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Melbourne getting less smelly


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A bit of a climb down here I guess but I must say in the days since my now clearly legendary post "Melbourne Smells" things are becoming less smelly. It may be that deodarant I have purchased.


As we get out and about and see more places I would like to change my opinion to "certain streets in the CBD after dark smell, where I live have too many hoons but thats about all I have to moan about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


My point I would like to make now, really to people in the Uk is that it can take time to settle in in Australia and it can be hard work. We are all here because we are chasing a dream and maybe we wanted that too be a reality immediately.


BUT ITS WORTH IT!! We dont regret coming for a second, and are certainly having an experience and things are improving.


I have tried to remove "Melbourne Smells" now as I feel I have made my point and genuinely apologise if I appeared unduly negative.


Thanks for you comments. Its been entertaining! But I wont be mentioning the smell again!


Good luck to you all in your journey.

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First of all- good for you for admitting that you have changed your mind! We can all think of certain parts of more or less any city in the world that isn't the best and Melbourne certainly has a few bits like that. I do think it is a city that is improving and on the up just now- much better than even 10 years ago and some parts are just gorgeous. It is not an 'in your face' place though and you have to know where to look for the hidden beauties!

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We all have our moments Blobby when posting usually mine are after the red vino colapso :laugh:


Glad you are seeing with other eyes and as for hoons as I said on another thread they come and they go, when the children turn eighteen they increase when they move in with the girl friend or boy friend they decrease.


Just refuse to pay for tyres.

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We all have our moments Blobby when posting usually mine are after the red vino colapso :laugh:


Glad you are seeing with other eyes and as for hoons as I said on another thread they come and they go, when the children turn eighteen they increase when they move in with the girl friend or boy friend they decrease.


Just refuse to pay for tyres.


Oh please tell my son that Petals, currently paying $1800 for a fire hydrant he knocked over going round the roundabout too fast:mad:but what would I know???? LOL

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Oh please tell my son that Petals, currently paying $1800 for a fire hydrant he knocked over going round the roundabout too fast:mad:but what would I know???? LOL


He will learn Olly. I find it funny that its other people's children who are the hoons, bullies, bad, not to be mixed with etc. Not ours :laugh:


I know my children were well behaved and pillars of society in their teens. That is why I spent a night in Emergency with my daughter after she had been to a party and someone had "spiked her drink", likely story :laugh:

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