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Sydney Girly Friends 2!

Guest Rachel83

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Guest Rachel83

yay so you might be coming, that's good :o)

As for the buying stuff, we've just spent a fortune on new furniture! Can't wait for it all to arrive, it'll be like Christmas! Got a very good deal on all that we bought, but still, we're supposed to be saving for a trip back to England next year! Ah well, our little home will look lovely once it's all sorted.

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Guest Rachel83

Hi girls!


Just to let you all know I've posted this meet up in the calendar so everyone can see it, maybe we'll get a few more people to come along too!


Rach :v_SPIN:

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Guest kazzy01

Has anyone booked a table this time, if so, under what name? Thanks - looking forward to meeting you all again.



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Guest Rachel83

hmmm, I hadn't thought of that! Anybody else? How many of us are there likely to be? I don't think Rachel (Emma) and Neal can make it now so that leaves Kazzy, Alana and Glyn, Haiyen, Mel, Carol, Caroline, myself and Dan (hope nobody minds if my other half comes along?!) Mel will your Mum be joining us? Anyone I've missed? If not I guess that's 9 so it might be worth booking a table. I'll call if nobody has already?

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Guest Watersports

hello all - if it's ok, my boyf and I would love to join you all for lunch/drinks?


We've been in Sydney for about 3 weeks now and would definitely love to meet some other poms. Ummmm........does any helpful person want to say what they might be wearing on the day so that I don't wander round the restaurant like an idiot?!! Or perhaps you could simply wave a union jack........no?!


Looking forwards to it, supposed to be decent weather too.

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Guest Rachel83

Hi there watersports! (Sorry, you didn't leave your name!) It'd be great to see you both there on Saturday, we had the problem of us not recognising each other last time and decided to wear coloured scarves, didn't work very well though as it was a nice hot day! I'll PM you my mobile number then it should make things easier for you :o)

That makes it 11 of us! I'll call the place this afternoon and book a table if poss.

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Hi Rachel


thanks for being so organised! and welcome watersports??? will be great to meet you and your boyfriend too. Let me know if you haven't had time to book the table Rach and I shall make a booking.

Cheers Alana

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Guest Rachel83

No worries! I just called and booked a table for lunch, 1pm on Saturday. I said 10-15 people but I need to call again on Friday to confirm numbers, so if everyone could confirm whether they're coming or not that would be great.

I booked the table in the name of Poms in Oz, so everyone should be able to find us no problems!!

Cheers :)

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Guest Rachel83


I've just called Lowenbrau Keller and confirmed our table booking for tomorrow


1pm, in the name of Poms in Oz, for 12 people:


Alana, Glyn, Karen, Haiyen, Haiyen's other half (sorry I don't know his name!), Carol, Caroline, Marie-Claire, Freddie, myself and my other half Daniel. Also included Mel in the booking, although last I heard she was a little unwell so may not be able to make it. Mel if you're reading this hope you're feeling better!


If you're not on the list and want to come just come along anyway, I'm sure we can add a chair or two!


See you all tomorrow :wubclub:


Rach xxx

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Guest Rachel83

Just wanted to say a quick hello and thank everybody for a great afternoon/evening on Saturday!

I had a great time (although felt a bit worse for wear on Sunday! :err:) and it was lovely to meet more people. I'm afraid I thought we'd had quite enough (and more!) to drink by 9pm so those of you who stayed later than that I hope you enjoyed yourselves!

Any suggestions for the next one? I thought maybe somewhere on Darling Harbour would be nice, maybe Cargo bar, Bungalow 8, or Pier 26 somewhere round there. That's unless someone has anywhere they'd like to go?

All suggestions for dates, venues etc just post on here and we'll see what's most popular.

Hope you all had a good weekend


Rach xxxx :wub:

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Guest Watersports

My God Rachel, I've barely got over my hangover from Saturday and you're already onto the next one, you're ruthless but dedicated!:twitcy:


Was really lovely to meet so many people, and even funnier that Freddie thought he'd be the only non-brit but turned out was in excellent company with only 55% of us being poms at the table!


Think we finally staggered home around midnight so felt terrible all Sunday morning....I definitely blame Glyn for starting the shots and Freddie for keeping them going!! As you can see, we need little encouragement!


Deffo up for meeting next month, but as I barely know any good places yet to go so I'll keep my mouth shut on suggestions for now.


In the meantime, if any of you ever fancy meeting up before then just for a few drinks,coffee or whatever just let us know. We live in Paddington so we're pretty central. Send me a private message and I can email you my mobile number.





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Hi Rach and MC


Glad to see you have both recovered, woke up feeling ralatively well on Sunday, so was very surpirsed about that! maybe those shots were cough mixture!


had a great time and enjoyed meeting more people again and we are certainly available next month, perhaps we should start later next time, so make it dinner or lunch??!! might be a little safer....


Anyway we are clear for the last weekend in Sept at this stage, for the Sat night or a Sunday lunch as is the long weekend, happy to go anywhere and Darling Harbour is usually fun.





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Guest Rachel83

haha! MC I shall take that as a compliment, and hope it was meant as one! :twitcy: I might take up that offer of a coffee at some point, will let you know if/when I'm going to be in the city.


Well I'm glad everybody enjoyed themselves! I think Glyn and Freddie are probably a little bit guilty of starting the shots but since I didn't drink them I can't really blame anybody! A milk shake soon sorted me out on Sunday morning...


Alana I think that's probably a good idea to meet a bit later next time, then we won't be tempted to have such a long drinking session! It also suits me as Dan is working days that weekend so if he feels like it he could join us later on. Both days are fine for me though (was it the 29th/30th you were suggesting?) so we'll see what's best for everyone else.



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Yep we are free the evening of the 29th Sept - we have stuff on in the day should be able to make something in the evening???

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Guest caroline

Hello everyone!


I enjoyed saturday night too. It was lovely to meet you all!


I woke up yesterday feeling surprisingly ok (but certainly not fully of life!) however after lunch was in desperate need of a nap! Starting next time in the evening does sound like a safer plan, well done Alana!! We should be ok for the 29th (will bring hubby along next time) and Darling Harbour is a good idea.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All


Hope you are all well, unfortunately won't be able to make the 29th....:cry:


Anyway - hope you all have a great time and will be sure to try and make the October meet up!!




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Guest Rachel83

It's a shame you guys can't come Alana! Is the date still ok for everyone else? I think the other Rachel and Neil weren't sure, not sure about Karen. I'll be able to make it but Dan won't I'm afraid, stoopid shifts... :)

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Guest caroline
It's a shame you guys can't come Alana! Is the date still ok for everyone else? I think the other Rachel and Neil weren't sure, not sure about Karen. I'll be able to make it but Dan won't I'm afraid, stoopid shifts... :)




I don't think we'll be able to make it either... It's my birthday on the monday so we're hoping to get away for a few days as its a long weekend - that's if Edd gets round to booking something! ;o)



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Hi again


That's the same with us - I have a course on the Sat and is my sister's Birthday and a friends 50th party as well so all in all a crazy weekend! sorry I didn't realise that I was already committed until I was reminded...

Happy Birthday Caroline for the 1st

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