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Any thoughts anyone?

Guest Andy

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I have to say though that utilities are going through the roof lately and they've just announced another rise in leccy.


It's the same in the UK. Anyone thinking of moving back from Oz (even after just a couple of years) should bear in mind the utility bills are now in a whole different stratosphere from where they were when you left.

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Guest Andy
Andy, I'm a bit different to most in that I don't have a mortgage. When we cleared the mortgage, we continued to put the money we would be spending on the mortgage into the wife's superann so we aren't better off, but she will be when i pop me clogs.


I can only illustrate how we live with what she clears after putting that sum into superann. She clears between 1200 and 1400 a fortnight as she only works a 9 day fortnight and has done so since Jake was diagnosed as autistic so her wage is lower than her peers in that respect.


Out of that sum, we manage to run and insure 3 cars (Jake hasn't started paying for his yet, but we will dock him when he's eighteen). His insurance alone is 1500 bucks pa. :arghh: We aren't paying his school fees anymore as he is now working but isn't contributing until such tiime as he pays us back for the car we bought him but we were paying up until 5 months ago so school fees for both of ém were around 12k so there's an average of 240 bucks a week on education alone. Leccy about 80, (these are outgoings per week) Insurances and regos about 60, rates and water about 40. Knock those off the fortnightly wage and we still live well. I have to say though that utilities are going through the roof lately and they've just announced another rise in leccy.


Even if we were struggling though, we wouldn't think of going back, despite the exchange rate. For us it's about how we feel here as to how we felt in the UK. I have to say we never felt safe where we lived and I was a bit of a handful back then and don't scare easy. I do though feel heartfelt sympathy for those coming here now.........everything is against them and they really must be motivated to take the risk. If "comfortable" is on their agenda, they ain't gonna find it easily.


Good luck



Thanks for that very honest post, much appreciated

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