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validation trip instead on one way tickets due to housing market!!!!


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Hey all, well we have had to book 3 weeks to go and validate our visa, we had really hoped that our house would sell in time for us to be able to just make it a one way flight, but after over 6 months on the market and not one offer and having dropped the price to the lowest we could we are now in the position were the visa need validating, so while we are excited about a 3 week trip to melbourne and for me to meet all my family some of which i have never met, it will be gutting to have to come home especially the fact my son is staying on in oz with my sister.

So after swearing blind that last winter was the last time i would see a cold harsh british winter, it now looks like i may end up seeing another, how bloody frustrating is this housing market


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Could your rent cover your mortgage fir six months ? I know it's not ideal if you were hoping to release capital for your move but it depends on how much your house is worth and how much equity you have tied up and how much your mortgage is a month . We persuaded our bank to half our mortgage whilst we tried to sell it( told them they would get nothing but the keys if they refused ) and the sale fell through after my wife left the uk ! We've got 3 properties we rent out in the uk with no probs taking advantage of the low interest rates , but it is important to have a friend or family member to Jewish eye on things fir you . I wouldn't wish another winter on anyone ! Good luck !

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Could your rent cover your mortgage fir six months ? I know it's not ideal if you were hoping to release capital for your move but it depends on how much your house is worth and how much equity you have tied up and how much your mortgage is a month . We persuaded our bank to half our mortgage whilst we tried to sell it( told them they would get nothing but the keys if they refused ) and the sale fell through after my wife left the uk ! We've got 3 properties we rent out in the uk with no probs taking advantage of the low interest rates , but it is important to have a friend or family member to Jewish eye on things fir you . I wouldn't wish another winter on anyone ! Good luck !



No the rent wouldn't even cover the mortgage on interest only we are in a area where rent is very low and house prices are dropping and the little amount of equity we have in the house we need to pay of debts and set up again so have no choice but to sell

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Hi, is your son migrating with you? only you say your son is staying in the UK when you go, doesn't he have to validate too. I only ask as initially I was told somewhere that only the primary applicant needs to validate, and now we are told all migrating family members need to take the trip. thanks.

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Sorry to hear that ~ Really hope you get a buyer soon :yes:


We have just got back from a validation trip, as we couldnt go yet either...Our dog has cancer :frown:


Soooo sorry to hear about your dog Kelly. I lost my dog to cancer just before we moved here ( never been so devastated in all my life). Hope he doesn't suffer X:em4600:

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Hi, is your son migrating with you? only you say your son is staying in the UK when you go, doesn't he have to validate too. I only ask as initially I was told somewhere that only the primary applicant needs to validate, and now we are told all migrating family members need to take the trip. thanks.



When i said he is staying i ment in oz he we are all going over together but he is staying with my sister in melbourne

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Guest kangomik

Hope it sells soon, it must be hard playing that waiting game.

Have fun on your three weeks over here. Remember to make the most of it, you can sleep on the plane!

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