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Australia Clean Up Day 6th March


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Clean Up Australia Day - Official Site?


Dont forget its Australia Clean Up Day 6th March .........you can register to clean up any park or reserve of your choice by going online to the above site .......I am site leader:yes:...:biglaugh:...to clean up my local park (a 30 second walk) .....i have been issued with a red jacket :embarrassed:......lots of bags ,gloves (that will come in handy fir gardening) first aid kit and a sharp object box(that will come in handy as money box)......:wink:


but seriously this is a good cause and helps the enviroment ....im doing it for the childrens sake .....i have permission from the ranger to take my kayak on the lake to remove any plastic bottles ect (and the odd duck for the BBQ ).................probs a couple of hours work and the children will enjoy and feel good about themselve too ....

Give it a go at your local park/reserve or just volunteer online to help out.............:policeman:

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Guest siamsusie

Proud of you Nick! it is so important to be proud of your country and environment.


Great exercise and a good form of educating the younger generation of their responsibilities in life.


Well done!




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Guest guest37336

Hi Nick.


Firstly I hope this finds you well mate, and that 'package' I sent you should be with you soon,:cool::wink:.


I don't know if it is the fact that people don't care so much, as more than likely there will be many thousands who turn out on the day to help the cause. I remember being out in OZ when it was first instigated and it was truly HUGE at the time,:jiggy::notworthy:.


All over the news it was, and if I remember rightly didn't the fella who started it get 'Australian Of The Year', I think he did, (can't be bothered to google,:embarrassed:)


But on the day mate watch the people turn out in their hundreds of thousands, I would wager my last dollar that it once again shows how proud most Aussies are of their country.


Cheers Tony.:wink:

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We have a "clean up Ball Bay" every day when we walk on the beach...Amazing what the "yachties" 'lose' overboard!! Last week, walking along the tide mark, we picked up 1 shirt, 1 dunny brush with lotsa barnacles stuck on it, 2 cigarette lighters and 15 ft of rope with 1 clothes peg attached...Along with the usual plastic bottle tops and plastic bags.

Always carry a placcy bag for the rubbish.


Cheers, Bobj.

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Guest Guest 47403

What a great way of getting the kids to appreciate there enviroment, I take my hat off to you sir.



We have a similar campaign in the UK it's called spit your chewing gum on the floor and open the car door and leave the McDonalds packaging in the car park.........you'll see it in any town and you don't even have to register :sad:

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  • 2 weeks later...

We did our civic duty today (Clean Up Australia) and cleaned the lake and area around our local park. In the bushes was black lacy panties and bra, guess who found them . Yep you guessed right it was Nick (The Chick Magnet) Hammond, A.K.A as 'Iron Man' Grant with his prowess on the kayak, he was also approached by a lady in her later years asking if she could help him and could she loan him her kayak to clean out the rubbish from the reeds in the middle of the lake. The man still has it !!





Bri .

the above is an email sent my one of my volunteers today which i found quite amusing......:biglaugh:.....and yes i did find some lovely lingerie in the bushes .......if only Brian knew i was wearing them right now.....:biglaugh:

we had a great morning , not too hot about 30ish......my 3 daughters and wife helped too .collected 15 bags and some larger gear , the lake looks lovely now and we are all pretty proud of our selves ....we got some lovely comments from the locals .......and yes a lady came over and offered her services .......:wubclub:.......?view=att&th=12e8a72eea45a367&attid=0.1&disp=thd&zw?view=att&th=12e8a74c16ae2f43&attid=0.3&disp=thd&zw



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