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Anyone fancy meeting up around kiama/Wollongong area?

Guest Guest41869

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Guest Guest41869


We arrived in Oz on 19th Feb and have just moved into our rental home in Kiama Downs last week, my other half and I are both waiting to start jobs, Stu is waiting for his tiling tools to arrive and i am at the mercy of NSW Health processing my paperwork. I have 2 children aged 4 and 13 months and could so do with meeting up with a friendly face. Anyone in a similar boat in the Wollongong area and fancy meeting up for a coffee or trip to a park?


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Hey liz my sister in law arrived in Kiama in feb & waiting for their house to rent in kiama downs they have a boy aged 7 in a couple weeks, hope you are enjoying life in sydney Kiama is a lovely place we have family who live their Lx

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  • 4 months later...

Hi we are moving to North Wollongong area next week after only 4 weeks in Oz. OH is looking for IT work and I am waitig for teaching paperwork to be processed. we have 2 kids - Ben 12 and Kate 8. Would love to meet up in a park one weekend.

Carole and John

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Guest Newlymarriedinaus



We are in Kiama. We don't have children but we are up for socialising and making new friends. It would be nice to have a girly drink and a few wines!


Clare and Damian

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Guest Guest41869


We are in Kiama. We don't have children but we are up for socialising and making new friends. It would be nice to have a girly drink and a few wines!


Clare and Damian


girly drinks sounds good, count me in !!!

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Guest Newlymarriedinaus

Cool so now we are all at the point where someone needs to suggest some dates.


So what is good for people and where? Sunday afternoon? any preferences?



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Hi there,

I'm 37, and I'm a single parent with a 9 month old son. I'm in Sussex inlet, about an hour or so from kiama. I moved over in feb. I'm planning on moving Wollongong way at some point. Would be great to meet up for a coffee / in the park?



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Guest Newlymarriedinaus

I think next Sunday is fathers day so maybe we should look at the second or third weekend of September.

Saturday or Sunday Afternoon?Any preference from anyone?

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Guest becki21

hey, hope you are setteling in ok?. me and my partner moved to auz (mount warrigal), not far from you in may. I am 21, my partner is 32. We are both looking to meet people, i have been really homesick, and miss chatting to my friends, We have not many people out here. I am training as a beauty therapist and my partner matt is a mechanic. hope to hear from you :)

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hi becki :)

we are just trying to arrange a date to meet up.


shall we try for sunday 18 sept? any suggestions for where? i'll need to bring my son (as he's only 9 months) will anyone else be bringing kiddies?


(im from london by the way!)



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Guest becki21

Hey, that sounds fab :-). Would just me and my partner, we don't have any children, hope so soon tho :-).. Will have a think about a place :-). Cheers for replying back x

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Guest becki21
Hey, that sounds fab :-). Would just me and my partner, we don't have any children, hope so soon tho :-).. Will have a think about a place :-). Cheers for replying back x


Were from S****horpe :-) x

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hahaha, i get where you meant!


any update for sun 18th? how many takers do we have? and does anyone have a venue preference?



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any update for sunday people? :)


There is a really nice coffee place in Keira ville called zanders if you just wanted coffee and a little something to eat x

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