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How easy is it to make friends??

Guest jellybeanqueen

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Guest jellybeanqueen

Might seem a silly question, but it's something that has been niggling at me for the past week.


How easy is it to make friends?? The reason I ask, is it's just me and my husband, we don't have children and it seems alot of people emigrating have families.


I was wondering if it's harder to make friends because of this? Would be interesting to hear people's experiences.



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It depends on a few things like

where you work and if there are a lot of people your age where you work

If you are a 'joiner'- clubs, churches etc

If you have a particular interest that others are likely to share

Where you end up - some places are more 'friendly' than others

If you are an outgoing sort of person

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Hi.What we have found here is that it is no different to anywhere else in the World.It is all about how much effort YOU are prepared to put into it.It is not easy when you first arrive to get to Social Networking,but often the most tenuous links to getting to know other people can lead to great friendships.A casual conversation with a stranger at a barbecue can lead to a Family Holiday with their Family within a short while!:yes:Lots of people are like you(and me)!We are all in the same boat!Go forth and Chat:wink:

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Guest JK2510

we have been in Perth for 8 weeks now. Im finding things really hard. I go down to the park everyday day after dropping the girls off at school and there are some friendly folks there walking there dogs!


Ive met up with a girl from PIO which is great. We meet once a week and i find its great to talk to someone that understands!


I hope to meet some more PIO peeps soon.


Without tryiing to scare you i have realised that when you step foot onto that oz bound plane you leave everything behind. Life as you know it has gone. Dont get me wrong i love it here but i can honestly say that i understand why people move back to the UK and that was something i could never understand before.

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Guest jellybeanqueen

Thanks for the replies. We are looking at moving to Brisbane.


We are both outgoing, I guess I was just thinking was it harder for those who don't have children.


We are both quite sports orientated, so I guess for us, that would be the best place to start.


Thanks again for the replies


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Hi there all... my partner and I are moving over to Perth in the next few months and while I am very happy for the move I am going to find it tough on my own out there.... my partner will be working away for 2 weeks at a time and then home for 6 days so in the 2 weeks alone I realize its going to be really tough for me ! I am up for the challenge but I get what people are saying about leaving all your friends and life behind in the UK and starting again in Oz and I suppose that's why I am getting worried... We will be in Oz 4 years minimum as this is my partners new contract so whilst am so excited about the new challenges ahead I am like some on here and feel the strain of perhaps loosing my few very close friends and starting again to make new ones.

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Guest jellybeanqueen

Hi Jodie,


You haven't scared me at all, in fact I think it's right you post what you did. I think to move another country and be completely blinded by the positives cound be quite dangerous, so thank you for that, I appreciate your honesty.



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Guest guest17301

It depends how easily you make friends/are you outgoing/do you chat to everyone etc. You may find it reasonably easy to chat on a superficial level with people but nuturing a new friendship takes time and effort. I have made lots of new friends through PIO but only a few I would consider 'real' friends. You do have to get out there and make the effort. Its as easy making friends here as in the UK and once you start work new opportunites arise.

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Hi there


When are you hoping to be out in Brissy?


We're hoping to be there around the end of June time and are in a similar position. PiO seems a good starting point to maybe making some buddies, maybe there could be a meet-up for Brisbane Newbees?

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Guest jellybeanqueen
Hi there


When are you hoping to be out in Brissy?


We're hoping to be there around the end of June time and are in a similar position. PiO seems a good starting point to maybe making some buddies, maybe there could be a meet-up for Brisbane Newbees?




Definately a good idea. We are flying out to Brisbane 12th May for 4 weeks, hopefully can meet up with a couple of people whilst we are out there.

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Guest Allic1978

Hey lou, its Alli (jamesie78 wife) and i just saw your post and was about to post the same thing lol! Hey dont worry Im sure we will be fine, we are all in the same boat and hey when you get there im sure there are loads of ways to meet people. I think it is a bit harder for us though with the thought of the guys being away but im always up for a coffee!

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Hey lou, its Alli (jamesie78 wife) and i just saw your post and was about to post the same thing lol! Hey dont worry Im sure we will be fine, we are all in the same boat and hey when you get there im sure there are loads of ways to meet people. I think it is a bit harder for us though with the thought of the guys being away but im always up for a coffee!



Coffee followed by wine Ali :yes: I think we will be just fine and hey we can always keep each other company ... no kids for me but I have a dog and 2 cats there are shipping out with us so the dog will need my attention to begin with .... lots of walks and aussie fresh air.


Have pm u back


Big smiles

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Guest Allic1978

hey lou, i was just testing the water with the coffee idea before i suggested copious amounts of alcohol lol! I cant seem to private message you at the moment but i think its just because i've just joined. May also be because im a bit of a dim wit and not sure how to properly navigate the site lol :)

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hey lou, i was just testing the water with the coffee idea before i suggested copious amounts of alcohol lol! I cant seem to private message you at the moment but i think its just because i've just joined. May also be because im a bit of a dim wit and not sure how to properly navigate the site lol :)



hey lou, i was just testing the water with the coffee idea before i suggested copious amounts of alcohol lol!


Good girl !!! See we are mates already lol I think you may have pm me or its from some other ali lol


Will catch you later but will be around dont worry


They should call this site friends in oz .... feel loved up with the world tonite .... thanks poi this girl will go to bed worrying less tonite!! Thanks james and Ali :wink:

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Guest guest17301

Its a great site for making friends lou and Ali, I was chatting to a few people on here before we came out, some I lost touch with but some met up with once we arrived and already felt a connection. Its easier if youre relocating to the same area.

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we have been in Perth for 8 weeks now. Im finding things really hard. I go down to the park everyday day after dropping the girls off at school and there are some friendly folks there walking there dogs!


Ive met up with a girl from PIO which is great. We meet once a week and i find its great to talk to someone that understands!


I hope to meet some more PIO peeps soon.


Without tryiing to scare you i have realised that when you step foot onto that oz bound plane you leave everything behind. Life as you know it has gone. Dont get me wrong i love it here but i can honestly say that i understand why people move back to the UK and that was something i could never understand before.


I really don't see why you are finding things hard. It's no harder than if you had moved 20 miles down the road in England. You would not have known anyone then either but would you have been tempted to move back where you came from just because of that?


From your post I guess you aren't working and when we first moved here I was out of work for about 5 months. I didn't feel like I belonged and was contributing until I had a job. Felt a bit like a spare part even though I was out and about on a push bike every day, sightseeing and going to the beach.


I don't know your situation and it may not be possible to get a job right now. This gives you a lot of spare time when it's easy to sit and think about everything and everyone you've left behind. While your friend from PIO may well "understand" as she has probably gone through/is going through the same thing, it may not be doing either of you much good to sit reminiscing about the UK.


Have you thought about joining a gym, a bike ride, an outdoor movie, walk round Hillarys, go to one of the numerous pools and have a swim or generally doing something to take your mind off the move and meeting people from Perth. I find a lot of people make the mistake of seeking out other new arrivals, talking on skype, messaging and talking to people back home and trying to find "little England" in Perth. Maybe that's why we have the pubs like the Whale and ale and the old bailey in Joondalup. If you closed your eyes in either of them you could be in the middle of Manchester.


If that's what you want that's fine but to be honest that's an English lifestyle transplanted in Perth and there is really so much more that's different and better.


Hope you settle in, It really is a great place with lots to do.

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Guest JK2510
I really don't see why you are finding things hard. It's no harder than if you had moved 20 miles down the road in England. You would not have known anyone then either but would you have been tempted to move back where you came from just because of that?


From your post I guess you aren't working and when we first moved here I was out of work for about 5 months. I didn't feel like I belonged and was contributing until I had a job. Felt a bit like a spare part even though I was out and about on a push bike every day, sightseeing and going to the beach.


I don't know your situation and it may not be possible to get a job right now. This gives you a lot of spare time when it's easy to sit and think about everything and everyone you've left behind. While your friend from PIO may well "understand" as she has probably gone through/is going through the same thing, it may not be doing either of you much good to sit reminiscing about the UK.


Have you thought about joining a gym, a bike ride, an outdoor movie, walk round Hillarys, go to one of the numerous pools and have a swim or generally doing something to take your mind off the move and meeting people from Perth. I find a lot of people make the mistake of seeking out other new arrivals, talking on skype, messaging and talking to people back home and trying to find "little England" in Perth. Maybe that's why we have the pubs like the Whale and ale and the old bailey in Joondalup. If you closed your eyes in either of them you could be in the middle of Manchester.


If that's what you want that's fine but to be honest that's an English lifestyle transplanted in Perth and there is really so much more that's different and better.


Hope you settle in, It really is a great place with lots to do.

I'm in the middle of sorting my CV out. I've spoken to a few companies who offer the sort of work I did in the UK-looking after people in their homes and one sounded very interested. I know things will get easier when I begin work.

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Guest JK2510

Believe me were not reminiscing about life in the uk!! It's just easier to have that initial thing in common,a sort of ice breaker! Lol


thanks for your comments. :)

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