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After 5 months and 16 days our shipment is due in 2 hours!

Que Sera Sera

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Woo hoo after nearly half a year I am due to be reunited with all my stuff that I thought was so important I was prepared to pay large sums of money to send it all the way around the world.:huh:


Dont get me wrong I am looking forward to getting hold of my photos and some other personal bits and bobs but to be honest I wish I hadnt bothered with the rest, we could have bought it all cheaply enough here.


Ah well as I have no intention of shipping stuff overseas again, I will just have to put it down to experience.


Seriously though, its a bloomin good idea to really sit down and think about what you feel is an absolute necessity in your life, because I actually like this more minimalistic life :cute:

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Unless you have loads of heirlooms, often it isn't worth the shipping (and the inconvenience of waiting for everything to arrive).


I came to Aus with three full suitcases (they were on the large side and I paid some extra baggage fees) but the best part about it was the forced clean up of non-essential items. It made me really think about each and every thing I was taking with me and I found that most of the stuff I had accumulated over the years had little or no value to me.


Now, I try and do this once every three months: ruthlessly clean out cupboards getting rid of stuff that I don't use (it might be in good condition, it might be a really useful thing to have but if I haven't bothered getting it out in the cupboard in the last 3 - 6 months, then it's not useful to me and it's time to pass it on to someone who might make better use of it).


But, on the other hand (and back to your topic - sorry for the detour), it must be a nice feeling for you to know that soon you're going to be surrounded with familiar things :)

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Guest The Pom Queen

Hi Cath

That is great news at long last. It will be like an early Christmas present.

When we moved from the UK we arrived with 5 suitcases between us. It was great having a new start, plus all the furniture we had wouldn't have gone well in the house we settled on in Melbourne.


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Woo hoo after nearly half a year I am due to be reunited with all my stuff that I thought was so important I was prepared to pay large sums of money to send it all the way around the world.:huh:


Dont get me wrong I am looking forward to getting hold of my photos and some other personal bits and bobs but to be honest I wish I hadnt bothered with the rest, we could have bought it all cheaply enough here.


Ah well as I have no intention of shipping stuff overseas again, I will just have to put it down to experience.


Seriously though, its a bloomin good idea to really sit down and think about what you feel is an absolute necessity in your life, because I actually like this more minimalistic life :cute:


After 20 years here we still have stuff in boxes in our loft. We don't have a clue what is in them and if we opened a few we might start thinking "I wondered where that had gone."

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I'm with Que Sera Sera. I've been here for three and a half years now and the majority of the stuff we packed is still in boxes cluttering up the garage.


We didn't ship a lot--about two pallets worth--but, even so, I wish I hadn't bothered with the majority of it. In our case, besides the cost of the initial shipment, we've also moved house once and paid for it all to come with us AGAIN.


I know a lot of PIO posters say "bring everything--you'll regret it if you don't" but that certainly doesn't match my experience.



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Guest markandmichelle

It is like christmas has come early when u stuff turns up!!!!! the main reason we shipped some of our stuff over was because the o/h needed 2 send his tool box for work, and like alot of people say reading alot of the post on here, so many people say everything is so dear 2 buy so bring anything and everything, but to be honest we have not found it as dear as what it was made out 2 be, but there are a few things we wish we had have brought over with us, but we are still buying things for our home but it is always fun going out and finding things 2 make it like home.... even if the o/h doesnot think so.......lol

i guess we are all just different and find things different from others.

enjoy u unpacking.

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Guest GoldCoastMag

It is "experience" and you may well be super happy to have your belongings around you after such a long time. Good luck on unpacking and finding room for everything, minimalist can be quite refreshing cant it. but im a little bit over it now, sure some things are replaceable and I am wondering after sitting in outdoor chairs for all this time if we wouldnt have been better ditching the furniture, but our shipping had a few "family heirlooms" in it not valuable to others but irreplaceable just the same.

We are a month behind, waved goodbye to our stuff in August and know its been in this country for weeks now.


Christmas we will be eating at a table again!


Have a wonderful 1st Aussie Christmas.


Woo hoo after nearly half a year I am due to be reunited with all my stuff that I thought was so important I was prepared to pay large sums of money to send it all the way around the world.:huh:


Dont get me wrong I am looking forward to getting hold of my photos and some other personal bits and bobs but to be honest I wish I hadnt bothered with the rest, we could have bought it all cheaply enough here.


Ah well as I have no intention of shipping stuff overseas again, I will just have to put it down to experience.


Seriously though, its a bloomin good idea to really sit down and think about what you feel is an absolute necessity in your life, because I actually like this more minimalistic life :cute:

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So glad to hear that all your goods are finally being delivered, it has certainly been a long wait for you. :biggrin: Enjoy reacquainting yourselves with everything.


We also shipped over all our worldly goods but that was generally due to the fact that we have a lot of souvenirs from our travels and my OH's book collection which by itself was over 50 boxes :shocked: It has been great setting ourselves up again and we actually unpacked all boxes and found a home for every single thing we own - very happy not to have boxes sitting around with a lot of unknowns in them.

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Well I have unpacked everything now except photos and my late Mums jewellery. I am lucky in that the rental we have has lots of screws sticking out the walls so its nice to have all my childrens photos up ( they wont like it though:biglaugh:)

We did have a few plates broken but thats all and they were cheapies from Sainsburys, should never have brought them, you can by them really cheaply from KMart the Big W or Target.


My son however is so excited to have his stuff again it really is like Christmas for him :biggrin:

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Well I have unpacked everything now except photos and my late Mums jewellery. I am lucky in that the rental we have has lots of screws sticking out the walls so its nice to have all my childrens photos up ( they wont like it though:biglaugh:)

We did have a few plates broken but thats all and they were cheapies from Sainsburys, should never have brought them, you can by them really cheaply from KMart the Big W or Target.


My son however is so excited to have his stuff again it really is like Christmas for him :biggrin:

:jiggy:Wow what a time wait lol , Glad you have yr things all back :wubclub:

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Nah , we left stuff and had to replaqce them here petrol lawnmower 90 quid , $400 same here , bedding (manchester ,bedding is the beds themselves ) woukld have brought loads more , remember wotever youbuy here, wot ever brand is chinese crap , you can get the shipping fee and more in replacement costs by shipping gear over

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Hi Cath

That is great news at long last. It will be like an early Christmas present.

When we moved from the UK we arrived with 5 suitcases between us. It was great having a new start, plus all the furniture we had wouldn't have gone well in the house we settled on in Melbourne.



We just arrived with suitcases too and did not regret it one bit. All the keepsakes we wanted came over with a company called excess baggage or something so we still have those.

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