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Which pet?


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Typical Aussie Pet to have is two and they are maltese cross dogs that is all I see these days.


My neighbour has a Rottweiler and she is such a lovely dog but she gets little attention and I feel for her. They look after her fine but she is just so alone.


I used to have three dogs and three cats but after the last two dogs passed away we just kept the cats , they do not mind being left if we go away. As long as they have a comfortable bed, food they are anybodies :laugh:

We have moggies as I adopt them from the RSPCA but a lot of people opt for a pedigree pet these days. I love the British shorthairs


We have moggies too. We got them as kittens from the pound. They were 'death row' kittens that were due to be euthanased. The younger of the two was really poorly when we first got her (they told us she was 8 weeks old, our vet said more like 4 weeks) but after hourly medication, rehydration and feeding for two weeks she got better.


Our cats are totally part of our family, always around playing with the children etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Chinkerbell

We took our Siamese over after we settled. She was in the house for four weeks and driving us all mad, literally climbing the walls.........desperate to get out as she had been an outdoor cat at home. So after spending a fortune on toys, climbing frames etc for her before she arrived she was still not a happy moggie at all. We made the decision to let her out, and on her first day that was fine....after an hour she came back in, and I bottled it as I didnt want anything to happen to her. She still persisted....so we let her out again and within half an hour she had been hit by a car right outside our home. A neighbour alerted us to her lying in the road and cars driving past her! She had sustained 4 breaks to her pelvis, and several cuts and bruises and a slightly displaced jaw. $4000 later, she is absolutely, definately now a house cat.......no matter what she does to get out!! Oh, and we did have pet insurance........or so we thought!! After a mistake in our giving one digit wrong in our bank details, the insurance company cancelled our policy after being unable to collect a payment, but we didnt know and they made no effort to contact us. When I phoned them after the accident, they said they had cancelled our policy 2 weeks earlier! :realmad: We were stunned.......

Cat is on her 2nd week of cage confinement, and may have to lose her left hind leg as there was significant neurological damage. A very tough lesson leart by us all..........

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Guest Chinkerbell
Oh dear Chinkerbell...that's awful for you all (((hugs)))


Have only just got my internet connected at our new place and this is the first post I see :cry:


Think we'll go with hermit crabs.... :eek:



Hermit crabs are great! Unfortunately my daughter doesn't agree...... Lol

The kitty is doing good, shouldn't have survived the vet reckons so we are all getting over it nicely! There are a couple of random cats where we are, and no one seems to have an issue with them.......

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Oh dear Chinkerbell...that's awful for you all (((hugs)))


Have only just got my internet connected at our new place and this is the first post I see :cry:


Think we'll go with hermit crabs.... :eek:


Hermit crabs are fab. Just make sure you get a decent tank and some warmth (small heat lamp) for them. Shallow water for them to wade in and some sand, driftwood and stuff. Loads of books out there on keeping them.


I used to handle mine daily and so long as you are careful they are gentle and easy to pick up and hold. Also fascinating to watch in the tank.


One other thing, as soon as you get a couple, start looking for shells for them to grow in to. They need to move up to larger shells every so often and if they don't have shells to try out and move in to they won't survive. You can probably find them on beaches or failing that, check with the store you buy them from, they should be able to order some in for you. I know when I last looked into getting some here the shop said they could order some in. Need a variety of sizes so they can find the right fit.

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Guest girlinOZ
Now we've found our permanent home we'd like to get the kids a pet as they're missing our pets from home badly.

I was thinking a cat or a rabbit but read something about cats no being good for Aus so don't want to add to any problems and haven't seen any about either come to think of it! Sort of wonder whether rabbits might not be too great then either...:unsure:


So what's a typical Aussie pet?


A croc? lol:wink:

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