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Not looking good for Quantas!


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Hi Dawn.


Shhhhhh, I've got another story. It involves a small mail plane flying to PNG to deliver mail and goods etc, and me and some mates got on board, after arriving in PNG we were immediately thrown out by the authorities, :policeman:, but the worse thing is....


That I was not meant to leave Australian soil as my citizen time limits were in place, but as I said, Shhhhhh, don't tell anyone.



Got another one about stowing aboard a flight for 'Save The Elephants' from Stanstead airport. My mate and I when we were driving instructors took our breaks in the service area of the airport, saw what was going on, and decided to try our luck. Won't tell you how we did it, but it involved bribery and corruption, :policeman::shocked::biglaugh:.


Great hour and half flight, and I even managed to 'purchase' several WWF pillows and blankets which I gave to my grand mum on return, so again, the flight was for a worthy cause.:biglaugh:


I won't tell you about the time in Costa Rica, as there are certain flight officials who are still employed and to say too much would result in their possible dismissal.:biglaugh:


Cheers Tony.:wink:


Sshhhhhhh. your secrets are safe with me! :v_SPIN:

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Lots of airlines have glitches and problems before, during and after flights, it's just that we don't always hear about them, but pilots and maintenance crews will tell stuff they see/repair etc. Some pilots might say too much though when they aren't supposed to, such was my experience when after an aborted landing (which I did not like at all:shocked:) the pilot came on the intercom and said "As you can see I have missed the runway:goofy:I took the approach too fast" (too much information but thanks anyway). Not that he could have hidden the fact....... But same airline, pilot comes on intercom on the way home and tells "woman in red jacket in aisle number X to sit down and stop being selfish during turbulence (ah, so they do have cameras in the cockpit:yes:). I have flown lots of airlines and found it depends on the crews you get as well. I always hear things about BA, but found their ground crews good when I needed them.

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Guest Sir Les Patterson
pilot comes on intercom on the way home and tells "woman in red jacket in aisle number X to sit down and stop being selfish during turbulence (ah, so they do have cameras in the cockpit


First I've heard of it. I think in reality you will find that one of the Flight Attendants probably called the crew on the internal intercom and informed the crew that she was not doing as she was told. I have flown 737 and 747 200/300 and now a 747 400 freighter and we certainly don't have ''cameras in the cockpit".

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