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Que Sera Sera

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And now, the end is near,

And so I face the final curtain.

My friends, I'll say it clear;

I'll state my case of which I'm certain.


I've lived a life that's full -

I've travelled each and every highway.

And more, much more than this,

I did it my way.


Regrets? I've had a few,

But then again, too few to mention.

I did what I had to do

And saw it through without exemption.


I planned each charted course -

Each careful step along the byway,

And more, much more than this,

I did it my way.


Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew,

When I bit off more than I could chew,

But through it all, when there was doubt,

I ate it up and spit it out.

I faced it all and I stood tall

And did it my way.


I've loved, I've laughed and cried,

I've had my fill - my share of losing.

But now, as tears subside,

I find it all so amusing.


To think I did all that,

And may I say, not in a shy way -

Oh no. Oh no, not me.

I did it my way.


For what is a man? What has he got?

If not himself - Then he has naught.

To say the things he truly feels

And not the words of one who kneels.

The record shows I took the blows

And did it my way.


Yes, it was my way.




Thanks so much PIO its been great. But all great things must come to an end and after years of being on here, tonight I realised that I dont really serve much purpose anymore. Everyone knows how I feel about my new life, after 10 months of living in this place I still love it every damn bit and am now counting down the days until I can become a Citizen:jiggy::biggrin:

The visa process has changed beyond recognition to me, and recent arrivals here have had so many different experiences to those when I arrived that I dont want to give out misleading information. :goofy::chatterbox:


To those still trying to get here all the very best to you and beleive me its worth every damn minute of struggle. To those that are here, try to remember what brought you here in the beginning and to those that are heading back to the UK, good luck to you all.


Thanks for many years of fun PIO:notworthy::notworthy::notworthy: P.S left you with a picture of my Son and Hubby enjoying one of our many free days out !

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Your quote "Thanks so much PIO its been great. But all great things must come to an end and after years of being on here, tonight I realised that I dont really serve much purpose anymore. Everyone knows how I feel about my new life, after 10 months of living in this place I still love it every damn bit and am now counting down the days until I can become a Citizen"


Oi you, get your backside on that chair and keep on posting; your input is all the more valuable to those intending to move to the south west of WA and certainly more positive than many. Your new ideas will certainly help others...:yes:


Cheers, Bobj.

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Guest siamsusie

QSS, I have loved your posts, please come back after having a rest.


Love Susie xx

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Guest guest30085

Ah thats a shame QS - I hope you do come back eventually. Youre one of the nicer people on here :hug:


In the meantime - be happy and be good :wink:

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Guest guest17301

I'm so glad your happy Cath, I know how you feel, when you've had so much to do with PIO as a UK escapee then from the other side.....there comes a point where its just not 'as' relevant as before. But you may well feel the need for a sneaky peek now and again and am sure you will be welcomed back with open arms.


Best of luck for your families future, enjoy your lives to the fullest xx

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Guest Guest31881

You cannot just up and leave, we need sane posters on here, we have enough of the other sort, and just think how valuable your knowledge of your area could be to new members.:biggrin::biggrin:

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Guest siamsusie
You cannot just up and leave, we need sane posters on here, we have enough of the other sort, and just think how valuable your knowledge of your area could be to new members.:biggrin::biggrin:


Oh how I agree there Colin... sane, intelligent, non biatchy, positive, a sad loss to PIO !

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Guest The Pom Queen

A lovely post Cath, but I am sorry to say we are not able to accept your resignation. Good try though:tongue:

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Nobody wants you to go, so.................. you have to stay............ end of. lol


Take a break, write a book, travel, find god, but................ come back re-energised and just.......... think about it.


All the best what ever you do.

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When you're actually living here you'll always be able to offer advice to others and I think you'll always be an asset to the site because of this.


I believe there are some members that are in the UK offering old advice about Australia as things have changed so much since we arrived 7-8 months ago


I only stay on the forum so that I might be able to help someone with a question and give them an up to date response.


I quit several forums and stepped down as mod on 2 also when I left the UK and I'm only active on 2 now because they can rule your life and living here in Australia there is so much more to do than forums hehe


But I guess you can only make this decision yourself...


Good luck if you do decide to leave



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Guest guest36187

All the best with whatever you do. Sometimes a break away is all you need but only you know what is right for you.


Follow your heart x x x



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Guest VickyMel

All the very best Cath, so pleased things are going well for you and your family.


Over the last few years I have laughed and cried with you on your journey - thank you for sharing it with me (and others) it certainly helped keep me sanish as I struggled along during the tough times.


Hope you rather just take a break from us and pop in every now and then.


But I know where you are coming from and wish you well for the future.



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Guest juliemtaylor

So long and thanks for all the fish..


Glad you are loving it, we bought kayaks too and have new lives out here too. Maybe come back in a year and an update?


Julie x

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Guest NeilEB

Hey QSS,


Please don't leave if you think that you aren't relevant anymore - you are!


If you want to leave because of the time it takes up then fair enough, but you are still relevant!!



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I understand where you are coming from. Been in Melbourne for nearly 3 years now and everything relating to the immigration process has changed so much. I have shared all the knowledge I have on various subjects and our life in Melbourne. Reached out to and met a few people who have moved to the same area as us and tried to arrange a few meets that got rained off! It has been a real help and hopefully I have collectively helped others during discussions. All I can say as a final note is; Give it your best shot regardless of where you are in the process. Goodbye.

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