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eVisa 176 Documents


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Guest jigarercivil



here is the link to an get idea in which way you must give name of file....but using & and space character does not create any problem.... some times to give name you must need to use those character...without that they cant get idea what's inside that file.. like an example


xxxxxkumar xxxlal Patel_xxxx India Pvt. Ltd._Personal Identity Card & Visiting Cards.pdf



this is the name of my one of the file but if I cant use & then I need to make 2 seperate files for those thing so its not a good thing that use & character rather than make 2 files..also good for them they dont need to download 2 files... one work fine for them also:wink:


Thanks jigarercivil. This was the link that I had so unfortuantely I didn't see the information on the page previous to it about file names and not using certain characters and spaces in your file names! I have uploaded some documents which have the "&" character in them and spaces and I'm wondering whether this is going to cause a problem?
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Hi all


I've just noticed they have upped the file size limit to 5 MB for each file which helps. Can I make colour scans of my passport biometric data page without having them certified ??


I've read somewhere that so long as your scans are in colour then there is no need to get originals certified. Is this true ?


Oh Now ive read the spam detected e mail i see it there in black and white :-)

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