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Guest One Hour Photo

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Guest One Hour Photo

I don't go to Albury NSW very often (its a bit far) when I do go (2-3 times a year) its either a quick dash for supplies, or, I organise it for a time when I can be away from work all day, and the dogs go to a dog sitter so I can relax and take my time.


Anyway, I am planning to go up there one day in the next few weeks, I have never found a good place for lunch (on my own) so I was wondering if anyone is free for lunch one day soon, it will make a change from being on my own.


PS: My table manners are pretty good ......

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Guest One Hour Photo
sorry can't help as i'm at the other side of the country. Just bumping it up for you.


Wow I got all excited there for a minute : -)


Thanks, never been to Perth but its on my list.


Can't say I was expecting a reply - I think there may be a few people around Albury way but I don't think I am on anyone's 'want to meet' list : -)


Mind you, you might think curiosity alone would have prompted someone, am I really such a monster ..... probably .....

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Guest One Hour Photo

Just thinking - in the unlikely event anyone is considering a meet up, but is a bit worried there might be a backlash, it can be organised privately.


It will be our little secret : -)


I promise there are no expections, now or in the future. I will not come back years latter, and complain that you didn't do what I want (especially when I am not told what it is) and I hope no-one will do that to me again.

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