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Looking to meet other Brits in Melbourne

Guest NicolaElizabeth

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Guest NicolaElizabeth

Hi Im moving over to Melbourne from Perth in September 2011. I moved to Perth from Manchester in September last year. Would love to meet like minded girls for drinks, shopping, cinema etc. Im 30 and work in marketing - will be working in the city centre, not sure where I'll live - will also be looking for a female flatmate, similar age.


If you'd like to meet up, or know anyone looking for a place to share email me nicolasutcliffe116@hotmail.com.


Nic x

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Guest Sarah29

Hi Nic,


I'm moving to Melbourne from Canberra in August (moved to Canberra from the UK a bit over 3 years ago), and it would be great to meet another newbie Melbournian once you've arrived! I'm going to be staying with a friend until I find my own digs close to the city. I'm 29 and work in construction. I know a couple of people in Melbourne, but it would be fab to meet more (especially some expats - people that wont take the p*ss out of my accent, unlike my workmates, who even after 3 years haven't had enough of it yet!! :laugh:).


I'll email your hotmail sometime in the week to say hi!



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Guest NicolaElizabeth

Hi Sarah - would be great to meet when I arrive, should be end Sep/early Oct. Where are you from in the UK? I think the ozzies have trouble understanding my accent most of the time! Good luck with your move and will keep in touch and see you there!

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Hi both


We're moving over early October - am 33 and definitely into shopping, drinks and cinema!


Be good to keep in touch - hope to be living/working in the city.


Currently in Bristol but from Cornwall originally - so coming with my full westcountry accent :biggrin:

Maddie x

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Guest NicolaElizabeth

Hi Maddie - you must be really excited moving over from the UK! have you been before? Definitely meet up when you arrive, stay in touch until then and we will arrange something! X

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Guest NicolaElizabeth

Its exciting but stressful! The months before we came here were just hectic! I was upset to leave everyone but was so excited that kind of took over, there were lots of tears at the airport though! Good luck with it all and stay in touch - are you on facebook I'll add you and keep in touch?

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Guest Sarah29

Hi girls,


I'm from Kent originally and spent my post uni years in Norwich so I have a fairly non-descript accent really but that doesn't stop the guys here from making fun (and their attempts at talking cockney are pretty hilarious), to make matters worse though, my folks back home complain that I sound like an Aussie, so I can't win!!!


Maddie, the next 3 months will go so quickly, you'll wonder why you didn't have time to say a proper goodbye to everyone! And then you'll be here wondering what the hell you've gotten yourself into! Luckily for me, when I first got here (and seriously debated my mental state at agreeing to move the the other side of the world on my own) I only had about 3 days before I started my job, so I soon got into a routine and got used to the place, and now I can't imagine living back in the UK.


Current plan for me is to move down around 23rd August, so I'll scope out the place before you guys arrive so I can be a suitably knowledgeable tour guide!!!!


Keep in touch, and I'll see you there in a couple of months!!



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