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New Points Test - Details Released 11 November

George Lombard

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Been meaning to post these notes of a talk Peter Speldewinde - an assistant secretary with DIAC in Canberra responsible for all this - gave in Canberra yesterday:


"When I’m talking about GSM I find I’m mainly talking to myself.


(His Powerpoint is entitled “The best and the brightest” which invites all sorts of unflattering comparisons J).


Very much shifting the goalposts to NOM (net overseas migration) as the main criterion of migration program outcomes – noted that it has peaked but still at 2007 levels (ie historically very high). Modelling suggests that 150 to 230 k should be the range for NOM, not the 300k which seemed possible before this year’s changes. Growth in student numbers has been a driver in growth. There is now a drop in student numbers but it’s also still at 2007 levels.


Drop in 457 levels due to business cycle but coming back.


Acknowledges that DIAC has imperfect population management tools-can scale up migration numbers but not downsize them. “the demand-driven program now in place which must complement domestic training”. Temp bus program for responding to short term need. Current 457 levels same as 2005 levels.


GSM is for medium to long term cases, 457 is for short-term need.


There is currently a mid-year review of numbers. Still planning on 44k ENS cases and 61700 GSM for current FY.


Aiming at 20% of Skilled Migration to be in state sponsored this year. Family sponsored skilled migration has "flatlined".


Priority processing and category four? Says that processing of category 4 cases hasn’t ceased, they’re all inching forward.


Skills Aust reviewing SOL until Jan so can expect an announcement with respect to the new SOL and State SOL after that. “We would expect those changes to be at the margin”.


Cabinet decided on the points test changes 3 days before the election.


Decided not to use pooling as points test never decreases. This announcement is the first time ever that the pass mark has gone done. Backlog now 130k (down from 150K mainly due to the cap and cease) and new case inflow is down by half.


Says that the 63700 quota for GSM breaks down to about 32000 principal applicants


Government working on a new definition of regional to apply across designated, regional, RSMS etc areas. Still many views. Hoping for one definition.


Overseas students - if they can't meet the points test we expect them to go home. Or get an employer to sponsor them.


“There will be some further adjustment in the education sector and study choices of students.”





George Lombard

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Hi Alan,


There's no doubt that the ACT will have the largest list - at 394 they've captured almost all of the old SOL. But already receiving more than 70 applications a week their quotas will be full for next year - July 2011 to June 2012 - by the end of January, probably earlier. And already their restrictions - must work in Canberra for a set period, IELTS 8.0 x 4, three years work experience in the specified field, and so on, are making it clear that they are just hoping to pick the eyes out of the available talent, and don't care how many years people will be waiting in their list because no-one else is sponsoring such and such an occupation.




George Lombard

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Hi George


Quote 'Priority processing and category four? Says that processing of category 4 cases hasn’t ceased, they’re all inching forward.


Yeah right, inching foward to what ....the cap and cease bill??


When they talk about 130k in backlog is this primary and secondary applicants, would a family of 4 be included in this figure??? When they talk about 32k primary applicants is this a different figure??? So trying to get my head around this, 130k backlog could really be 65k primary applicants ..Confused:confused:

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Guest Jamie Smith
Hi Jamie

If i was told i would definitely get a visa but would have to wait another two years on top of the 2two years i have already waited i would be happy its the not knowing if I will get one or not with the cap and cease, i also understand after two years what a rollercoaster ride this is,


My first migration agent in the UK went bust so then i was approached! by another agent with the same company name in Australia that offered to take our case on our 175 and 176 was already lodged so shouldn't think they would have much to do but i had to pay for this service and now i am being advised to go ENS route this will also cost so i guess i sometimes feel bitter when Agents offer some advise about other doors but not that those doors could close in your face, so this is my reason for being bitter but thankyou for your apoliges



You're not alone


There are many many people who were properly advised by their agents about one course of action, only for the previous Minister to change things overnight (instead of the usual several months lead in with changes), and then change another aspect again overnight, and a third time.


Each time your agent would have given you the best advice at the time of the meeting, only to have it change soon after.


It's not the agent's fault. It is that Minister Evans (and thank God he's gone) saw fit to ignore the consequences of doing nothing for two years and then playing catch up with rapid fire changes introduced without proper notice.


For the agent, it made a real nightmare.


Clients that were eligible one day would be ineligible the next, meaning an end to the work and the future cash flow off that case. Then double and triple handling of files to reposition and adjust stratgey for the remaining clients who could carry on and deal with all their new enquiries and reassurances - at the expense of time to do new marketing and attract more clients under the new rules, who would probably then only take a wait and see attitude.


End result, many agents have gone into meltdown or had to seriously scale back their operations because of limited income, while simultaneously having a raised workload with all the new research and advice for existing clients but not having the money to pay staff to assist. End result, delay in finding out what is going on.


Minister Evans legacy is one of using the excess of applicants to redraw the immigration process and in the meantime ruin the migration industry - an industry that does most of the marketing for the Government.


Later when the Government wants to attract more migrants, who's going to be running the seminars? :arghh:


It's hard on everyone. The Minister was the culprit.


But persevere and be determined, as migration is a tough thing to do even on good times and it really helps to develop the art of being persistent if you are to settel well later. Set your mind on being a player, not a victim however much you might feel like one some days.

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Guest Jamie Smith
Hi Alan,


There's no doubt that the ACT will have the largest list - at 394 they've captured almost all of the old SOL. But already receiving more than 70 applications a week their quotas will be full for next year - July 2011 to June 2012 - by the end of January, probably earlier. And already their restrictions - must work in Canberra for a set period, IELTS 8.0 x 4, three years work experience in the specified field, and so on, are making it clear that they are just hoping to pick the eyes out of the available talent, and don't care how many years people will be waiting in their list because no-one else is sponsoring such and such an occupation.




George Lombard


That's how the whole SMP thing feels to me too and not just for ACT.


I think the forced shift to ENS/457 as a result of the new GSM and SMP system will quickly highlight shortcomings in what DIAC expect vs what sponsoring businesses can actually provide eg showing a commitment to training where none ever happended previously, growth in jobs in smaller firms that cannot justify sponsorship criteria with the P&L etc.


This may force the smaller businesses to get organised with a protest voice, but that will be beyond most of them.

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Been meaning to post these notes of a talk Peter Speldewinde - an assistant secretary with DIAC in Canberra responsible for all this - gave in Canberra yesterday:



Overseas students - if they can't meet the points test we expect them to go home. Or get an employer to sponsor them.


“There will be some further adjustment in the education sector and study choices of students.”





George Lombard


so if an international student can make the 65points threshold can they apply?

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Guest VickyMel
Hi Alan,

There's no doubt that the ACT will have the largest list - at 394 they've captured almost all of the old SOL. But already receiving more than 70 applications a week their quotas will be full for next year - July 2011 to June 2012 - by the end of January, probably earlier. And already their restrictions - must work in Canberra for a set period, IELTS 8.0 x 4, three years work experience in the specified field, and so on, are making it clear that they are just hoping to pick the eyes out of the available talent, and don't care how many years people will be waiting in their list because no-one else is sponsoring such and such an occupation.


George Lombard


I'd be quite interested to know how DIAC will handle this large influx of SMP sponsored applicants, especially as they are on a quota now.

It had been suggested that ACT had pretty much filled its quota with the numbers already sponsored prior to the SMP coming out.


If more people are being sponsored and applying to DIAC what happens...


1) Does DIAC know how many VIC or ACT applications have been sponsored and say we have given this number a CO now we will stop as we have reached the quota




2) Give everyone a CO and then its first back with the Meds and PCCs that get the visas and everyone else then has to wait - by which time their Meds may be 6 months old...


I am a little concerned how applicants who applied in the last month or so are getting COs immediately and hope that this means that DIAC knows the state has less applicants than their current quota.


It could be very unfair on those who have been waiting since 2008 & 2009 if brand new applicants were included in this years quota while others are waiting for Meds PCCs or external checks...



I am hoping that they know how many applicants are in the system and are managing it in order to clear the older applicants accordingly





*Edit - ooops just realised this is a bit off the topic of points

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Guest Jamie Smith

I think we'll find the first backlog is in the State Government departments. They have only been resourced to manage a steady inflow of applications, but now they have many months pent up demand that will land on their desks. With the luxury of oversupply, like DIAC has do with GSM, I expect some cherry picking or easy refusal of sponsorship eg incomplete docs or lack of research about employability, whatever.


I also expect some states will priortise on occupation rather than allocate evenly across all occupations, especially if the occupations relate to State Govt projects eg IT systems, engineering projects etc.


Then DIAC will start to receive an influx, but they are only doing compliance checking rather than overall assessment of skills and employability etc, so DIAC processing of SMP applications should be fairly fast given that the application is part assessed and DIAC have had months to prepare for the work....


All speculation, FWIW.

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Aiming at 20% of Skilled Migration to be in state sponsored this year. Family sponsored skilled migration has "flatlined".


Priority processing and category four? Says that processing of category 4 cases hasn’t ceased, they’re all inching forward.


This means that there not end of road for Category 4 applicants. But how would I believe Peter. Whatever he has talked about in past was not right.

Yes, certainly this is true that Family Sponsored applicants are totally flat-lined. Hope for something to cheer from January as he is saying Skill Australia is reviewing the SOL after January.

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Hope for something to cheer from January as he is saying Skill Australia is reviewing the SOL after January.


New SOL, current one has been in operation for six months and they are talking about changing it again? Have they completely lost their brains?:goofy: I sincerely hope that current processing order will stay the same though.

Guys, if hypothetically speaking my occupation is no longer on new SOL but you already lodged your application and your occupation was on the old SOL.

Decision is made on the factors such as SOL, etc, that are in place at the time of the lodgment and not when decision on your visa is made. Am I right?



I am going a bit crazy with all these changes.

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Guest Alejandro
That's how the whole SMP thing feels to me too and not just for ACT.



Technically, the capacity of businesses to sponsor workers is the most reliable skills shortage & growth indicator. It's not necessarily good for intending migrants but is the safest approach towards migration. The immigration model adopted by the Australian government seems to be insanely market driven. This model shows that the present government is unwilling to take any responsibility at all. All the emphasis is on employers to do the work and invest in the workers and the infrastructure development.

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Guest Jamie Smith

Yes, it's sort of market driven.


The difficulty is that any changes needed to "the system" to improve the process for employer sponsors take forever and are accompanied by continued obstacles that show DIAC's lack of trust - hence their desire to outsource part of the process to employers and the States, both of whom have criticised DIAC for being too involved in the process.


The issue now will be how quickly the states can update their occupation demand research AND be satisifed the trend in XYZ occuaptions is lasting AND how willing and frequently the Minister is to allow the additions / alterations.


AND how sensitive the research is. After all, if the State only polled employers with say 20+ staff, or didn't research into areas with less than 20,000 population, or political agendas meant that more sponsorship of say "solar engineers" ahead of diesel mechanics "that fix smelly old engines rather than allow them to break down so people switch to electric power"....


I have to say I like the move to employer and state sponsorship but I don't like the system being used. It's too coarse and too conservative.

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I just joined the forum. It looks pretty informative .


i checked the new points test that is posted here in the forum. According to the new points test , i score a pass mark ( 65) and I would like to wait till 1st July 2011 to apply. But the problem is that my visa will expire on March 2011( I heard , there are plenty of students whose visa expires on the same time as mine ) . COuld anyone give some idea on how I can proceed .


Thankx for reading !



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Guest Alejandro


I just joined the forum. It looks pretty informative .


i checked the new points test that is posted here in the forum. According to the new points test , i score a pass mark ( 65) and I would like to wait till 1st July 2011 to apply. But the problem is that my visa will expire on March 2011( I heard , there are plenty of students whose visa expires on the same time as mine ) . COuld anyone give some idea on how I can proceed .


Thankx for reading !




The fact that you do not know about a graduate skilled visa justifies the government's lack of confidence in international students studying in Australia. Didn't mean to be rude but it's just shocking to see that many of the international students don't take interest in social activities while sudying which would eventually benefit them the most.

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I am CIMA & CPA member, my question is


Under new points system there are 5 points for professional year, do accountant qualify for these points considering we have to produce minimum three years of experience to become member


help is much appreciated

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I just joined the forum. It looks pretty informative .


i checked the new points test that is posted here in the forum. According to the new points test , i score a pass mark ( 65) and I would like to wait till 1st July 2011 to apply. But the problem is that my visa will expire on March 2011( I heard , there are plenty of students whose visa expires on the same time as mine ) . COuld anyone give some idea on how I can proceed .


Thankx for reading !




And could you please explain how do you score required 65 points under the new system though being a student?

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Not sure, dooodi.


There is presently no policy or other DIAC guidance on the interpretation of these issues.


Best regards.



I did a placement year between my second third year of my computer science degree, could this be ccounted as pro year

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I am CIMA & CPA member, my question is


Under new points system there are 5 points for professional year, do accountant qualify for these points considering we have to produce minimum three years of experience to become member


help is much appreciated


Professional year is a one year specialized course and you have to pay fees for that. It also includes 3 months unpaid internship. And it is for international students only and can only be done while you are on TR or bridging visa for TR.


Search on google for "Professional Year" or "Professional year Australia" and you will get more information.


Personally I think that it is waste of money and time, but if somebody really wants PR and he is not getting enough bands in IELTS and he is not getting even his field related job then he can go for it as it will give him 5 points boost and will get government some more money out of him before he becomes resident.

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Professional year is a one year specialized course and you have to pay fees for that. It also includes 3 months unpaid internship. And it is for international students only and can only be done while you are on TR or bridging visa for TR.


Search on google for "Professional Year" or "Professional year Australia" and you will get more information.


Personally I think that it is waste of money and time, but if somebody really wants PR and he is not getting enough bands in IELTS and he is not getting even his field related job then he can go for it as it will give him 5 points boost and will get government some more money out of him before he becomes resident.




Useful post for international student in Australia, However, I am charted accountant in UK, and based on your answer it seems that charted accountant does not qualify for 5 points. Even when we have to submit three years of relevant professional working experience, paid or unpaid


I think this needs more clarity and woth exploring with DIAC.


ILETS is not issue here, but it is pain to take again ( already obtained higher than 4X7, overall 8) as I do not have 4 X 8

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Useful post for international student in Australia, However, I am charted accountant in UK, and based on your answer it seems that charted accountant does not qualify for 5 points. Even when we have to submit three years of relevant professional working experience, paid or unpaid


I think this needs more clarity and woth exploring with DIAC.


ILETS is not issue here, but it is pain to take again ( already obtained higher than 4X7, overall 8) as I do not have 4 X 8


Being a Charted Accountant with 3 years of experience and being a UK resident, you have got a fair chance of getting a Job with employer sponsorship. I think you can go for 457 visa instead which is way faster to get than any other visa. Accounting is also in state sponsorship list for many states, so you can try to get state sponsorship as well. And under the new point system I think you get extra 5 points for your 3 years overseas experience. And if you apply before 1st July then you are already eligible now under the current point system.

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Being a Charted Accountant with 3 years of experience and being a UK resident, you have got a fair chance of getting a Job with employer sponsorship. I think you can go for 457 visa instead which is way faster to get than any other visa. Accounting is also in state sponsorship list for many states, so you can try to get state sponsorship as well. And under the new point system I think you get extra 5 points for your 3 years overseas experience. And if you apply before 1st July then you are already eligible now under the current point system.


I have over 10 years of exp

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