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Sydney Girly Friends 2!

Guest Rachel83

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Guest caroline
Hi again


That's the same with us - I have a course on the Sat and is my sister's Birthday and a friends 50th party as well so all in all a crazy weekend! sorry I didn't realise that I was already committed until I was reminded...

Happy Birthday Caroline for the 1st


Thanks Alana! :spinny:


Look forward to seeing everyone next time!


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Guest Rachel83

No worries, hope you both have good weekends, sound like it!

I think there will still be me, Karen and a friend, Mel and a friend, and possibly Rachel and Neal, Marie-Claire and Frederick?

I was going to suggest either Cargo Bar or Bungalow 8 on Darling Harbour if anyone has a preference? And what's the best time for everyone?

Rachel :)

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Guest Rachel83

Hi All

I've added us as a group on Facebook and added this as an event, thought it would be easier to keep up with who can come, what time it's going to be etc that way. I've made it a group where you need to request to become a member, then we don't have to worry about any random weirdos trying to get phone numbers etc! Anyone new don't be put off, the more the merrier!

Obviously it's still a good idea to post on here to get new people to come along, if anyone wants to joing the group on Facebook just PM me and I can add you as a friend/invite you to the group etc.

:) Can't wait to meet up again!!


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Rachel83

Hi Guys


OK so I know we have the little group thing going on Facebook, but I also know not everyone is on there so just a quick post to let everyone know details of the meet up on Saturday...


2pm (still to be confirmed!) at Cargo Bar, Darling Harbour. Everyone welcome, anyone who's not been to meet up with us before don't worry, there are a couple of other newbies coming too and we're all very friendly! Just an opportunity to make new friends and chat with the rest of us Pommies in Sydney (and our respective none pommie partners!)


Looking forward to it, PM me if you want to ask anything about it!


Rachel :wubclub:

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Hi there,

I am quite new to Sydney too and would love to meet up with some people in the same boat.

Can I just go in on th face book page to see what is happening and when the next hook up is?

look forward to meeting some girlies.... :)

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Guest Rachel83

Hi Twinkle

Welcome to Sydney! I've just PMd you to explain about the Facebook group, hope to see you on there soon and at the next meet up!

Rach :)

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Guest Rebecca

Ah, I've missed 2 meetups now! Sounds like you guys enjoyed the night. Please let us know when the next meet is happening and I hope to make it this time. Later

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Guest Rachel83

Hi! We're planning a picnic for our next get-together, should be fun! Date to be confirmed, will post on here when it's organised :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi! My husband and I moved to Sydney about 5 months ago and I am really missing our friends!! (I know I sound like a loser without friends but I think my husband and I will kill each other if we spent any more time together!!!!)

Is there anyone out there in the same boat???? I am 29 and my husband Steve is 33. We are pretty active and like most sports, drinking and meals out. We also love the beach. My hubby is a keen golfer and although quite shy, has a very dry sense of humour!


It would be great to get togther with any other Poms!



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Guest Rachel83

Hi Sarah!


haha no you don't sound like a loser at all!! There's loads of us here in Sydney feeling the same (as you can see on this post!)

We're having a picnic this Saturday (20th) if you'd like to join us?

Will PM you anyway


Rachel :spinny:

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hi Sarah,

we can totally relate! I am 32, hubby- also a Steve is 35, been here 4 months now.

Are you working? Im sure that helps massively to meet people.... if not what about some volunteering? I do that at the moment while looking for work, you get to meet people who are at least interested in 1 thing that you are!

Also have you tried gumtree.com.au ? There is a section for friends only, you can either advertise for like minded people or you can reply to other people's ad's. It feels a bit odd initially but I have met a few people that way, it's a bit hit and miss but I think it's worth the gamble. Email back and forth a few times and see if you click....

feel free to email me if you fancy it at twinkle@monkeychops.com

Tara :)

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Hi Tara,


Thanks for the reassurance!!!! I am working for General Pants as their HR Manager at the moment but my contract finishes in 2 weeks and I am due to start my new role in West Ryde straight after. Work has been really easy to find - it seems everyone wants my skills so that has not been a problem at all.


What is really depressing/sad (tears now!) was that Steve and I went shopping at the weekend for a barbie (preparing for summer) and found a fantastic table and chairs set to seat 12 people outside. t was fab but we don't actually know another 10 people to sit on the other chairs - hence we thought we had better do something about it!!!!!


I find that it is actually quite difficult to make an effort to meet new people and it is all too easy to enjoy to easieness of my hubby's company - that is until you get too much of a good thing and you really need the outside world!!! Fortunately we haven't got that far yet but I guess it will be on the horizon if I don't find some sanity first!!! LOL


No, seriously, this website is really great for bringing people together. Are you going to the picnic on Saturday??



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Guest caroline

Hi Sarah,


Welcome to Poms in Oz! I can really relate to what you said above. My husband and I also found it hard to move over here only knowing each other, and yes your tolerance of each other also wanes a little when you spend so much time together! I've found that you really do have to make an effort to go out and meet people and take every opportunity that presents itself as its so easy to say that you can't be bothered - you never know who you're going to meet (and we have met some nice people along the way!).


Are you able to come to the picnic this weekend? Will be nice to meet you.



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Hi Sarah,

am hoping to go to the picnic although hubby seems very reluctent!

Another great site for meeting people is meetup.com, it lists groups and interests in your area, then once you have joined it notifies you of meet ups... There are loads of different groups on there so it depends where your interests lie. We have joined the urban adventurers one and have done some great activities we went sailing on the harbour on Saturday, had Elvis pizza on Friday and a big group are going kayaking in Kangaroo valley, they do loads of stuff like that.... I am very excited about the camel racing that is coming up!!. The good thing about it is that even if you don't click totally at least you have the common activity/ interest to talk about so it helps with those awkward ' we don't know what to talk about' moments!!

Sounds like you have the job thing sewn up, more than I can say for myself! I am struggling to find a job I actually want to do, have had several offers that I have turned down because it turns out they are rubbish jobs!!

Are you on facebook?

Great way to stay connected to ya peeps at home....

Anyway, ciao for now, hopefully see you at the picnic, I'll be the one draggiging husband by hair!!! :)

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Guest Rachel83

Hey everybody!


Caroline it's good to hear you're coming to the picnic, are you bringing your hubbie along? Will be nice to meet him.


Tara I hope your Steve isn't worried about being the only bloke there, I'm bringing Dan and Sarah is bringing Steve. And I think there will be a couple of other fella's too so tell him not to worry it'll do him good haha! :yes:


Sarah glad you're coming too in Saturday, it'll be a lovely day hopefully!


It's definitely hard to meet people when you first arrive, but it's really worth making an effort otherwise you do go a bit mad! I felt so lonely when I first arrived, even though I had Dan and had met a couple of his friends, I felt I needed to meet people myself. And all the poms I've met in the last couple of months through this site have been lovely!


See you all on Saturday


Rach :jiggy:

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Hi Caroline - isn't it great to realise that you are not alone in your thoughts!!! I am SOOOOOOO glad that there is more than just me feeling that way! I told hubby that although he was/is fab, we would really start to get on each others nerves if we continue to spend 24/7 with each other - I thought he might be offended but fortunately he agreed - not sure if I should be offended???????

Steve and I had a deal before we left UK and that was that we would accept every invitation that we received to anything - no matter how strange/wierd/not our thing etc it was! Actually, it was quite fun and we had a good time. We went to a black tie ball which for Steve is very unusal - as he rarely wears anything other than Jeans or shorts! It was nice to see him dressed up for a change. We have been to dinners, Barbies, lunch, drinks, events, exhibitions etc. All good fun - I think you just have to be really open minded and willing to give it a go. There was lots of temptation to say "i'm too tired" or "it's raining" or "theres a good film on telly" etc but we usually found that once we got there it was fun. This emigrating malarky is a real test of the relationship!! Fortunately, we have survived well!!!!


Anyway, I have ranted for a while now - don't want to send anyone to snooozzzeee...... ! LOL


Looking forward to meeting all who can come on Saturday. Thanks heaps for all your positive support!



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  • 1 year later...
Guest sransome

Hi Rachel,


Would love to join in on your meet ups - can you let me know what your plans are for next time and i will try and join you!



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Guest becs

hi, just stumbled across this thread. I'm 30yrs old and came over to sydney with my boyfriend (28) last year. Although we've been here for a while we've only made a few friends but would love to make more. I really miss going out for drinks with the girls. I'm currently working long hours and most weekends but i'd really like to come along to your next night out if thats ok (and if i'm not working!).

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hi, just stumbled across this thread. I'm 30yrs old and came over to sydney with my boyfriend (28) last year. Although we've been here for a while we've only made a few friends but would love to make more. I really miss going out for drinks with the girls. I'm currently working long hours and most weekends but i'd really like to come along to your next night out if thats ok (and if i'm not working!).


Hi Becs,


If you're free this friday evening some of the girls are meeting up at Cargo bar in the city on George st if you fancy it? I can give u my no etc by private message. Ive been here just over a year now and Im always up for meeting new people. Whereabouts are you? What sort of work do you do?



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Hi Becs,


If you're free this friday evening some of the girls are meeting up at Cargo bar in the city on George st if you fancy it? I can give u my no etc by private message. Ive been here just over a year now and Im always up for meeting new people. Whereabouts are you? What sort of work do you do?




Just to let you know those of you who are interested in coming out tonight we are meeting at the Cargo Bar in on Darling Harbour on King St Wharft NOT George St doh! Most people will probably get there anytime from 6pm onwards. Listen out for the pommey accents




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Guest tjmac

Hi girls i'm new to the site and just noticed your arranging a meet up.. was wondering if I could come along.

I moved here in dec 07 and am still trying to adjust, getting quite homesick at the moment. We have just had our 3rd baby and i am now hoping to be able to get out and about a bit more and start meeting people.




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Guest tjmac

hi again just noticed ur meeting up 2night! sorry still got baby brain.... i cant make it 2night but am def up for it next time! hopefully it wont be long... need some girlie adult conversation!


hopefully speak soon

tara x

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hi again just noticed ur meeting up 2night! sorry still got baby brain.... i cant make it 2night but am def up for it next time! hopefully it wont be long... need some girlie adult conversation!


hopefully speak soon

tara x


Hi Tara,


Not to worry. There seems to be quite a few groups who meet up so you wont have to wait long. We meet up quite regularly so I will let you know.


I know those homesick pangs, I get them every so often. Wow how old are your children? Whereabouts are you in Sydney? Im always up for meeting up.


Take care


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Hi Tara


I know what you mean about homesickness, I have been here since January and am still feeling it although am finally starting to feel a bit better now. The thing is its so far from home isnt it!


I met some of the girls last week and am going again tonight because everyone was really nice and we had a great time. It was also good to talk to people who are in the same situation as you and understand what you are going through!


Hopefully we will be meeting again soon so let us know if you can make it. Where are you living?



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hi thanks for the invites. i'd love to come but i'm working the late shift (boo!). let me know when the next one is as i'd love to meet you all.


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