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South Oz applications - where are you now

gaz n family

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Guest nodrog72
Congratulations Tanya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you Bev, I still don't think it has sunk in yet.


I can't believe I have to wait for Friday until the celebrations start!!!! Maybe have a glass of wine or two tonight then save the bubbly for when my husband gets home!!!!!!


Best wishes


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Guest bishvegas

Congratualtions to everyone who got their grants and Case Officers this week. It's great to see all the colour changes! Had a bit of a nightmare this morning when I received an email from our agent saying that OH's medicals and chest x-ray had not been lodged properly by the Doctor and that I needed to contact them asap to get them to re-send. I tried ringing but couldn't get an answer so had to send an email. Thankfully they replied really quickly saying that there had been some technical issues with sending the x-ray that had now been resolved (funny thing is mine and the kids were received with no problems) and that the Doctor would re-send everything today. So after stressing myself out all day I have just been online to check the progress and it says that OH further medical results received 10/03/11. Phew! Now we just have to wait patiently (and continue my obsession with checking emails etc).


Anyway hope to see a few more names in green for the weekend!



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Originally Posted by jillabong viewpost.gif

Whats happening with you Rose, cant believe you still haven't heard anything!!!!


Our saga continues, now it seems, after calls yesterday and today, that the medicals have been sent to Oz twice, and now the doctor cant sign them off till Sydney sort something out on their system!!!

Agent emailed CO, and nothing sorted out yesterday as i think a few wires are crossed somewhere along the line, this is the problem with emails, and not picking up the phone!! have tried to call agent but not answering the phone!!!

so grief knows when this is going to be sorted, and until it does nothing is going to happen!!!!!

for goodness sake i am getting fed up with this now, especially as peeps that went for meds well after us now have their visa!!!!!!!!!! aaarrrggghhhhhh....... why is nothing straight forward for us!!!!!


on a happier note...Many congrats to peeps getting their visas, happy celebrating




Hey Jill x

Tell me about it!! I literally feel like crying when I see visas being granted and still NO news for us!!

Well we submitted everything our CO asked for on the 12th Feb she gave us untill the 8th March which was yesterday so God knows what's going on.

I asked my agent last week and she said to be patient and CO's work at different speeds etc etc.

Well my thinking is to give it this week and on Monday if our agent won't contact them for us, I will have to take the chance and mail the CO myself and see what the hold up is.

We only got asked for PCC and P6O's so nothing too complicated.

I think she's forgotten us!!!!!

I am so pleased to see people moving but this bit has been the worst for me I can tell you!!


Anyway I guess I should just be more patient!


Hope things get sorted for you hun, what a bloomin pain!! This has certainly given me some grey hairs !!


Good luck, lets hope we hear some better news soon xxx




Jill & Rose I know exactly how you are both feeling :mad::realmad::arghh:

We've all had so many ups and downs over the last 2 years and now just when we dare think we're almost there, the diac throw their rule book out the window and start issuing visa's in reverse lodgement order:wacko:

Chin up,try and keep positive and remember to keep telling yourself you'll be better prepared when you eventually get there:hug:



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Guest Padayachee
Whats happening with you Rose, cant believe you still haven't heard anything!!!!


Our saga continues, now it seems, after calls yesterday and today, that the medicals have been sent to Oz twice, and now the doctor cant sign them off till Sydney sort something out on their system!!!

Agent emailed CO, and nothing sorted out yesterday as i think a few wires are crossed somewhere along the line, this is the problem with emails, and not picking up the phone!! have tried to call agent but not answering the phone!!!

so grief knows when this is going to be sorted, and until it does nothing is going to happen!!!!!

for goodness sake i am getting fed up with this now, especially as peeps that went for meds well after us now have their visa!!!!!!!!!! aaarrrggghhhhhh....... why is nothing straight forward for us!!!!


on a happier note...Many congrats to peeps getting their visas, happy celebrating




Hey Jill,,,Our saga continues too:err:,what a long wait and now nothing.Am getting obssessed with checking the visa status and e-mails.All docs showing MET,even had employment verification done on the 1st March and still no grant,,,house sale is going along,,we will be homeless soon:cry:,unless we get a grant letter.

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Guest smithys

At least we all know we are not alone - makes me feel a bit calmer!!


Thanks Ian (toolbox) for your ''chin up'' - hows it all going for you??


Padayachee - hope you hear something soon too - it makes you wonder what on earth could be taking them so long when they have all they've asked for, doesn't it?!


I'm sending luck to everyone but a little extra for us all as I think we need it xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Gaz firstly congratulations on getting your visa, you must all be so happy............ And secondly please turn us AMBER!!!!!!! :jiggy::jiggy::jiggy::jiggy::jiggy::jiggy::jiggy:


Case officer on 9th March everything showing as met apart from meds and police checks, we are sooooo very happy!!!!



Finally, congratultaions, now the race is one between you two to see who gets green first :goofy:

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Hey Gaz turn us green please, after a sleepless night and yes checking emails we finally have our visas. Can't let Gord know yet as he is away until Friday aarrrrggggghhhhh!!!


Thank you soooooo much to everyone for the support and advice on PIO it has been invaluable. I don't think I would have survived this process otherwise. So big thank you. :hug:


Best wishes to everyone.


Tanya & Gordon:laugh:


Tanya and Gordon.


Congratulations, about time too. Dont tell him, leave him to suffer in suspense, let him know on monday on his way out of the door. :wink:

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At least we all know we are not alone - makes me feel a bit calmer!!


Thanks Ian (toolbox) for your "chin up" - hows it all going for you??


Padayachee - hope you hear something soon too - it makes you wonder what on earth could be taking them so long when they have all they've asked for, doesn't it?!


I'm sending luck to everyone but a little extra for us all as I think we need it xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



No worries, got to keep the faith have'nt we :twitcy:

Did our meds for the second time 3 weeks ago, been finalized so no probs with that.


But then the bad news :huh: we sent our police checks to our agent and emailed them each day after to see if they had arrived. After 8 days still no sign (assume lost in post:realmad:)

So then we have to call ACRO to get them to send copies at £5 each, so basically another 2 weeks lost :sad: ho hum whats 2 weeks in 2 years :rolleyes:

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Hey Jill x

Tell me about it!! I literally feel like crying when I see visas being granted and still NO news for us!!

Well we submitted everything our CO asked for on the 12th Feb she gave us untill the 8th March which was yesterday so God knows what's going on.

I asked my agent last week and she said to be patient and CO's work at different speeds etc etc.

Well my thinking is to give it this week and on Monday if our agent won't contact them for us, I will have to take the chance and mail the CO myself and see what the hold up is.

We only got asked for PCC and P6O's so nothing too complicated.

I think she's forgotten us!!!!!

I am so pleased to see people moving but this bit has been the worst for me I can tell you!!


Anyway I guess I should just be more patient!


Hope things get sorted for you hun, what a bloomin pain!! This has certainly given me some grey hairs !!


Good luck, lets hope we hear some better news soon xxx


Do you know 100% that your P60s and PCC were uploaded correctly. For some reason mine were not (i could see them on the list on the DIAC site) so i asked our agent to re-upload them, the CO was happy straight way.


I got fed up with waiting for our agent to do anything so i ended up emailing the last document to our Case Officer direct.


I really dont undertand why agents seem to be reluctant to contact the Case Officer's they are after all only human.:goofy:

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Whats happening with you Rose, cant believe you still haven't heard anything!!!!


Our saga continues, now it seems, after calls yesterday and today, that the medicals have been sent to Oz twice, and now the doctor cant sign them off till Sydney sort something out on their system!!!

Agent emailed CO, and nothing sorted out yesterday as i think a few wires are crossed somewhere along the line, this is the problem with emails, and not picking up the phone!! have tried to call agent but not answering the phone!!!

so grief knows when this is going to be sorted, and until it does nothing is going to happen!!!!!

for goodness sake i am getting fed up with this now, especially as peeps that went for meds well after us now have their visa!!!!!!!!!! aaarrrggghhhhhh....... why is nothing straight forward for us!!!!!


on a happier note...Many congrats to peeps getting their visas, happy celebrating





Hello all


Thanks for all your support, it really means a lot. Here at Thistle and Rose Towers we are trying to think positively and today we had a shed load (if that's the right collective noun) of Estate Agents through the doors to get an idea on house valuations or rental as that's a big decision we'll have to make. This was in the main good. We think we will rent but clearly can't do anything yet. Want to get back to thinking about packing and clearing that loft asap.


We're giving it a couple of days before we start hounding the CO, seeing as the meds only appeared Monday night and police stuff yesterday. It's all very frustrating and depressing. Also as I am probably being made redundant Spring / Summer it's doubly stressful. If of course we get the visas quickly it will all be perfect. If there's a delay, it will be hard for me to apply for jobs here - my heart won't be in it, knowing we could still be off quickly. and then what if we don't get the visas????!!! Unthinkable. All our hopes for years gone. Anyway. This is getting too depressing. I reckon I could sort DIAC's processing out in a couple of days and I reckon I have a team of developers about to be given the push who could sort out their IT Systems which seem to have a habit of duplicating or losing our stuff!!!


Getting so stressed I am having to watch Louis Spence on TV to calm me down!!! Although OH is not being calmed down, he's muttering "rubbish"... (OH here.. if it calms her down, I'll put up with it.. now I just have to find something to help my nerves.. ah found it, a nice drop of single malt...sorted, thanks bye)


We are not mad honest, but this is driving us there. God we will have such a party one day!


Sometimes I just don't want to think about it all and I don't want to come on here but as soon as I do it makes me feel better. Congrats to all the recipients of good news today and thinking of all of the rest.. probably be back with more ramblings later!


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No worries, got to keep the faith have'nt we :twitcy:

Did our meds for the second time 3 weeks ago, been finalized so no probs with that.


But then the bad news :huh: we sent our police checks to our agent and emailed them each day after to see if they had arrived. After 8 days still no sign (assume lost in post:realmad:)

So then we have to call ACRO to get them to send copies at £5 each, so basically another 2 weeks lost :sad: ho hum whats 2 weeks in 2 years :rolleyes:


Why did you not colour scan the Police Certificates and email to your Agent.


We scanned ours, emailed them and bobs you uncle, 2 seconds later they were there. I assume you are using an agent down so therefore if its a question about certification then your agent can sigen the colour scan, but i didnt think colour scans needed signing.


But its an idea.


Maybe your police certificates not being there is why others who lodged after you have had their visas granted and not because of DIAC?

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Guest smithys
Do you know 100% that your P60s and PCC were uploaded correctly. For some reason mine were not (i could see them on the list on the DIAC site) so i asked our agent to re-upload them, the CO was happy straight way.


I got fed up with waiting for our agent to do anything so i ended up emailing the last document to our Case Officer direct.


I really dont undertand why agents seem to be reluctant to contact the Case Officer's they are after all only human.:goofy:


Well Gaz to be honest I only have my agents word!! - she did say that they were 'acknowledged' as being received, but I presume that was only by some sort of automated thing, not obviously by the CO.

Our agent has always been really good and helpful but when I mentioned chasing up the CO she seemed to be quite adamant that this would not be seen as acceptable??!!

Do you think I would get a response if I sent a PLE?? Bit confused as what to do, what do I put in the ''are you an authorised person'' question as they oonly have our agents contact info.

Maybe I should appeal to our agent again and see if I can get her in a better mood!!

I know it seems so impatient but I can smell that visa, I can bloomin smell it I tell ya!!!!


Cheers for the support xx

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T & S. You will get there soon. Not sure if there is any difference in that your visa is different to mine. Your medicals were sent the day after mine, have they been "finalised" yet?


I am sure it wont be long, you will get there.


But, keep posting on here, we are all listening, but sadly can only offer words of support.

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We have had 3 out of 4 meds finalised,just waiting on hubbys that has been referred to HOC (I am gueussing), we knew his wouldnt be plain sailing with his Arthritis. I did indeed contact our CO directly, I figured may as well go straight to her, after all its our money that has paid the agents & for the Visa. CO came back within the day & was just lovely & on the ball. I will be mailing her again tonight, what's the worst she can do, just not reply I guess

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Well Gaz to be honest I only have my agents word!! - she did say that they were 'acknowledged' as being received, but I presume that was only by some sort of automated thing, not obviously by the CO.

Our agent has always been really good and helpful but when I mentioned chasing up the CO she seemed to be quite adamant that this would not be seen as acceptable??!!

Do you think I would get a response if I sent a PLE?? Bit confused as what to do, what do I put in the ''are you an authorised person'' question as they oonly have our agents contact info.

Maybe I should appeal to our agent again and see if I can get her in a better mood!!

I know it seems so impatient but I can smell that visa, I can bloomin smell it I tell ya!!!!


Cheers for the support xx

Acknowledged???? Are they not uploading them to your account. But them getting an Acknowledgement i suspect then they are emailing them. Sorry but looking at the fiasco of the form 1100's i personally wouldnt trust their email system, be them not getting through or not being allocated to the right client.


Has you agent given you the password to check the uploaded documetation? Our did.

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We have had 3 out of 4 meds finalised,just waiting on hubbys that has been referred to HOC (I am gueussing), we knew his wouldnt be plain sailing with his Arthritis. I did indeed contact our CO directly, I figured may as well go straight to her, after all its our money that has paid the agents & for the Visa. CO came back within the day & was just lovely & on the ball. I will be mailing her again tonight, what's the worst she can do, just not reply I guess


Best of luck tonight.

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We got a visa............. so excited, dont know what to do next.


Best i turn myself green....



Gaz, been meaning to say to you.. hope to god you got a good night's sleep! Amazing you were up all night when you found out!! :biggrin:


As for our meds, just to be clear the Knightsbridge Practice did send them off for us - don't want anyone getting into trouble, we certainly didn't send them off - it was just that we couldn't do e-health. Actually, as it happens we don't think it really made any difference at all in the time it took to get there and as we would have got referred anyway, we'd still be waiting..


Sigh.. Anyway, Gaz - hope you won't be leaving us just cos you've got the piece of paper!!!

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Guest smithys
We have had 3 out of 4 meds finalised,just waiting on hubbys that has been referred to HOC (I am gueussing), we knew his wouldnt be plain sailing with his Arthritis. I did indeed contact our CO directly, I figured may as well go straight to her, after all its our money that has paid the agents & for the Visa. CO came back within the day & was just lovely & on the ball. I will be mailing her again tonight, what's the worst she can do, just not reply I guess


Hey Lynda x

Did you email through the PLE?

If so did you mark the 'authorised recipient' box?

Hope things work out soon for you. x


Gaz, no we have access to our online status enquiry only.

She did say they were being 'uploaded' ???

I'm so confused! I need a drink!!!!!!!!


Thistle and Rose :hug: that's all I can offer! x

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Why did you not colour scan the Police Certificates and email to your Agent.


We scanned ours, emailed them and bobs you uncle, 2 seconds later they were there. I assume you are using an agent down so therefore if its a question about certification then your agent can sigen the colour scan, but i didnt think colour scans needed signing.


But its an idea.


Maybe your police certificates not being there is why others who lodged after you have had their visas granted and not because of DIAC?



Our agents (visa bureau) are based in London so they should have recieved police checks the next day.

Let me make it clear, I applied for my visa in june 2009, the DIAC have moved the goal posts and made retrospective changes many times during that period as many other people on here know only to well, so I hardly think a few days delay at my end (through no fault of my own) gives the Diac any type of exoneration.

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We have had 3 out of 4 meds finalised,just waiting on hubbys that has been referred to HOC (I am gueussing), we knew his wouldnt be plain sailing with his Arthritis. I did indeed contact our CO directly, I figured may as well go straight to her, after all its our money that has paid the agents & for the Visa. CO came back within the day & was just lovely & on the ball. I will be mailing her again tonight, what's the worst she can do, just not reply I guess



That's good news Lynda, nearly there.. how did you email your CO directly, I don't know if we have the email address for ours??

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Guest vaskoka


Date of Visa application: Waiting sponsorship

Nationality: Macedonian

High/Low Risk:

Trade/profession: Electronic Equipment Trades Worker

Visa type: 176

Which State Sponsored: South Australia

Date of SMP Applications:03.03.2011

Date of SMP Granted: /

Onshore/offshore: offshore

Pre-November 2010 Category: /

Medicals submitted: No

Police check submitted: No

Date CO assigned: No

Date of employment verification (If applicable):

Date visa granted:

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Thistle & Smithy


On the request I received via our agent regarding being assigned a CO & their request for us to get PCC's & Meds done, I noticed the original request from the CO, this gave her name, email address & phone number, so I just mailed her directly, no PLE & hey presto, a response was waiting this morning. Team 4

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Guest Bokkiegirl

Guys is it the norm that requested doc's will be up loaded to your online tracker and showed there? Our CO only asked for Form 80, more work evidence and nothing else.

None of these show on our online tracker... Only meds that we up loaded shortly after getting a CO and our PCC's that we did doesn't show either?? All doc's were sent a month ago already?

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Our agents (visa bureau) are based in London so they should have recieved police checks the next day.

Let me make it clear, I applied for my visa in june 2009, the DIAC have moved the goal posts and made retrospective changes many times during that period as many other people on here know only to well, so I hardly think a few days delay at my end (through no fault of my own) gives the Diac any type of exoneration.


I sense a little hostility in your post, its no ones fault on here because of the DIAC changes, nor how they allocate or grant their visas. OK, but you wont get a visa without the PCC (as you know), so them not being uploaded isnt their fault?


Still, once its uploaded i am sure your wait wont be long, assuming you have ticked every other box.

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