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Recession Proof Jobs.

Guest guest37336

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

I keep reading posts from people who are coming back to the uk and some say, the education isn't as good over in Australia, i don't know so i can't comment, but regardless of whether it is or isn't a good education in the uk is little guarantee of a good well paid job these days and i would prefer my kids having a slightly lesser education in Australia, with a good well paid job at the end of it. Don't come back to the uk for your kids education, it isn't just the lack of good jobs such as nursing, police, prisons, tradies, councils, banks etc, its also the down grading of working terms and conditions in pay and pensions, millions of people up and down the country are being effected by the austerity cuts and i see little future for my kids here at present.

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