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Any chefs? state sponsored?

Wellers and Whitehead

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Guest Sandisonsonthemove



My OH is a chef and we have sponsorship with WA just waiting CO now


Donna x

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Guest Sandisonsonthemove

We estimated really - what we think we would get for the house, selling cars and anything else we are not taking with us, less what we would pay for flights, shipping and initial rents etc. It seems to have been accepted.


I emailed WA as we had received SS from Qld but technically we don't have SS from them as we are not on their SMP only on the old lists so the SS is no longer valid. Sorry getting late rambling now. The new rules state that those with SS under old rules no longer on SMP of that can apply to a new state that has the relevant occupation on their SMP. Hence why WA. I don't think you can apply to WA if you have SS with VIC or have even applied as one of the first question on their online form asks about SS with other states. If you state yes the form comes to and end and it tells you you cannot apply.


Good luck with sponsorship it is such a relief when it comes through.


Donna x

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