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eVisa 176 Documents


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Hi Guys, can anyone help please?

I'm just going through the application for our 176 visa and I think I have managed to get through it slowly. :embarrassed:


I'm now at the payment page and it hasn't asked me to attach any documents, is this normal? Do they ask you to attach after the payment?


Also reading through the Application Document Checklist it asks for certified copies, I think I have read somewhere that if they are colour then they don't need to be certified, but it doesn't say that on the checklist, again it may say once I have made the payment, but I don't want to make the payment yet if I have missed something.


Any help would be appreciated.:notworthy:


Thanks Dawn xxx:wubclub:

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I think you have to upload documents once you receive a trn number so it is normal. I think you have 28 days to upload docs.


I also read about not having to certify colour scanned docs but I got all mine certified to be on the same side.


Good luck with visa


Thanks for the quick reply Paddygunner :notworthy: PIO to the rescue again.

Does anyone else know about the certifying of documents before I go and get them done? :wubclub:

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Guest perth42

Hi Dawn


I knew a couple of legal people, I photocopied all docs and a bottle of wine or two for getting them certified for us. When we did it first time round we photocopied all the docs and then I worked a deal with a family run solicitors.. Think I paid £30 for all certified docs.


Lou :wink: x

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Hi Guys, can anyone help please?

I'm just going through the application for our 176 visa and I think I have managed to get through it slowly. :embarrassed:


I'm now at the payment page and it hasn't asked me to attach any documents, is this normal? Do they ask you to attach after the payment?


Also reading through the Application Document Checklist it asks for certified copies, I think I have read somewhere that if they are colour then they don't need to be certified, but it doesn't say that on the checklist, again it may say once I have made the payment, but I don't want to make the payment yet if I have missed something.


Any help would be appreciated.:notworthy:


Thanks Dawn xxx:wubclub:


Hi Dawn,

I'm at the same mind boggling point!! and after lots (and i mean lots!!) of searching i have finally found an answer in an automated email from DIAC. I sent an blank email to aspc.processing@immi.gov.au which explains all about priority processing. They then send you an automated email back and it states -


Providing additional documents

Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit supporting documentation electronically. Providing scanned copies of documents reduces postal and administrative delays in receiving and processing information.

GSM processing offices accept scanned copies of original documents (non-certified) provided they are in colour. If you scan documents in black and white, then they must be scanned copies of certified copies. The valid file types for attaching documents are BMP, DOC, DOT, GIF, JPG, PDF,



Hope this helps, its lifted a huge weight off my shoulders :cute:

Bev x

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Guest Magnetic6

As Lil Bev's post shows you can definitely scan documents in colour without them being certified, we didn't get a single thing certified for our online visa application.

I know a lot of people do anyway just to put their minds at rest, but honestly save your money x

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We uploaded docs by scanning into PDF (must be origionals) and any others that needed certifying we used JPs (Just of the Peace) at the Local Court House. Cheap and quick. Ley x

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Hi Guys, can anyone help please?

I'm just going through the application for our 176 visa and I think I have managed to get through it slowly. :embarrassed:


I'm now at the payment page and it hasn't asked me to attach any documents, is this normal? Do they ask you to attach after the payment?


Also reading through the Application Document Checklist it asks for certified copies, I think I have read somewhere that if they are colour then they don't need to be certified, but it doesn't say that on the checklist, again it may say once I have made the payment, but I don't want to make the payment yet if I have missed something.


Any help would be appreciated.:notworthy:


Thanks Dawn xxx:wubclub:


Thanks for starting this thread. I've also just started to fill in the application online. I have a few (silly) questions to ask the nice people here!


I think I saw somewhere that we have to upload passport-sized photos of everyone. Do you just scan your photos directly or do you have to go to a photographer and get them taken and saved onto a stick or CD and then upload?


When they ask about where you lived during the last 10 years, do you just go back 10 years from the day you lodge your application or at the time you fill in the qustions? I mean I was born in UK haven't stayed anywhere else for longer that 12 months. So, do I say I was here from the day I was born or just pick a date 10 years from now? :confused:


Also, what about someone who has been in and out of the country for more than 12 months - the question asks for the last permanent address in that country. Do you put in the last address where they were staying during each time period or the last ever address they stayed at in that country? Really sorry about all the questions. I just can't get my head around it!


Thanks in advance!!! :biggrin:

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Yes, re your photos of everyone. Yes, re. the last 10 years, just go back 10 years from now and put down everywhere you have lived. Enter as much information as you can (I am sure I missed a couple of postcodes) and, when I was not sure of the exact dates I put down the first of whatever month it was. Not sure about your last question, I would assume that all information is required.

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Yes, re your photos of everyone. Yes, re. the last 10 years, just go back 10 years from now and put down everywhere you have lived. Enter as much information as you can (I am sure I missed a couple of postcodes) and, when I was not sure of the exact dates I put down the first of whatever month it was. Not sure about your last question, I would assume that all information is required.


Thanks Noodle! I hope someone else can answer my last question. :biggrin:

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Guest VickyMel

Pretty much all of our attached documents were colour scans.


Be aware there is a size limit to the files - not normally a problem but if it won't upload that may be the problem - you probably then just need to adjust the size/resolution.


You can attach up to 60 documents (we combined some of our documents into a single file if they related to the same thing). If you need to go over 60 (hopefully not) then you can email them to DIAC and they will attach manually




Photos we just look digital photos of ourselves in passport style and attached the jpgs.



The last permanent address in a country.

If in and out of the country and you have to list each date & address - I put the last address I lived in when I was there that time relating to that date. If the form just wanted one address I would have put the address I was in on the last occassion.

(Its a long time since I did it)



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With regard to the addresses - I have absolutely no idea if I did this right, but it said "last permanent address in (whichever) country" therefore I put our current address, even though we have lived at different addresses in the UK, as this is what the question actually asked for. Who knows though, might end up having to give more info, but it certainly seemed to be only asking for your last permanent address, not all adresses.


Well, that was a garbled sentence, I just thought I'd put my two cents in x

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Thanks to you both VickyMel & China! This helps a lot... :notworthy:

I guess I'll list all my addresses in UK, just to be sure.

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Oh Great !! A relevant thread where I can ask loads of silly questions :-)


I've just had my State Sponsorship through from Victoria and started filling in the e visa 176. Almost immediately there are questions.


The form asks which Govt Dept is sponsoring you. There are 10 Vic - options I've gone for the first one as its the only one that doesn't say Regional 1st. None of them match the address/ info in hte sponsorship e mail. Does this sound right ?


Is there a definitive list of evidence to attach ?? I haven't gone as far as the payment page yet but havn't seen one so far.


Does anyone have a link to list of suggested evidence to attach ?


As for the address I've been a total Gypsy in the last 10 years. I did make sure I kept all my addresses tho. Form 80 is going to be a nightmare :-s



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Hi guys, just another quick question (yes I'm still ploughing my way through it!:embarrassed: I just really want to get this right!)

I have scanned all my documents in colour, so I'm happy with that, however, my hubby's new employment contract is black and white, so do I have to get this certified because although it's an original document scanned in colour, the original is black and white?

I hope this makes sense to someone.

Thanks once again PIOers. :notworthy:

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Oh Great !! A relevant thread where I can ask loads of silly questions :-)


I've just had my State Sponsorship through from Victoria and started filling in the e visa 176. Almost immediately there are questions.


The form asks which Govt Dept is sponsoring you. There are 10 Vic - options I've gone for the first one as its the only one that doesn't say Regional 1st. None of them match the address/ info in hte sponsorship e mail. Does this sound right ?


Is there a definitive list of evidence to attach ?? I haven't gone as far as the payment page yet but havn't seen one so far.


Does anyone have a link to list of suggested evidence to attach ?


As for the address I've been a total Gypsy in the last 10 years. I did make sure I kept all my addresses tho. Form 80 is going to be a nightmare :-s




Once you complete application it will advise you of how and what to attach.


You need a trn number to allow you to attach documents.

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I have started to upload my documents and as I couldn't find the link I followed a link off another message which took me straight to the document upload page in DIAC. Whilst I was waiting for documents to upload I found the DIAC webpage about uploading documents:

I sooooooooooooooooooooo wish I had found this first. On this page it states that you should call your file names without using spaces and characters like "&". Typically I have already starting downloading about 10 so far and these have the character & and they have spaces!


Does anyone know if this is a major problem?

Thanks once again

Dawn x

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Guest jigarercivil

I am not sure what you want you need this link ?





I have started to upload my documents and as I couldn't find the link I followed a link off another message which took me straight to the document upload page in DIAC. Whilst I was waiting for documents to upload I found the DIAC webpage about uploading documents:

I sooooooooooooooooooooo wish I had found this first. On this page it states that you should call your file names without using spaces and characters like "&". Typically I have already starting downloading about 10 so far and these have the character & and they have spaces!


Does anyone know if this is a major problem?

Thanks once again

Dawn x

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Thanks jigarercivil. This was the link that I had so unfortuantely I didn't see the information on the page previous to it about file names and not using certain characters and spaces in your file names! I have uploaded some documents which have the "&" character in them and spaces and I'm wondering whether this is going to cause a problem?

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