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Does anyone live here?


We have visited many time and love it and hope to perhaps move there soon (its on the short list together with Adelaide).


I wont bore you with any more moans about why we want to leave Melbourne but is Torquay any or all of these things in your experience:


1. Safe

2. Friendly

3. Not boring like Greensborough

4. Full of hoons driving at 100mph everywhere

5. Good for kids, good schools

6. Easy to get a rental property



Thanks so much. Looking forward to hearing.

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Guest The Pom Queen

If youa re saying not boring, then not sure what you will think, it's not a huge city like Melbourne.

Have you looked at Queensland?

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The tone of this posts reflects my negative thinking at that time but I will leave it here for now!

Is there anyhere in Queensland you would reccommend? I love Queensland and would move there is a flash, but my wife worries about the extreme heat. Whats funny is how quickly you acclimatise to the heat tho and we are currently finding 10 degrees freezing! I am sure we would get used it.

You know I think our frustrations with Melbourne are not really about Melbourne at all, there are lots of nice areas, we find Jollimont, all along the river in the city, Warrendyte, Hurstbridge, Fitzroy and all around there to be wonderful. The problem is with having such a short timeframe to find accommodation we find ourselves somewhere we would rather not be and stuck for a year, we will be in a much better position soon when we can move having found nicer places. I think our frustrations stem more from homesickness, a fairly grotty house, some pretty irritating neighbours, and my wifes battles with Ahpra nursing registrations meaning she has not been able to work for 6 months.

I think people in the UK are often not prepared for all the things that moving here involves and so much of it is out of your control in the first year, but Im sure it improves and I think we may stay around Melbourne for another year at least as it will be better when we can move from our current house.

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Guest The Pom Queen
The tone of this posts reflects my negative thinking at that time but I will leave it here for now!

Is there anyhere in Queensland you would reccommend? I love Queensland and would move there is a flash, but my wife worries about the extreme heat. Whats funny is how quickly you acclimatise to the heat tho and we are currently finding 10 degrees freezing! I am sure we would get used it.

You know I think our frustrations with Melbourne are not really about Melbourne at all, there are lots of nice areas, we find Jollimont, all along the river in the city, Warrendyte, Hurstbridge, Fitzroy and all around there to be wonderful. The problem is with having such a short timeframe to find accommodation we find ourselves somewhere we would rather not be and stuck for a year, we will be in a much better position soon when we can move having found nicer places. I think our frustrations stem more from homesickness, a fairly grotty house, some pretty irritating neighbours, and my wifes battles with Ahpra nursing registrations meaning she has not been able to work for 6 months.

I think people in the UK are often not prepared for all the things that moving here involves and so much of it is out of your control in the first year, but Im sure it improves and I think we may stay around Melbourne for another year at least as it will be better when we can move from our current house.


We are in FNQ which I would highly recommend, however, there are other stunning areas to Queensland and I love the Gold Coast area. I believe the Sunshine Coast is stunning as well. I understand what you mean about the heat, when we first moved to Melbourne it was winter yet we thought it was lovely and warm, however, after 7 years it was too blinkin cold. We moved up to FNQ thinking we would struggle with the heat, but unless you are a brickie/gardener etc, it's fine as you have air con at home and then when you go out its in the car and then wherever you end up going.

I do understand your thoughts on Melbourne and to be honest that first 3 months are usually a make or break situation. Unless things run smoothly for you then all the emotions start pouring out.

In regards to your rental, you do realise you can get out of the contract don't you? If you are not happy there move on. There may be an admin fee to pay and rent until they find a new tenant but in the current market you shouldn't be looking at more than a couple of weeks before a new tenant is found.

I understand where you are coming from with AHPRA there were lots of nurses in the same situation and it was a very stressful time for everyone, even those who were happily settled in Melbourne.

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Thanks, i think we are starting to find things a bit easier. I think the first year must be the hardest with such a short time to find a house etc. Once we have residency we can please ourselves so wont feel as stuck. With regards to our house, it was empty for a while (we think) before we took it on and the house up the road has been empty for ages, they have viewings every Saturday and have done for weeks! We would be stuffed if we left and they couldnt re-let it (I just cant see the estate agent bothering if the rent is getting paid but maybe that would not be the case!). To be honest the area is safe enough, the weather has been amazing as we are off on a 2 week road trip to S.A next week so things are not all that bad, but Im sure it will improve next year. Thanks for your thoughts, I am interested in where you can work in FNQ, it does appeal tho and maybe I need to start working on my wife! I have been there before and loved it, pretty wild and absolutely beautiful.

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