it's SA which also had the same but when you look down their interim list for Motor Mechanic they didn't require the IELTS for this particular occupation, so we thought we might get away with it. Reading Gill's post it seems that IELTS maybe for all in WA! :mad:

I see you have already done the IELTS, I've read good and bad things about how easy it is. In your opinion what did you make of it? Did you pass first time? My hubby is very literate and educated but having not sat an English exam since leaving school, I'm not sure how easy it would be with bad habits now!

Thanks again


There's a lot of good advice on this site about the IELTS test including links to websites with practice papers etc. If you're OH is a native English speaker and got reasonable grades at school then it just comes down to practice and exam technique. Watch your timing and read what the question is asking for - in some sections they ask for two word answers or even just a number. If you write more than this they will mark it wrong!


I ended up writing the IELTS twice - the second one (academic) was precautionary as I have a big birthday coming up and I didn't want to be blindsided if the SMPs changed the standards again - apparently it can be a matter of life and death that us accountants have superb English! Hopefully you won't need it but it doesn't hurt to be prepared given all the changes that are going on. Hopefully only one more week to the SMP's - Fingers crossed!

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