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planning advice please ;)

Guest RedSquirrel

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Guest RedSquirrel

hello beautiful people!

ok i am currently planning my working holiday visa trip to oz!

I am such a bad planner though....im not gonna lie, i just normally wing these things but this is my first travelling trip alone so i need to plan to an extent.. can any one who has been already give me some advice.

my basic plan is to fly to sydney at the beginning of may, I have a degree in Environmental conservation so eventually I want to gain experience it that field. Was thinking of heading north for the winter to get my second year visa either farm work or wwoofing work.

But i need to know the practical stuff, things i actually need to plan or to sort out before i go!

get in touch any advice would be helpful



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From my experience it is best to have a rough idea of where and what you want to do in Oz but you really don't need to book trips or accommodation(except maybe first few nights) until you get here. It really is best to see where your travels take you and so often you meet people who doing something and maybe it's something you hadn't thought of - so my advice - to really enjoy your experience here - go with the flow!Enjoy!

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Guest orangepeelskin

You are definitely going to need to plan, but not your trip......you'll need to plan a bank robbery as the cost of living here is astronomical.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest littlesarah

How expensive it is depends on where you live, how much you earn, and of course how you live. I don't find it mega-expensive in general, but then I'm a 30-something with a full-time job who doesn't go out partying much any more!


Living in shared accommodation and/or a campervan or tent is always going to be cheaper than renting a place by yourself; likewise living in a large city tends to cost more than being in the country (or suburbs).


My advice - don't believe everything the guide books tell you. Have look off the beaten track if you can, and if you get lost - enjoy the ride!


Some of the best times I've ever had were in a 1976 Kombi, travelling around Australia on a great big adventure! The experiences I had shaped me, and it was on that trip that I fell in love with this country.





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Guest cazbob

i did my WHV a few years ago. I didn't ry for the 2nd year as i had to come back home but I'd got a job before i left Ireland working for a firm in Adelaide - worked there while taking week / weekend trips to various places and seeing the sights around Adelaide on the weekends.


i then did the desert on a tour bus and then flew to sydney and bussed it about up to cairns and did the travelling thing.


a lot of people choose to do the farm work early on so they've got it out of the way and can get on with enjoying their time in oz without having it hanging over their head!


as others have said don't plan too much, you'd be surprised how quickly your plans can change when travelling alone - you'll meet a gang of people you like and you might wanna tag along with them.


Stay in hostels, in dorms and introduce yourself to people. plonk yourself down beside people in the common areas and have a chat - you'll be surprised who you meet! I made some amazing friends on my travels, a few of whom i now consider very close friends who i regularly see and keep in touch with! i met them along the way and travelled with them and it was amazing! :D


go out and enjoy yourself, keep an open mind and you'll have a blast! :D



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