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anyone else read this story bloody joke!


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I just feel there are so many people on here so desperate for a way into oz and can't do it, this is an insult, what was the judge thinking bugger off to oz and be someone else's problem, oh and before you go you may as well rob a bank maybe as well?

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Guest TheArmChairDetective

If I go down the local takeaway near the rugby club and punch two chaps "once" and break their nose, ankle etc etc etc.

Will I be able to migrate to Australia???


Hang on, I have heard of this before. Is the U.K re introducing Transportation?



All joking aside, this sort of thing is very frustrating for those like me who want to go but don't fit any criterea.

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anyone read this story i mean what does this say about the british justice system or how britain wants to be seen by australia?



Father-to-be who attacked two men in a drunken brawl spared jail so he can emigrate to Australia | Mail Online



If your a future Aussie, you need to be worried about Australias immigration system more than our justice system.




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Guest The Ropey HOFF

The whole justice system is a joke, i don't think its that great in Australia with sentencing and cushy prisons. I do recall that case in Australia of that 60 year old paedophile who had served something like a 20 year sentence and he was British and he had lived in Australia since he was 5 year old and didn't have citizenship, but............. the Aussies kicked him out at the end of his sentence and Britain took him back, It was a very high profile case and i don't recall the exact facts, but it is close to what i am saying.

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The whole justice system is a joke, i don't think its that great in Australia with sentencing and cushy prisons. I do recall that case in Australia of that 60 year old paedophile who had served something like a 20 year sentence and he was British and he had lived in Australia since he was 5 year old and didn't have citizenship, but............. the Aussies kicked him out at the end of his sentence and Britain took him back, It was a very high profile case and i don't recall the exact facts, but it is close to what i am saying.


i do recall those facts i think he was sent to oxford ? he used to 'plAY ' with little boys he went back with his wife , she appealed as she was aussie and he didnt know the uk i think he was in a wheel chair through illness and she tried to use these reasons as an excuse ,

they were from WA

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Cheers for that. We can't get rid of foriegn prisoners who have committed the most horrendous crimes here in the uk, hundreds finish their sententences and just walk out of prison, not only that there are no checks on Europeans with prison records coming to the uk, there was that case in Scotland where a convicted killer just came in and mudered a poor woman and there was that case a couple of weeks ago where that killer got lifed up down south and the family were seething because he had killed before in Germany but EU law states, if he lives in the uk then information about crimes committed in another country are not to be passed on and this poor woman didn't know he was a killer and he brutally murdered her, theres dozens of similar cases and it will happen again and again, because we are ruled by Europe.

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the reason i know about the above case is that i did his wifes hair for years m.... was a lovely person a nurse who was recovering from breast cancer had her daughter and grandsons living with her [ young grandsons

then one easter a few years ago on the front page of the sunday times was a picture of m.... with him begging for him to be able to stay in wa, nearly died thought she e was a widow , she had married him a few years before , how she could have married him , wasnt she thinking about her grandsons ??any way she appeal got knocked back and they left to go to oxford , id proberly done her hair for aabout 15 year , couldnt beleive it , as i say she was a lovely person all i can think is she is one of those people who feel for no hopers [ he was a serial offender .

going back to your post above there was a case in the uk i think he was a chef he raped and murdered a girl , he was charged pleaded not guilty , there was too much circumstancial eveidence , changed his mind reason of insanity i think , they said he hadnt done any thing like this before was a break down etc , except he done it in perth before !!!they tried to stop any evedence comming from perth , but my cousins sister in law was attacked in her apartment in subi , he was lying in wait hiding in a cuboard with a kit bag containing sexual parafenelia , knives , handcuffs etc , when her boyfriend left he jumped out at her , what he didnt know was that her boyfriend didnt leave he had gone down to get some fags out of his car when he came back there was a struggle / fight etc he got charged and left the country while on bail and went back to the uk , if her boyfriend hadnt come back she would have proberly ended up dead , but all they could charge him with was breaking and entering and attempted assault etc .

they were going to fly her from perth to the uk to give evidence of a pattern of behavior , but in the end she didnt need to aand he got sentanced , amazing how the defence tried to block her evidence though

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Guest JoandEsme

while i dont agree with his violent actions, it did say that he punched the man once during an argument he didnt start causng the injuries, which suggests the other man was also drunk, started the argument and injury was caused as he fell.


i wonder how many men (drunk men) wouldnt react to two drunk rugby players starting an argument. some might think get i n their first, or i dont stand a chance!


also, i dont believe a word a read in the daily mail (or see on the wright stuff, which is pretty much the daily mail on tv). every newspaper story as an angle.

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From what I've read it sounds like the assailant had got into an argument with a bunch of rugby players, and that spilled over into violence. It's not as though he walked up to a couple of strangers and set upon them.


Personally I think that he was lucky, but the judge might have taken the view that a custodial sentence would have very serious ramifications, and as a first time offender he doesn't exactly pose a huge threat to society.

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